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About In keeping with our mission, the DNR is dedicated to working with Wisconsinites while preserving and enhancing the natural resources of Wisconsin.
Adventure - Deer Welcome to Wisconsin's online deer camp — your one-stop shop to get out and hunt this season. Whether you're a new hunter going out for the first time or returning for another exciting hunt, we've got everything you need to get started.
Aid The DNR administers many grant and loan programs.
Air Emissions Each year facilities throughout the state that emit air pollutants are required to report their emissions to the DNR.
Air Permits Owners or operators of industrial sources that emit pollutants to the atmosphere need to get an air permit.
Air Quality Good air quality is important for human health and the environment. The DNR both monitors the state's air quality and implements regulations to improve and protect it.
ATV All-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle riding is a growing sport in Wisconsin. Along with the privilege of enjoying the sport comes the responsibility of making sure you are operating these vehicles safely and responsibly.
Beaches From the cobble beaches of Washington Island, to the gently rolling dunes of Sheboygan, to the soft, sandy beaches of our inland lakes and rivers, beaches are nature's nirvana.
Boat Water-based outdoor activities are among the most popular recreation activities in Wisconsin. Abundant water resources across the state offer a wide variety of recreation options from high speed motorboating to lazy lounging at the beach.
Brownfields Brownfields are abandoned commercial or industrial properties where reuse is complicated by potential or actual contamination.
Business Whether your business is large or small, starting up or looking to expand, or striving to go above and beyond environmental requirements, our team is here to help you be successful.
CAFO Wisconsin’s agriculture businesses contribute more than $88.3 billion to our economy. Agribusinesses, however, have potential for discharging pollutants to Wisconsin’s waterways.
Contact Call Center Staff Available 7 Days a Week (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) Call Toll Free 1-888-WDNRINFO (1-888-936-7463) Email us for help.
County Forests Each year, county forests generate anywhere from $40-50 million in timber revenues, resulting in approximately 16,000 jobs and $4.6 billion in forest products production. County forests also provide many recreational and tourism opportunities.
Dams A dam is a barrier that impounds water and generally serves the primary purpose of retaining water.
Demo If you are working on a demolition, construction or renovation project, there are several DNR programs you will want to work with.
Drinking Water Safe, clean drinking water is what we expect when we turn on our faucets.
E-cycle TVs, laptops, cellphones and other electronics are made out of valuable materials that can be reused through recycling.
E-Pay The Wisconsin DNR issues invoices and collects money for many different environmental and conservation programs. If your invoice specifically states that E-Pay is available, then you may use the options on the E-Pay page.  
Education DNR education, outdoor skills and recreational safety programs provide great opportunities for students to develop both environmental and conservation ethics to ensure Wisconsin's natural resources remain sustainable for generations to come.
Emergency The DNR's emergency management officer is responsible for coordinating DNR activities in response, recovery and mitigation of natural or human made disasters or emergency situations, such as floods, high winds, wildfires, dam outages, spills and d
Employment The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) employs a large, diverse workforce throughout our state. We seek employees with a strong customer service philosophy and an attitude of helpfulness.
Endangered Resources The DNR's Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation helps protect and restore Wisconsin's rare plants, animals and state natural areas.
Enviro-Check Enviro-Check empowers businesses and facilities to proactively verify they are meeting environmental requirements through a third-party assessment.
Environmental Contamination & Cleanup The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties.
Environmental Impact Analysis Under the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act, the DNR is required to analyze, consider and publicly-disclose the environmental impacts of certain department actions.
ER Review We partner with landowners, businesses, communities and other customers to consider potential impacts of land development and management projects on rare species very early in the project planning process.
Facilities and Lands The Bureau of Facilities and Lands provides professional technical services to other programs within the department for planning, development, and maintenance of department facilities.
Floodplains The goals of the Wisconsin floodplain management program are: to protect life, health and property; to minimize costs for flood control projects; to reduce tax dollars spent for rescue, relief and repair of flood damage; to shorte
Forest Businesses Commercial markets for forest products provide over 60,000 Wisconsin jobs and allow landowners to realize the economic benefits of managing forests.
Forest Fire Wildland fire management in Wisconsin prioritizes the protection of human life, property and natural resources from unwanted wildfires while strategically using prescribed fires to enhance our natural communities and the ecosystems we manage.
