Targeted Runoff Management Grant Program
The Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) Grant Program offers competitive grants for local governments for the control of pollution that comes from diffuse sources, also called “nonpoint source (NPS)” pollution. Grants from the TRM Program reimburse costs for agricultural or urban runoff management practices in targeted, critical geographic areas with surface water or groundwater quality concerns.
- 2023/2024 Runoff Management Grant Annual Report
- 2022/2023 Runoff Management Grant Annual Report
- 2021/2022 Runoff Management Grant Annual Report
- Small-Scale Agricultural TRM Instructions
- Large-Scale Agricultural TRM Instructions
- Small-Scale Urban TMDL TRM Instructions
- Summary of Changes to TRM Grant Instructions and Small-Scale Urban TMDL for 2026
Who can apply
Eligible applicants
Cities, villages, towns, counties, regional planning commissions, tribal governments and special purpose lake, sewerage and sanitary districts may apply.
Grant monies may fund the construction and implementation of best management practices (BMPs) to control nonpoint source pollution. They can also fund BMP design as part of a construction project.
The cost-share rate for TRM projects is up to 70% of eligible costs. Municipal employee force account work may be reimbursable by up to 5% of the total project reimbursement.
Cropping Practices & Large-Scale Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) Grants
Eligible projects
- Large-scale total daily maximum load (TMDL) projects
Only agricultural projects designed to meet EPA-approved TMDLs are eligible. Eligible costs include construction of structural best management practices, implementation of non-structural cropping practices and some staffing costs to plan and install management practices. Projects run 3-4 years in duration. Funding is limited to $600,000. - Large-scale non-TMDL projects
Only agricultural projects implementing state agricultural performance standards and prohibitions are eligible. They may be in any area to protect or restore surface water or groundwater. However, the project area may not be less than 8 or more than 39 square miles. Eligible costs include construction of structural best management practices, implementation of non-structural cropping practices and some staffing costs to plan and install management practices. Projects run 3-4 years in duration. Funding is limited to $600,000. - Small-scale TMDL projects
Agricultural and urban nonpoint source control projects designed to meet EPA-approved TMDL goals are eligible for funding. Eligible costs are limited to construction of structural best management practices and acquisition of land or land rights if needed to support the practices. Projects run 2-3 years in duration. Grants are limited to $225,000. - Small-scale non-TMDL projects
Only agricultural projects implementing state agricultural performance standards and prohibitions are eligible. They may be in any area to protect or restore surface water or groundwater. Projects run 2-3 years in duration. Grants are limited to $225,000.
Ineligible projects*
- Projects implementing BMPs for croplands or livestock facilities defined as “new” per s. NR 151.09(4)(b)(3) and s. NR 151.095(5)(b)(2), Wis. Adm. Code.
- Point source pollution control projects required by large livestock operation (CAFO) or storm water discharge permit laws.
- Construction site erosion control.
- New development, post-construction structural BMPs.
- Dredging, draining, or flooding projects unrelated to water quality.
- Dredging of harbors, lakes, rivers and ditches.
*See NR 153.15 (2) Wisconsin Administrative Code [exit DNR] for a comprehensive list of ineligible projects.
All application materials for projects beginning in 2026 are due April 15, 2025.
After the DNR receives the completed applications, DNR staff score and rank the applications. Top ranking projects are allocated available funds. Announcements of grant awards occur in the fall.
How to apply
To apply for a grant, choose the correct application from the charts below based on the project scale, implementation of NR 151 and/or TMDL requirements and agricultural or urban project location.
Applications must be sent electronically by April 15 of the calendar year prior to the awarded grant start year. If April 15 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, April 16/17 will be the deadline.
- Watershed lookup table [XLSX]
- Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) Application Video Tutorial
- Summary of Changes to TRM Grant Instructions and Small-Scale Urban TMDL for 2026
- Grant Decision Tool
- Additional Resources
Choosing the correct application
Be sure to download both the application and instructions. You will need the instructions when completing the application.
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Project is large, has an agricultural pollution source and addresses NR 151 implementation and/or TMDL implementation.
- Large-Scale Agricultural TRM Application (Form 8700-333) [PDF]
- Large-Scale Agricultural TRM Instructions [PDF]
Project is small, has an agricultural pollution source and addresses NR 151 implementation and/or TMDL implementation.
- Small-Scale Agricultural TRM Application (Form 8700-300) [PDF]
- Small-Scale Agricultural TRM Instructions [PDF]
Project is small, has a non-agricultural pollution source and addresses TMDL implementation.
- Small-Scale Urban TMDL TRM Application (Form 8700-332) [PDF]
- Small-Scale Urban TMDL TRM Instructions [PDF]
The TRM grant program offers a small-scale competitive grant for urban runoff management practices to address nonpoint source pollutants specified as causing impairments in areas addressed in an EPA-approved Total Maximum Daily Load report.
