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Environmental Project Ideas

What's next? Going beyond the low-hanging fruit to improve your environmental footprint.

This list of ideas is meant to provide inspiration for ambitious and impactful initiatives that can improve your environmental footprint. Green Tier participants have made the commitment to push beyond compliance to tackle larger environmental goals. We hope some of these ideas help you do that.

These projects are not required. It is up to you to choose what is right for your organization's goals and your capacity to challenge yourself to continue moving toward superior environmental performance. There is no one size fits all approach to sustainability, so some of these projects may make sense for some organizations and not for others.

Tips to use:

  • The categories below can be expanded to display a table.
  • Each table can be searched for keywords.
  • Each table is sorted by Topic but can be sorted by Name, Description, or Resource Type.
  • An asterisk (*) in the Name column indicates introductory information.

Resources include: articles, websites, case studies, videos, webinars, certifications, financial assistance, best management practices, tools and general information.

Air Emissions

Air Emissions

Available Topics: Carbon Reduction, Fuel Burning, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Health Impacts, Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), Particulate Matter (PM), Refrigerants, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

TopicNameDescriptionResource Type 
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Aqueous Cleaning ToolkitA toolkit to help businesses assess risk reduction, costs & benefits, and the process to start using water-based solvents. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramToolHAP, solvents, degreasers, Risk Analysis, Assessments and Opportunities, VOC
Hazardous Air PollutantsPollution Prevention Mini-Webinar - Air Emission ReductionsLearn about how and why to reduce air emissions and find resources to help. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramVideo/WebinarVOC
Carbon ReductionsGreenBiz Sustainability ToolsFree ways to level up your sustainability expertise GreenBizToolsclimate change, climate action, GHG, report, sustainability 
Carbon ReductionsConservation and Climate Webinar SeriesA series of webinars for the agriculture industry to learn and discuss climate projections, resource concerns, adaptation strategies, and how to communicate it all with diverse stakeholders. Source: WI Land & WaterVideo/Webinarclimate change, conservation, adaption, mitigation
Carbon ReductionsEPA Scope 3 emissions informationInformation and guidance for calculating scope 3 emissions for your organization. Source: EPAArticleclimate change, climate action, GHG
Carbon ReductionsEPA greenhouse gas reduction programsA list of resources and guides to help your organization identify and implement GHG reduction opportunities. Source: EPAToolsustainability, sustainable, strategy, opportunities
Health ImpactsClean Air Business Case FrameworkThis framework from the World Economic Forum provides steps, examples and tips for businesses that want to assess the value of reducing air pollution and want to understand who to involve and how to do so. Source: World Economic ForumToolESG, pollution, health, strategy, private sector
Health ImpactsMaking Clean Air Your BusinessProvides key messages to get started engaging with your shareholders, leadership team and employees to tackle air pollution and get initial support for action. Assembled by the World Economic Forum. Source: World Economic ForumArticleESG, pollution, health, strategy, private sector
Carbon ReductionsCarbon CaptureTechnologies and solutions available for carbon capture. Source: C2ESArticlecarbon capture, conservation, adaption, mitigation