Forest Health Whether you're a rural landowner or a city dweller, you can help promote healthy Wisconsin forests. Learn the distributions, life cycles and management options for the pests, plants and diseases that impact them.
Forest Landowners Private woodland owners hold over half of Wisconsin's forested land. Properly managed forests provide important social and economic benefits like clean water, wildlife habitat, aesthetics and recreation.
Forest Management The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry provides a suite of tools and resources to assist private and industrial foresters. The resources below are intended for those engaged in actively managing Wisconsin's forests.
Forest Planning As stewards of Wisconsin's forests for over 100 years, the Division of Forestry is dedicated to long-range planning and managed forest growth. Effective plans start with good data and a comprehensive understanding of issues at hand.
Forests The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources works to protect and sustainably manage Wisconsin's forest ecosystems to supply a wide range of ecological, economic and social benefits.
Fox River The Lower Fox River PCB cleanup effort began in 2004 and is one of the largest of its kind worldwide.
Go Wild Looking for outdoor adventure? The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is making it easier than ever to get out and Go Wild by offering key licenses and registrations all in one place.
Great Lakes The Great Lakes hold one–fifth of the world's fresh water and Wisconsin's Lake Michigan and Lake Superior waters are critical for those who live along them and for the state's economy, environment and quality of life.
Green Tier Green Tier empowers organizations who are on the path to sustainability by helping them use a systematic approach to minimize risk. We add value by helping align business objectives with environmental stewardship.
Groundwater Approximately two thirds of people living in Wisconsin get their drinking water from groundwater.
Health Waste Healthcare waste may be generated in households or healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, clinics and nursing homes, as well as medical research facilities, laboratories, veterinary practices, first aid stations and schools.
High Water Levels Over the past several years, Wisconsin has received a record-breaking amount of precipitation. Climate change has affected rainfall events by increasing the likelihood that they will occur with much more intensity and frequency.
Hunt In the months leading up to the various Wisconsin seasons, hunters across the state anxiously await their favorite time of year.
Invasives Invasive plants, animals and pests are taking a toll on Wisconsin's lakes, rivers and landscapes. The DNR is working with residents and partners to slow the spread of invasive species.
Laboratory Certification The DNR accredits laboratories to perform testing in aqueous (non-potable water), non-aqueous, and drinking water (potable water) samples for the agency’s covered programs.
Laboratory Services The Department of Natural Resources receives laboratory data from many sources for environmental monitoring.
Lakes It's easy to fall in love with Wisconsin's 15,000 lakes. The DNR partners with the University of Wisconsin - Extension and citizens around the state to help protect and maintain these amazing natural resources while providing some of the best
Landfills Solid waste landfills in Wisconsin are professionally designed, constructed and operated to minimize the risk of pollution. The DNR regulates landfills to prevent negative impacts to people and the environment.
Lands Wisconsin has a variety of outstanding natural resources, such as rushing trout streams, native prairies, vast green forests, pristine wild rivers and picturesque waterfalls.
Maps The DNR produces a wide range of publications and information for the public on hundreds of topics related to the environment, recreation, wildlife, and natural resources.
Mercury Mercury is a hazardous material that causes serious environmental and human health problems.
Mines Local governments have primary responsibility for regulating nonmetallic mines, but the DNR provides oversight for local reclamation programs and ensures that quarries, gravel pits and other operations meet state reclamation requirements.
NHI Wisconsin's Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Program is part of an international network of inventory programs, and it is one part of the
Nonpoint Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution, also known as polluted runoff, is a leading cause of water quality problems in Wisconsin.
OHM Off-highway motorcycle riding in Wisconsin
Open Burning Open burning is outdoor burning in an unconfined area, container or pile. Wisconsin regulations generally prohibit open burning due to the associated health and environmental impacts. There are some exceptions for certain activities.
Open Outdoors The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is committed to providing exceptional outdoor recreation opportunities for people of all abilities around the state.
Operator Certification The program is responsible for ensuring that various types of professional operators have adequate training to perform the necessary tasks at their facilities or businesses.
OutWiGo OutWiGo is a statewide initiative of Wisconsin's state park system that encourages everyone to improve their health and wellness by getting out and active outdoors.
Parks The Wisconsin State Park System provides places for outdoor recreation and for learning about nature and conservation. State parks, forests, trails and recreation areas see more than 20 million visits a year. 
Permits General information for many common licenses and permits issued by the DNR for recreation, environmental, professional/commercial, businesses and municipalities.
