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The Wisconsin DNR supports modern, regulated trapping as a safe, efficient and practical means of taking target species of furbearers. Trapping in Wisconsin is highly regulated and is a useful tool in ensuring that healthy and diverse furbearer populations are sustained into the future. Modern trapping practices and regulations are based mainly on thorough evaluations of commercially available traps and common trapping methods, commonly known as Best Management Practices (BMPs). These evaluations are based on comprehensive metrics, including animal welfare, efficiency, selectivity, practicality and safety.

Special Note: Anyone wishing to trap in Wisconsin must complete a Wisconsin Trapper Education Course. These courses cover standard trapping techniques and emphasize current regulations, trapper ethics and animal welfare. Check out the Trapper Education Course card below for more information. 

Trapping Season Dates

Trapping season dates and application deadlines.

Trapping Licenses and Fees

Trapping Information on how to apply for a permit, fees and other requirements.

Trapping Regulations

A summary of Wisconsin's trapping laws and how they affect you with links to informational pdf pamplets.

Where to Trap

Find public lands available for trapping

Trapping Registration

Information on trapping harvest registration

Trapper Education Course

Three options available to learn the necessary skills required to obtain your Trapper Education certification.

Trapping Workshops

Explore special trapping workshops for women and youth

Wolf Hunting And Trapping

Find information season dates, rules and regulations, harvest quotas and more.
Wolf Hunting And Trapping


Everything you need to know about drawing results for Bobcat and Fisher Permits.

Furbearer Advisory Committee

The Furbearer Advisory Committee represents interested conservation groups and government agencies.
Furbearer Advisory Committee