DNR Resources for Local Government
Local governments (towns, cities, villages and counties) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) work together in many ways. We partner to enhance natural resources, ensure the health and safety of our residents, and strive to ensure our respective rules and regulations support our common goals.
This site is designed to help you and local government partners find all the DNR resources you need in one place, including grants and loans, reporting requirements and forms, permit information and applications, regulatory authorities, sample ordinances, and best management practices.
Public Participation
If you or your residents are interested in learning more about and weighing in on DNR topics, our Get Involved page provides an overview of public participation opportunities that range from newsletter subscriptions to study groups.
For specific meetings and proposed rules, see the Public Input Opportunities page.
Tips for using this page
The same information is offered on each tab, one sorted by government department and the other sorted by environmental topic. If you prefer to search the page for a keyword, click on the tab that is sorted by department and Press Ctrl+F (on Windows PC, Chromebook, or Linux system), or Command+F (on a Mac) on the keyboard to search the list of resources and regulations.
Unless otherwise noted, grants and resources apply to all levels of local government.
by local government department
Information for local governments – sorted by department
Development & Planning
Economic development & business support
- List of resources curated for businesses, including links to business support programs, a comprehensive list of links for permits and reporting and a direct link to the DNR switchboard.
- Toolbox of DNR business support resources for economic development professionals, including:
- Ready-to-publish newsletter articles describing DNR's Business Support programs
- Brochures explaining each of our programs
- Archives of past email news for economic development professionals
- Subscribe to our email news for economic development professionals
Contamination & clean-up
- Overview of local governments and contaminated property, including liability, financial resources & tax tools
- Funding to assess brownfield sites
- Ready for Reuse program provides funds to sites that are ready to begin cleanup activities and have enough secured funding to finish the cleanup
Erosion, Storm water, Floodplains, & Waterways
- Presentations & fact sheets for municipalities on:
- MS4 storm water permit requirements
- storm water management program implementation
- technical standards
- compliance evaluation and financing
- Exemptions from waterfront development requirements (specific projects including shoreline maintenance, intake/outtake structures, dredging, boat structures, etc.)
- Cost-share grants to improve water quality by working with owners and operators of livestock operations to meet pollution requirements
- Grants to reimburse costs for agricultural or urban runoff management practices in targeted areas with water quality concerns
- Grants to reimburse costs of planning or construction projects that control urban nonpoint source and storm water runoff pollution
- Floodplain management publications and grants, including:
- model zoning ordinances
- sample letters & documents
- newsletters & handbooks
- three grant programs
Forestry, Parks & Recreation
- County Forest information
- Forms and handbooks
- Public lands toolkit (regeneration, subcontractors, timber sales)
- Timber sales reports
- Monitoring reports
- Grants to purchase forest land available to counties with lands entered under the County Forest Program
- Grants to fund County Forest Administrators available to any county employing a professional forester in the position
- Grants for special, short term, or unanticipated projects that promote sustainable forestry available to counties with lands enrolled in the County Forest Law
- Reimbursement grants for local fire departments to purchase equipment to prevent and fight wildland fires
- Urban forestry grants, including
- Cost-sharing for new, innovative projects that develop sustainable urban and community forestry programs
- Cost-sharing for starting or restarting an urban forestry program
- Funds to repair, remove or replace urban trees after catastrophic storms
Shoreland, streambanks & wetlands
- Shoreland Protection – Model County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance for Wisconsin's Shoreland Protection
- Resources for local government to safeguard our shorelines, including:
- Laws and regulations
- Model zoning ordinances
- Newsletters, handbooks and other publications
- Wisconsin Wetland Conservation Trust - sells wetland credits to permittees needing to offset authorized wetland impacts
Land acquisition, maintenance & improvement
- Stewardship grants to buy land for stream bank protection, easements, natural areas, county forests, recreational boating facilities, snowmobile & ATV trails, community gardens, local parks and urban greenspace
- Grants to cover 50% of acquisition and/or development of land to provide high-quality outdoor recreational opportunities
- Grants for Weed Management Groups to remove invasive plants and provide education, information and outreach
- Grants to support development, maintenance, preservation, restoration and maintenance of wild turkey, pheasant and waterfowl and their associated habitats
- Grants for wildlife habitat management, improvement, inventories and education available to counties that have lands in the County Forest Program