Carbon ReductionsDecarbonizing BuildingsOpportunities for Commercial buildings to decarbonize. Source: C2ESWebsiteelectrification, Greenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsDecarbonizing US IndustryOpportunities and challenges of decarbonization facing industry today. Source: C2ESArticleGreenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsGreenhouse Gas Emissions Management for Small Businesses & Low EmittersA guide to estimating and reducing an Organization's GHG emissions. Source: EPAArticleGreenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsOverview of Greenhouse GasesLearn about the most important greenhouse gases (GHGs) and opportunities for reducing emissions. Source: EPAWebsiteGreenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsSteps Corporations Can Take to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsA guide to setting GHF reduction targets and providing information on the three types or Scopes of emissions as defined by the GHG Protocol. Source: LevelTen EnergyWebsiteGreenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsWhat We Can Do to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsA description of policies, technologies and actions that can help reduce GHG emissions across a selection of sectors. Source: C2ESArticleGreenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsEPA's Simplified GHG Emissions CalculatorA simplified calculation tool to help small businesses and low emitters estimate their annual GHG emissions. Source: EPAToolGreenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsGHG Calculation ToolsA listing of all tools available from GHG Protocol. These tools allow companies to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions. Source: GHG ProtocolsToolGreenhouse Gas
Carbon ReductionsP2 Cost Savings Calculator [XLS]A calculator to help quantify the financial savings from implementing Pollution Prevention activities. Source: EPAToolPollution, Prevention, Assessment
Carbon ReductionsP2 Greenhouse Gas Calculator [XLS]A calculator to help quantify the GHG emission reductions from the Pollution Prevention activities. Source: EPAToolPollution, Prevention, Assessment
Fuel BurningBiomass and the EnvironmentOverview of the impacts of biomass including benefits and costs. Source: EPAGeneral Information and DataPropane
Fuel BurningEnvironmental Impacts of Natural GasOverview of environmental impacts of natural gas use and the importance of considering lifecycle. Source: UCSGeneral Information and DataNatural Gas
Fuel BurningHealth Impacts of Natural Gas and BiomassKey takeaways for businesses to understand the overall impact of natural gas usage. Source: Harvard School of Public HealthGeneral Information and DataNatural Gas
Fuel BurningNatural Gas and the EnvironmentOverview of the impacts of natural gas including benefits and costs. Source: EIAGeneral Information and DataNatural Gas
Fuel BurningPropane as an Alternative FuelOverview of propane and its potential as an alternative energy fuel. Source: Alternative Fuels Data CenterGeneral Information and DataPropane
Fuel BurningWood Energy 101Information about using wood for energy with consideration for health and environmental impacts. Source: UW ExtensionGeneral Information and DataBiomass
Fuel BurningBiomass implications for energy and economy in WisconsinNews article outlining biomass' potential as a leading renewable resource for Wisconsin. Source: Energy News NetworkArticleBiomass
Fuel BurningWisconsin State Wood Energy Team Case StudiesCase Studies for using wood as a resource for heat or power. Source: UW ExtensionCase StudyBiomass
Fuel BurningBurn Wise Program | EPA Guidance on Burning WoodRules/BMPs/tools for wood burning. Source: EPABest Management PracticesBiomass
Fuel BurningPropane for Commercial Buildings and ConstructionDownload various guides for building or constructing with propane as fuel. Source: Propane.comBest Management PracticesPropane
Fuel BurningSafe Propane StorageCertification standard to eliminate ozone depletion from refrigerant use in new construction. Source: US Green Building CouncilBest Management PracticesPropane
Fuel BurningPropane Fueling Station LocationsFind liquefied petroleum gas (propane) fueling stations in the United States and Canada. Source: Alternative Fuels Data CenterToolPropane
Fuel BurningWoody Biomass Harvest GuidelinesSustainable harvest of woody biomass from forested areas within the context of generally accepted forestry practices. Source: DNRToolBiomass
