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Notice of Intent/Discharge Cost-Share Grants

The DNR and the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) offer cost-share funding grants to governmental units working with owners and operators of livestock operations to meet pollution control requirements imposed by the DNR.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants

Eligible applicants are governmental units working with livestock operation owners or operators with pollution discharge concerns resulting in the issuance of a Notice of Discharge (NOD) or a Notice of Intent to Issue a Notice of Discharge (NOI) from DNR.


Eligible projects

Eligible projects are those designed to implement best management practices (BMPs) for improving water quality impaired by pollution discharges at an animal feeding operation satisfying the conditions of the NOD or NOI.

Ineligible projects

Ineligible projects are those that address previously in-compliance facilities, were included in a previous offer of cost-sharing, cover routine maintenance and operation of BMPs, or cover a significant expansion of the livestock operation.



Completed applications can be submitted electronically continuously throughout the calendar year to the DNR Regional Nonpoint Source Coordinator. Applications will be bundled and reviewed jointly by DNR and DATCP at two or three scheduled times each calendar year depending on available funding:

  • April 15
  • June 15
  • Aug. 15

An additional Oct. 15 submittal and review may be established if funds are available. Applicants will be contacted by DNR and DATCP within three weeks of each scheduled review cycle to further review submitted projects. Unfunded applications remain in consideration for up to one year.


Application materials

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Reimbursement instructions

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Form IDReimbursement formsInstructions
8700-336Reimbursement RequestInstructions for 8700-336
9300-230Grant Partner Cost Sharing or Matching ReportMust be completed and submitted with each reimbursement request if grant award includes federal funds.


Grant agreement amendment requests

Successful grant applicants enter into a contractual agreement with the DNR to commit funds for the purpose of implementing grant-eligible best management practices (BMPs). Grantees wishing to amend their existing grant agreement terms, including project scope, costs and/or grant period, should contact their DNR Regional Coordinator listed on their grant agreement.

Grantees interested in adding, removing, or changing the location of BMPs to be installed, as described in their grant application or current grant agreement, must also complete an Amendment Request Form (Form 8700-308) [PDF].

Cost-share agreement forms

Grantees providing grant funds to private landowners must enter into a cost-share agreement (CSA) between the grantee and the landowner, listing the BMPs and establishing the conditions and considerations under which a cost-share recipient agrees to install and maintain the BMPs listed. In accordance with NR 153.22(4), Wis. Admin. Code, the grantee must obtain DNR approval from their DNR Regional Coordinator prior to executing the agreement. CSA forms are provided below.

Final report form

Starting Nov. 1, 2021, all Notice of Discharge final reports must be submitted using the BMP Implementation Tracking System (BITS). Grantees may no longer use the PDF Final Report Form (Form 3400-189A).

The BITS web page includes a user guide and video tutorial to aid NOD grantees submitting their final report via BITS for the first time. DNR staff are available to answer questions and assist grantees with using BITS.

Economic hardship forms

Grantees may exceed the cost-share limits identified under NR 154.03(1), Wis. Admin. Code, if the landowner or land operator that will provide the local share of project costs meets economic hardship requirements of NR 154.03(3), Wis. Admin. Code. Economic Hardship Affidavit and Notification of Determination Forms are provided below.

Grant administration guides and other resources

Property acquisition and appraisal information


Contact information

For questions about the grant application process, including project eligibility, please contact:

Ben Uvaas, Agricultural NPS Implementation Coordinator
Department of Natural Resources

For questions about grant awards and financial administration, please contact:

Corinne Johnson, Nonpoint Source Program Grant Manager
Department of Natural Resources