- Grants to help develop wildlife plans, implement damage abatement and/or control measures for white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese in urban areas
- Grants to improve fish and wildlife resources available to counties and tribes, including infrastructure, habitat and stocking projects
- Cost-sharing grants for surface water protection and restoration including education, ecological assessments, planning, implementation and aquatic invasive species prevention and control
- Grants to construct fishing piers that are primarily designed to provide public access for shore fishing
- Grants to construct motorboat access projects
- Grants for constructing, renovating and maintaining boating infrastructure facilities for transient recreational vessels at least 26 feet long
- Grants construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of pump-out and dump stations
- Grants for recreational boating facility projects, including channel dredging, construction projects, improvement and repair of locks, navigation aids, rehabilitation, trash skimming equipment and weed harvesting equipment
- Grants for boating enforcement efforts available to counties and municipalities
- Cost-sharing reimbursement grants to develop and maintain recreational trails and facilities
- Grants to acquire, insure, develop and maintain ATV/UTV trails, areas and routes
- Grants for ATV enforcement efforts available to sheriff departments
- Grants to develop and maintain a statewide system of snowmobile trails available to counties and tribes
- Grants for snowmobile enforcement efforts available to sheriff departments
- Cost-sharing reimbursement grants to ensure the education, training and development of safe and ethical hunters and mentors with a preference towards applicants focusing on adults, women and families
- Cost-sharing reimbursement grants to assist in shooting range construction
Health & Safety
- Air quality map, forecast and health advisories by county
- Subscribe to air quality notices by county
- Open burning rules, health impacts, alternatives and complaints
- Open burning publications
- Summary of regulations for open burning, including for air quality maintenance, solid waste management and wildfire prevention
- Grants for wildland firefighting equipment and training
- Comprehensive beach information, including current beach status, advisories, beach health database and historical monitoring and assessments
- Model ordinances for Construction Site Storm Water Management
- Shoreland Protection – Model County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance
- Floodplain regulations and ordinances
Public Works & Utilities
- Overview of the types of air permits and the air permitting process
Air permits might be needed for:- Construction of new sources of air emissions
- Boilers and generators
- Fleets and garages
- Highway departments
- Public works departments
- Landfills
- Waste handling facilities
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Municipal utilities
- Air emissions inventory and reporting, including historical emissions data, electronic reporting tutorials and Emissions Reduction Credit Registry
- Grants to reduce diesel emissions from public and private vehicle fleets
- Overview of managing waste and materials, including solid waste, hazardous waste, recycling and composting
- Composting rules and regulations, including links to site licenses. Composting sites need to be licensed if they have more than 50 cubic yards of compost on-site at any time.
- Responsible unit recycling programs, including requirements, costs and resources for responsible unit managers
- Grants for DNR-approved recycling programs
- Recycling contacts in local units of government lookup tool
- How to recycle electronics in Wisconsin: preparing to recycle, protecting data, finding a recycler, what to recycle, why recycle
- Electronics recycling information for local governments
- Reducing, reusing and recycling plastic bags and wrap, including educational materials
- General solid waste management, including low hazard exemptions
- Waste facility and transporter licenses – Any local government transporting more than 20 tons of solid waste or recyclables during a calendar year needs a waste transportation license. A DNR license is also required for a solid waste
- Cleaning up storm debris
- Infectious waste, including how to handle sharps
- Universal waste: batteries, fluorescent lamps, pesticides, mercury devices and antifreeze
- Clean Sweep, household hazardous waste collection – DNR, DATCP
- Open burning rules, health impacts, alternatives and complaints
- Open burning publications
- Summary of regulations for open burning, including for air quality maintenance, solid waste management and wildfire prevention
- Wisconsin open burning regulatory authorities and model ordinance
- Monthly water withdrawal reporting for high capacity and permitted surface water withdrawals
- Water permits, including a description of permit categories, link to apply, public notices and user guides
Permits may be needed for:- Wastewater discharge
- Storm water runoff
- Aquatic plant management
- Dams
- Water supply
- Water withdrawal
- Waterway and wetland disturbance
- Transportation projects
- Municipal storm water permit overview, including permittee look up, publications and technical guidance, standards and models, grants and MS4 eReporting
- Municipal storm water permit eReporting
- Lists of current WPDES wastewater permit holders, municipal and industrial
- Erosion Control and Storm water management plans, including long term maintenance of storm water features (retention ponds, etc.)