Fuel BurningWoody Biomass ResourcesDNR's Forest Product Services Team page on how they can help businesses with biomass. Source: DNRToolBiomass
Hazardous Air PollutantsLess Toxic Alternatives in Solvent ApplicationsList of alternatives for some of the higher-toxicity solvents used in industry and the service sector. Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource CenterGeneral Information and DataHAP
Hazardous Air PollutantsLess Toxic Auto Repair: Degrease with AqueousDetails on two aqueous alternatives to petroleum-based solvents without the toxic exposure. Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource CenterGeneral Information and DataHAP
Hazardous Air PollutantsSafer Alternatives to Cleaning SolutionsResources to help companies and organizations move away from toxic chemicals and toward safer alternatives. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramGeneral Information and DataHAP
Hazardous Air PollutantsAqueous Cleaning ToolkitA toolkit to help businesses assess risk reduction, costs & benefits, and the process to start using water-based solvents. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramToolHAP, solvents, degreasers, Risk Analysis, Assessments and Opportunities, VOC
Hazardous Air PollutantsSearch Products that Meet the Safer Choice StandardSearchable database to find products that meet the EPA's Safer Choice Standard. Source: EPAToolHAP
Health ImpactsAir Quality Information for Health ProfessionalsResources for health professionals about various air pollutants and who is at risk of health impacts. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataHealth, Climate Change
Health ImpactsChild Health Risks of Air PollutionChild health risks caused by both ambient and household air pollution and the prevalence of air pollution across the world that emphasize the importance of pollution control. Source: World Health OrganizationGeneral Information and DataHealth, Report, Risk Analysis, Pollution
Health ImpactsDisparities in the Impact of Air PollutionHealth disparities between predominantly white vs. predominantly African American communities as well as between wealthy vs. low-income communities due to air pollution. Source: American Lung AssociationGeneral Information and DataEnvironmental Justice
Health ImpactsHealth Impacts of Buildings in WisconsinInteractive map showing the impacts of air pollution caused by buildings in Wisconsin. Source: RMIGeneral Information and DataHealth, Green Buildings, Risk Analysis
Health ImpactsRegional Health EffectsEstimated health impacts in the Midwest if no mitigation efforts are made to reduce air pollution. Source: CDCGeneral Information and DataHealth, Pollution
Health Impacts*Ideas for Companies to clean up the airInformation on the health issues associated with air emissions and the importance of reducing pollution. Source: TrellisArticleHealth, Report, Pollution
Health ImpactsEnvironmental Public Health TrackingVarious resources on Wisconsin Environmental Health Data including County Profiles, Ideas for Taking Action and a Data Portal. Source: DHSToolTrack
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)*About the Montreal ProtocolBackground on the Montreal Protocol to phase down plan to reduce the consumption and production of ODS. Source: UN Environment ProgrammeArticleODS
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)*Information on the Phaseout of Ozone-Depleting Substances for Equipment Owners and OperatorsResources for those with equipment that uses ozone-depleting substances. Source: EPAWebsiteODS
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)Ozone-Depleting Substances Destruction TechnologiesInformation on sources of ODS for destruction, as well as best practices for safe collection, recovery, transport and destruction of these substances. Source: EPAWebsiteODS
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) ProgramSNAP identifies and evaluates substitutes for ozone-depleting substances. Source: EPAWebsiteODS, SNAP