PFAS Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large group of human-made chemicals that have been used in industry and consumer products worldwide since the 1950s.
Public Input The DNR has many opportunities available for public input. We offer a central calendar for public hearings and meetings. We also offer opportunities to comment on proposed permanent and emergency administrative rules.
Recycling Wisconsin has a strong history of recycling and composting, and each of us has a role to play in continuing this success. Wisconsin's commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle is shown by its comprehensive recycling laws.
Research The DNR team of research scientists and field technicians work to supply the DNR agency and stakeholders with objective, applied scientific information to support their decision making and to assist in the responsible stewardship of Wisconsin's na
Rivers Wisconsin's 84,000 river miles flow through 15,000 lakes and millions of wetland acres. Explore river information through the links below.
Sectors Environmental Analysis and Sustainability provides a single point of contact service to business and governmental agencies regarding utility, electric generation and transportation projects.
Shoreland Zoning A refreshing dip in clean, clear water. Waking up to songbirds and going to bed to a chorus of frogs. Pulling in panfish one after another.
Small Business Confused by environmental regulations? Wondering where to go for help? You have landed in the right spot!
Snowmobile Wisconsin is the birthplace of snowmobiling and continues to offer some of the best snowmobiling opportunities you are likely to find, especially in northern Wisconsin.
Spills All spill incidents should be reported immediately using the 24-hour toll-free hotline: 1-800-943-0003
State Forests Wisconsin’s state forests provide a wide variety of outdoor activities, while sustainable management and planning play an important role in protecting these valuable resources.
State Natural Areas State natural areas (SNAs) protect outstanding examples of Wisconsin's native landscape of natural communities, significant geological formations and archeological sites.
Stewardship The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund was created in 1989 to preserve important natural communities, protect water quality and fisheries, and expand opportunities for outdoor recreation.
Storm Water Urban storm water runoff contains pollutants from roads, parking lots, construction sites, industrial storage yards and lawns.
Surface Water Wisconsin is a state rich with surface water, including lakes, streams, wetlands, aquifers and springs.
Switchboard The DNR Switchboard is for people who need to securely log in and access forms and reporting systems which are usually related to a specific company or municipality.
Timber Sales The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources manages the state's forestlands for multiple uses following the principles of sustainable forestry.
TMDLs Impaired waters in Wisconsin are largely addressed through an analysis known as a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
Trap The Wisconsin DNR supports modern, regulated trapping as a safe, efficient and practical means of taking target species of furbearers.
Tree Planting Wisconsin's reforestation program grows high-quality native tree seedlings and shrubs to plant on private and public lands for conservation.
Upper Mississippi River As the mighty Mississippi River winds its way along 230 miles of the western border of Wisconsin, it passes through the heart of the majestic bluff country.
Urban Forests Like electricity and water, an urban tree canopy is part of a community's infrastructure.
Vapor Intrusion Chemicals used in commercial activities – such as dry cleaning chemicals, chemical degreasers and petroleum products like gasoline – are known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Volunteer Do you have talents and interests you'd like to share? Concerned about our state's natural resources? If so, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources needs your skills and talents.
Warden Recruitment Since 1879, conservation wardens have been proudly protecting the people and natural resources of Wisconsin.
Waste The DNR ensures proper management of solid waste through regulation of landfills and other solid waste management facilities.
Wastewater The DNR regulates municipal and industrial operations discharging wastewater to surface water or groundwater through the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit program.
Water Use Wisconsin is water-rich and DNR is committed to ensuring that our water use is sustainable. The DNR’s Water Use Program implements the Great Lakes–St.
Watersheds Wisconsin's abundant waters extend over 330 watersheds and 32 basins.
Waterways You can help us preserve Wisconsin waters for current and future enjoyment.
Wells About one-quarter of Wisconsin's population drinks water drawn from over 800,000 private wells. Wells are safe, dependable sources of water if sited wisely and built correctly.
Wetlands Wetlands are nurseries for fish and wildlife, purifiers for lakes, rivers and groundwater, and storage for floodwaters.
Wildlife Habitat Nothing quite compares with the experience of watching a wild animal in its native habitat. Wildlife in its natural setting gives us all something we need: a connection with nature and a sense of wonder, peace and beauty.
Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine Wisconsin Natural Resources keeps the public updated and informed about DNR programs, recreational opportunities, partner news and the state’s bountiful and beautiful natural resources.