- Municipal storm water presentations and fact sheets
- Grants to reimburse costs for agricultural or urban runoff management practices in targeted areas with water quality concerns
- Grants to reimburse costs of planning or construction projects that control urban nonpoint source and storm water runoff pollution
- Waterway protection exemptions (specific projects including shoreline maintenance, intake/outtake structures, dredging, boat structures, etc)
- A list of state and federal water and wastewater funding sources for municipalities
- Overview of drinking water, including water quality data, plans, regulations, publications, laboratory testing and information for owners and operators
- A collection of resources specifically for municipal waterworks operators
- Public water system plan review, including process overview, requirements, regulations, status search and other resources
- Lists of certified drinking water testing labs
- How to create a Consumer Confidence Report using DNR's CCR Generator
- Municipal water disinfection, including municipal water disinfection list and public drinking water system data
- Source water protection overview, including developing a local program, wellhead protection, financial resources, technical assistance and project examples
- Wastewater plan submittal requirements by project type, including municipal sewage collection system projects, sanitary sewer projects and wastewater treatment systems
- Overview of sewer service area planning
- Floodplain management publications and grants, including:
- model zoning ordinances
- sample letters & documents
- newsletters & handbooks
- three grant programs
- Overview of transportation projects, including environmental impacts, BMPs, learning resources and funding
- Grants to remove dams
by DNR topic
Economic development & business support
- List of resources curated for businesses, including links to business support programs, a comprehensive list of links for permits and reporting and a direct link to the DNR switchboard
- Toolbox of DNR business support resources for economic development professionals, including:
- Ready-to-publish newsletter articles describing DNR’s Business Support programs
- Brochures explaining each of our programs
- Archives of past e-mail news for economic development professionals
- Subscribe to our email news for economic development professionals
Community health
- Air quality map, forecast and health advisories by county
- Subscribe to air quality notices by county
- Open burning rules, health impacts, alternatives and complaints
- Open burning publications
- Summary of regulations for open burning, including for air quality maintenance, solid waste management and wildfire prevention
- Grants to reduce diesel emissions from public and private vehicle fleets
Permits & reporting
- Overview of the types of air permits and the air permitting process
Air permits might be needed for:- Construction of new sources of air emissions
- Boilers and generators
- Fleets and garages
- Highway departments
- Public works departments
- Landfills
- Waste handling facilities
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Municipal utilities
- Air emissions inventory and reporting, including historical emissions data, electronic reporting tutorials, and Emissions Reduction Credit Registry
- Overview of the types of air permits and the air permitting process
Waste & Materials Management
Recycling & Composting
- Responsible unit recycling programs, including requirements, costs, and resources for responsible unit managers
- Grants for DNR-approved recycling programs
- Recycling contacts in local units of government lookup tool
- How to recycle electronics in Wisconsin: preparing to recycle, protecting data, finding a recycler, what to recycle, why recycle
- Electronics recycling information for local governments
- Reducing, reusing and recycling plastic bags and wrap, including educational materials
- Composting overview, including rules and regulations, food waste opportunities map, publications and resources
- Composting rules and regulations, including links to site licenses. Composting sites need to be licensed if they have more than 50 cubic yards of compost on-site at any time.
Solid waste
- General solid waste management, including low hazard exemptions
- Waste facility and transporter licenses – Any local government transporting more than 20 tons of solid waste or recyclables during a calendar year needs a waste transportation license. A DNR license is also required for a solid waste
- Cleaning up storm debris
- Infectious waste, including how to handle sharps
- Universal waste: batteries, fluorescent lamps, pesticides, mercury devices and antifreeze
- Clean Sweep, household hazardous waste collection – DNR, DATCP
- Open burning rules, health impacts, alternatives, and complaints
- Open burning publications
- Summary of regulations for open burning, including for air quality maintenance, solid waste management and wildfire prevention
- Overview of local governments and contaminated property, including liability, financial resources & tax tools
- Local Government Advisory Group to the Wisconsin PFAS Action Council
- Funding to assess brownfield sites
- Ready for Reuse program provides funds to sites that are ready to begin cleanup activities and have enough secured funding to finish the cleanup
- A list of state and federal water and wastewater funding sources for municipalities
Permits & reporting
- Water permits, including a description of permit categories, link to apply, public notices and user guides
Permits may be needed for:- Wastewater discharge
- Storm water runoff
- Aquatic plant management
- Dams
- Water supply
- Water withdrawal
- Waterway and wetland disturbance
- Transportation projects
- Municipal storm water permit overview, including permittee look up, publications and technical guidance, standards and models, grants and MS4 eReporting
- Municipal storm water permit eReporting
- Erosion Control and Stormwater management plans, including long term maintenance of storm water features (retention ponds, etc.)