Particulate Matter (PM)Particle Pollution and Your HealthA pamphlet that tells who is at risk from exposure to particle pollution, the health effects caused by particles and simple measures that can be taken to reduce health risk. Source: EPAWebsitePM
Particulate Matter (PM)Airborne Particulate Matter: Pollution Prevention and ControlStudy on pollution prevention and control. Source: World Bank GroupArticlePM
Particulate Matter (PM)Best Practices for Baghouse Inspections & MaintenanceA summary of best practices for routine and preventive maintenance on baghouses to avoid critical problems. Source: NeundorferArticlePM, Baghouse
Particulate Matter (PM)How to Prevent Industrial Air Pollution in ManufacturingStrategies for businesses to prevent particulate matter emissions. Source: AltEnergyMagArticlePM
Particulate Matter (PM)Particulate Matter BasicsA summary of definitions, how it gets in the air and the harmful effects of particulate matter. Source: EPAWebsitePM
RefrigerantsResources from Industrial Refrigeration Consortium including academic qualifications, technical expertise, and practical experienceResources for improving industrial refrigeration systems and technologies. Source: Industrial Refrigeration ConsortiumGeneral InformationReport, Pollution
Refrigerants*How Chemicals in Your Fridge Warm the PlanetDetails on refrigerants and how they affect the climate, with information on natural refrigerants. Includes definitions and end-of-life issues. Source: BBCArticleClimate Change
RefrigerantsRefrigerant Management Plan and MethodologyA technical summary on strategies for reducing refrigerant use. Source: Project DrawdownArticleStrategy, Report
RefrigerantsLEED Standard for RefrigerantsCertification standard to eliminate ozone depletion from refrigerant use in new construction. Source: US Green Building CouncilCertificationGreen Buildings, Report, Pollution
RefrigerantsAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHEAE)Technical Resources for heating, cooling, and building performance. Source: ashraeToolFuel Burning
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)*Basics of Green ChemistryOverview of Green Chemistry: chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances. Source: EPAGeneral Information and DataVOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Solvents and Green ChemistryInformation on techniques and applications for solvent replacement and/or removal in various process conditions, as well as methods to assess the sustainability of solvents. Source: American Chemical SocietyGeneral Information and DataVOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)How to Reduce VOCs in ManufacturingSuggestions on how to reduce VOCs in your manufacturing processes. Source: University of MinnesotaWebsiteVOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Reducing VOCs in Painting3 Steps to reducing VOCx in manufacturing and paint finishing processes. Source: CH ReedWebsiteVOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)*Why Reduce VOCs in ManufacturingReasons why an organization should consider VOC reductions in their operations. Source: University of MinnesotaWebsiteVOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Green Chemistry Challenge WinnersEPA designated Green Chemistry Challenge Winners by Year (1996-2021). Source: EPACase StudyVOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)HCPA Consumer Product Ingredients DictionaryThe Ingredients Dictionary is a unified source for ingredient names that are now required by the state of California and accepted by Walmart, Target and the EPA Safer Choice program. Source: Household and Commercial Products AssociationToolVOC
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Wisconsin's Emission Reduction Credit (ERC) RegistryInformation on the WI ERC to assist facilities looking for emissions offsets to meet Nonattainment New Source Review permitting requirements. Source: DNRToolRegistry, VOC, Nox
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Pollution Prevention Mini-Webinar - Air Emission ReductionsLearn about how and why to reduce air emissions and find resources to help. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramVideo/WebinarVOC