Find all Urban-related applications, instructions, Reimbursement and Resources forms, agreements and guides on the Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management Grants webpage.
Additional Resources
- Agricultural Best Management Practices
- Agricultural Performance Standards & Prohibitions
- Geographic & Water Resource Information for Watersheds
- Governmental Responsibility Resolution Template
- Groundwater Susceptibility
- Inter-Governmental Agreement Template
- Non-Agricultural Performance Standards
- Public Drinking Water Supply Bonus Points Map
- Recommended Components Of A Watershed Plan
- TRM Property Acquisition
- Urban Best Management Practices
- Water Quality Need Categories
Grant administration video tutorial and reimbursement checklist
The TRM grant administration video tutorial provides information about entering into cost-share agreements with landowners, seeking reimbursement from DNR, amending your grant, and submitting the final report. All grantees receiving grant awards should view the tutorial prior to submitting the first reimbursement request for their grant.
Notice: Some web browsers do not open PDF files on their own. If you experience trouble opening or filling out a PDF form, visit the DNR PDF help for instructions on how to successfully open PDF files.
Form ID | Reimbursement forms | Instructions |
8700-336 | Reimbursement Request | Instructions for 8700-336 |
9300-230 | Grant Partner Cost Sharing or Matching Report | Must be completed and submitted with each reimbursement request if grant award includes federal funds. |
8700-353 | Force Account Certification | Instructions for 8700-353 |
8700-354 | Local Assistance Certification | Instructions for 8700-354 |
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Grant administration video tutorial
The TRM grant administration video tutorial provides information about entering into cost-share agreements with landowners, seeking reimbursement from DNR, amending your grant, and submitting the final report. All grantees receiving grant awards should view the tutorial prior to submitting the first reimbursement request for their grant.
Grant agreement amendment requests
Successful grant applicants enter into a contractual agreement with the DNR to commit funds for the purpose of implementing grant-eligible best management practices (BMPs). Grantees wishing to amend their existing grant agreement terms, including project scope, costs, and/or grant period, should contact their DNR Regional Coordinator listed on their grant agreement.
Grantees interested in adding, removing, or changing the location of BMPs to be installed, as described in their grant application or current grant agreement, must also complete an Amendment Request Form (Form 8700-308) [PDF].
Cost-share agreement forms
Grantees providing grant funds to private landowners must enter into a cost-share agreement (CSA) between the grantee and the landowner, listing the BMPs and establishing the conditions and considerations under which a cost-share recipient agrees to install and maintain the BMPs listed. In accordance with NR 153.22(4), Wis. Admin. Code, the grantee must obtain DNR approval from their DNR Regional Coordinator prior to executing the agreement. CSA forms are provided below.
- Cost Share Agreement (Form 3400-069) [PDF]
- Cost Share Agreement Amendment (Form 3400-069A) [PDF]
- Satisfaction of Cost Share Agreement (Form 3400-068B) [PDF]
- Release of Cost Share Agreement (Form 3400-068C) [PDF]
Final report form
As of March 1, 2021, all active Targeted Runoff Management grantees must submit their final grant project report using the “BMP Implementation Tracking System” (BITS). Grantees may no longer use the Final Report Form (Form 3400-189A).
The BITS web page includes a user guide and video tutorial to aid TRM grantees submitting their final report via BITS for the first time. DNR staff are available to answer questions and assist grantees with using BITS.
Economic hardship forms
Grantees may exceed the cost-share limits identified under NR 154.03(1), Wis. Admin. Code, if the landowner or land operator that will provide the local share of project costs meets economic hardship requirements of NR 154.03(3), Wis. Admin. Code. Economic Hardship Affidavit and Notification of Determination Forms are provided below.
- Targeted Runoff Mgmt Economic Hardship Affidavit (Form 3400-069B) [PDF]
- Economic Hardship Notification of Determination (Form 3400-069C) [PDF]
Grant administration guides and other resources
- Sample Governmental Responsibility Resolution [Word]
- Uniform Administrative Requirement, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR Part 200) [exit DNR]
- Procurement Guide for Local Governments Receiving DNR Grants [PDF]
- Help with Viewing Portable Document Format (PDF) documents
- List of Grant-eligible Best Management Practices (BMPs) [PDF]
Property acquisition and appraisal information
- Land Acquisition Guidelines for Local Governments (CF-015) [PDF]
- Environmental Hazards Assessment (Form 1800-001) [PDF]
- Real Estate Appraisal Guidelines (LF-048) [PDF]
- Appraisal Report Checklist [PDF]
- Appraiser List [PDF]
Grant related statutes and administrative codes
Contact information
For questions about the grant application process, including project eligibility, please contact:
Joanna Griffin
Runoff Management Grants Program Coordinator
For questions about grant awards and financial administration, please contact:
Corinne Johnson
Nonpoint Source Program Grant Manager
For technical, project-specific questions related to a grant-funded project, please contact your DNR regional nonpoint source coordinator.