- Monthly water withdrawal reporting for high capacity and permitted surface water withdrawals
- Waterway protection exemptions (specific projects including shoreline maintenance, intake/outtake structures, dredging, boat structures, etc)
- Water permits, including a description of permit categories, link to apply, public notices and user guides
Surface water
- Comprehensive beach information, including current beach status, advisories, beach health database and historical monitoring and assessments
- Cost-sharing grants for surface water protection and restoration including education, ecological assessments, planning, implementation, and aquatic invasive species prevention and control
Water supply
- How local governments can address water supply security concerns
- A collection of resources specifically for municipal waterworks operators
- Public water system plan review, including process overview, requirements, regulations, status search and other resources
- Laboratories approved for bacteriological and chemical drinking water testing
- How to create a Consumer Confidence Report using DNR's CCR Generator
- Municipal water disinfection, including municipal water disinfection list and public drinking water system data
- How to protect drinking water sources, including developing a local program, wellhead protection, private wells, places to get technical assistance and connecting with other programs that have been successful
- Guidance for municipal and industrial discharges
- Plans for municipal sewerage systems
- Lists of current WPDES wastewater permit holders, municipal and industrial
- Overview of sewer service area planning
Storm water & nonpoint pollution
- Searchable list of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
- Municipal storm water permit overview, including permittee look up, publications and technical guidance, standards and models, grants and MS4 eReporting
- Municipal storm water presentations and fact sheets
- Grants to reimburse costs of planning or construction projects that control urban nonpoint source and storm water runoff pollution
- Grants to reimburse costs for agricultural or urban runoff management practices in targeted areas with water quality concerns
- Cost-share grants to improve water quality by working with owners and operators of livestock operations to meet pollution requirements
Parks & habitat management
- Shoreland Protection – Model County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance for Wisconsin's Shoreland Protection
- Resources for local government to safeguard our shorelines, including:
- Laws and regulations
- Model zoning ordinances
- Newsletters, handbooks and other publications
Financial resources
- Wisconsin Wetland Conservation Trust - sells wetland credits to permittees needing to offset authorized wetland impacts
- Stewardship grants to buy land for stream bank protection, easements, natural areas, county forests, recreational boating facilities, snowmobile & ATV trails, community gardens, local parks and urban greenspace
- Grants to cover 50% of acquisition and/or development of land to provide high-quality outdoor recreational opportunities
- Grants for Weed Management Groups to remove invasive plants and provide education, information and outreach
- Grants to support development, maintenance, preservation, restoration and maintenance of wild turkey, pheasant and waterfowl and their associated habitats
- Grants for wildlife habitat management, improvement, inventories, and education available to counties that have lands in the County Forest Program
- Cost-sharing grants for surface water protection and restoration including education, ecological assessments, planning, implementation and aquatic invasive species prevention and control
- Grants to improve fish and wildlife resources available to counties and tribes, including infrastructure, habitat and stocking projects
- County Forest information
- Forms and handbooks
- Public lands toolkit (regeneration, subcontractors, timber sales)
- Timber sales reports
- Monitoring reports
- Grants to purchase forest land available to counties with lands entered under the County Forest Program
- Grants to fund County Forest Administrators available to any county employing a professional forester in the position
- Grants for special, short term, or unanticipated projects that promote sustainable forestry available to counties with lands enrolled in the County Forest Law
- Reimbursement grants for local fire departments to purchase equipment to prevent and fight wildland fires
- Urban forestry grants, including
- Cost-sharing for new, innovative projects that develop sustainable urban and community forestry programs
- Cost-sharing for starting or restarting an urban forestry program
- Funds to repair, remove or replace urban trees after catastrophic storms
- County Forest information
Outdoor recreation
- Cost-sharing reimbursement grants to ensure the education, training and development of safe and ethical hunters and mentors with a preference towards applicants focusing on adults, women and families
- Cost-sharing reimbursement grants to assist in shooting range construction
- Cost-sharing reimbursement grants to develop and maintain recreational trails and facilities
- Grants for ATV enforcement efforts available to sheriff departments
- Grants to develop and maintain a statewide system of snowmobile trails available to counties and tribes
- Grants for snowmobile enforcement efforts available to sheriff departments
- Grants for boating enforcement efforts available to counties and municipalities
- Grants to acquire, insure, develop and maintain ATV/UTV trails, areas and routes
- Grants for constructing, renovating and maintaining boating infrastructure facilities for transient recreational vessels at least 26 feet long
- Grants to construct fishing piers that are primarily designed to provide public access for shore fishing
- Grants to construct motorboat access projects
- Grants construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of pump-out and dump stations
- Grants for recreational boating facility projects, including channel dredging, construction projects, improvement and repair of locks, navigation aids, rehabilitation, trash skimming equipment and weed harvesting equipment
Wildlife damage
- Grants to help develop wildlife plans, implement damage abatement and/or control measures for white-tailed deer and/or Canada geese in urban areas
- Grants to abate damage and partially compensate commercial agricultural producers for damages from white-tailed deer, black bear, turkey, Canada geese and/or elk available to counties
Transportation & fleets
- Municipal Transportation Projects Individual Permit Checklist
- Grants to reduce diesel emissions from public and private vehicle fleets