Available Topics: Energy Efficiency and Conservation, NetZero and Carbon Neutral and Renewable Energy.

TopicNameDescriptionResource Type 
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralBest Practices for a Strong Net-Zero StrategySeven suggestions to help your organization meet climate goals with a strong net-zero strategies. Source: ResonanceArticledecarbonization, GHG, science based, emissions reduction
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralHow to be a Net Zero CompanyMany businesses are setting a "net zero" target to help address climate change. Find out how to tackle net zero in your company. Source: Network for Business SustainabilityArticledecarbonization, GHG
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralThe Corporate Net-Zero StandardThe SBTi's Corporate Net-Zero Standard provides the guidance and tools companies need to set science-based net-zero targets. Source: Science Based TargetsTooldecarbonization
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralThe meaning of net zero and how to get it rightAcademic journal article outlining seven attributes of 'net zero' and how these attributes can make net zero emissions actually achievable for organizations. Source: NatureArticledecarbonization, carbon emissions
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralA Guide to Achieving Net Zero EmissionsWhat companies must do to deliver on net-zero commitments and avoid accusations of greenwashing. Source: Harvard Business ReviewTooldecarbonization
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEngaging in a More Active, Frequent Audit Process can Drastically Reduce CostsCase study describing a three-tiered audit program that a North Carolina company implemented which both educates employees about energy management and identifies opportunities for energy savings. Source: DOECase Studyenergy conservation, energy efficiency
Energy Efficiency and ConservationGreen Tier Participant 3M Cumberland Replaces Air CompressorsCase study demonstrating cost savings that resulted from the replacement of old air compressors. Source: Wisconsin Sustainable Business CouncilCase Studyenergy efficiency, energy conservation
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy and the EnvironmentEPA Resources on Energy. Source: EPA Resources on EnergyWebsiteClean Energy, Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency and Conservation*Energy Conservation tips for Commercial BuildingsEnergyStar information and tools for improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Source: EPAWebsiteClean Energy, Green Buildings, Energy Effeciency
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Conservation tips for Small BusinessesHow small and medium businesses can reduce energy use from EnergyStar. Source: EPAWebsiteClean Energy, Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency and Conservation*Energy Management and Better Buildings InitiativesInformation and resources from the Better Buildings Initiative. Source: DOEWebsiteGreen Buildings
Energy Efficiency and Conservation*Energy Management SystemsInformation about energy management systems (ISO 50001). Source: DOEWebsiteGreen Buildings
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Management Systems - ISO 50001 Ready ProgramSelf-paced, no-cost program to help organizations build a culture of structured energy improvement. Source: DOEWebsiteGreen Buildings
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Saving Tips for ManufacturersArticle with tips for manufacturers to reduce energy consumption. Source: Business Energy QuotesArticleEnergy Efficiency, Manufacturing
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Treasure HuntsResources to help your company conduct a treasure hunt to save energy and money. Source: DOEWebsiteGreen Buildings
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergyStarDiscover the path to energy efficiency with the EnergyStar program. Source: EPAWebsiteEnergyStar
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergyStar for IndustryEnergyStar resources to improve efficiency, reduce costs, while protecting the environment. Source: EPAWebsiteRegulations, Partnership, Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency and ConservationFocus on Energy - Wisconsin's Statewide Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy ProgramTechnical resources and financial assistance for energy conservation and reducing energy waste in Wisconsin. Source: Focus on EnergyWebsiteEnergy Efficiency, Manufacturing
Energy Efficiency and ConservationGuidebook for reducing exergy demand in the built environmentAdvanced concepts for reducing exergy demand of buildings from the ECBCS Annex 49. Source: IEAArticleGreen Buildings
Energy Efficiency and ConservationInformation about Combined Heat and PowerCHP captures heat that would otherwise be wasted to provide useful thermal energy such as steam or hot water than can be used for space heating, cooling, domestic hot water and industrial processes. Source: EPAWebsiteHVAC
Energy Efficiency and Conservation*Information about Combined Heat and Power PartnershipsThrough the CHP Partnership, EPA works with a network of CHP stakeholders to promote CHP's role in providing affordable, reliable and low emission energy. Source: EPAWebsiteHVAC
Energy Efficiency and Conservation*Office of Energy InnovationOffice of Energy Innovation website with links to funding opportunities, innovation programs and focus on energy. Source: WI OEIWebsiteClean Energy, Sustainability, Collaboration
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEmission Calculation ToolsEmissions calculator to help you develop emission inventories and track progress toward climate goals. Source: GHG ProtocolToolResearch, Assessment, Opportunity
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Improvement Actions RegisterTemplate register to help you organize and track your energy performance improvement actions that supports ISO 50001 Certification. Source: DOEToolAssessment
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Management ToolsGuidance, Data Collection and Analysis tools to help with your organization's energy management strategy. Source: DOEToolGreen Buildings
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Performance Indicator ToolRegression analysis-based tool for tracking your energy improvement progress by calculating emission avoidance and cost savings. Source: DOEToolAssessment, Opportunity
Energy Efficiency and ConservationEnergy Team ToolkitThis FREE toolkit provides you with the resources you need to get started. Source: WI PSCToolAssessment, Opportunity, Strategy
Energy Efficiency and ConservationImproving Building and Equipment Operations and MaintenanceConnect with a Focus on Energy Advisor to help consult on potential energy efficiency projects for your building and/or equipment. Source: Focus on EnergyToolenergy conservation, energy efficiency
Energy Efficiency and ConservationPortfolio ManagerENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool lets you measure and track your properties' energy, water, waste and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a secure online environment. Source: EPAToolTrack, Technology
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralAchieving Net-ZeroHow businesses can bridge the gap for achieving net zero. Source: pWcArticleCarbon Neutral, Carbon Capture, Carbon Offsets, Sustainability, Climate Action
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralBusiness Strategies to Achieve Net-ZeroBusiness Case for climate action. Source: CeresArticleClimate Action
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralDesigning and Communicating Net-Zero TargetsSolutions for setting realistic and achievable climate goals. Source: WRIArticleCarbon Neutral, Carbon Capture, Carbon Offsets, Sustainability, Climate Action
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralInformation about Net-ZeroNet Zero information from the World Resources Institute. Source: WRIArticleCarbon Neutral, Carbon Capture, Carbon Offsets, Sustainability, Climate Action
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralPlanning for a Zero Carbon FutureIs Your Company Ready for a Zero-Carbon Future? Source: Harvard Business ReviewArticleCarbon Neutral, Carbon Capture, Carbon Offsets, Sustainability, Climate Action
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralScience-Based Net-Zero InformationGuidance and tools companies need to set net-zero targets for carbon. Source: Science Based TargetsWebsiteRisk Analysis
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralCase study on Dell Technologies journey to Net ZeroCase study on Dell Technologies journey to Net Zero. Source: Dell TechnologiesCase StudyStrategy, Climate Action, Carbon Neutral
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralHow to Achieve Net-ZeroBuild a personalized plan to kick-start your business' net-zero plan. Source: The EconomistToolAssessment, Opportunity
Net Zero and Carbon NeutralHow offsets can fit into your carbon reduction plan.Top challenges and key actions to overcome them. Source: QuantisintlVideo/WebinarCarbon Offsets
Renewable EnergyClimate Forward ReportInformation and strategies for WI to address climate change through energy. Source: UWWebsiteResearch
Renewable EnergyBest Practices for Solar InstallationsInformation on the process and best management practices for new solar installations Source: DNRBest Management PracticeBusiness, Local, Regulations, Permit, Planning, Clean Energy, Solar, Renewable Energy, Native, Species, Conservation
Renewable EnergyEnergy Strategy for the C-SuiteArticle on why and how to integrate energy into company interests. Source Harvard Business ReviewArticleStrategy, Risk Analysis
Renewable EnergyFocus on Energy Renewable Energy IncentivesFinancial incentives from Focus on Energy. Source: Focus on EnergyWebsiteFinance
Renewable EnergyGreen Power PartnershipLanding page for all things Green Energy at the EPA. Source: EPAWebsiteClean Energy, Collaboration, Climate Action, Certification
Renewable EnergyProperty-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)PACE helps implement renewables using a unique financial mechanism. Source: PACEWebsiteRegulations, Finance
Renewable EnergyScope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions GuidanceEPA info on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Source: EPAWebsiteResearch
Renewable EnergySwitching to Green PowerResources for making the switch to green power. Source: EPAWebsiteCarbon Neutral, Carbon Capture, Carbon Offsets, Sustainability, Climate Action
Renewable EnergyWisconsin Renewable Energy RegulationsWisconsin regulatory information about the implementation of renewables. Source: WI PSCWebsiteRegulations
Renewable EnergyGuide to Purchasing Green PowerThis guide is a starting point for organizations interested in buying green power - including information on the procurement process, supply options, benefits and more. Source: EPAToolSustainable, Sustainability, Solar, Wind, Purchasing
Renewable EnergyPower ProfilerEPA's E-Grid Power Profiler helps you see how green the energy grids are across the country. Source: EPAToolResearch, Assessment, Opportunity
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy Project Development ToolboxThis EPA toolbox examines six key issues that have important implications for developing on-site solar projects. Source: EPAToolSolar, Sustainable, Sustainability
Renewable EnergySolar Siting and DesignInformation and criteria for siting solar panels in ways that avoid, minimize and mitigate potential impacts to the environment. Source: The Nature ConservancyToolSolar, Sustainable, Sustainability
Renewable EnergyGreen Power Partnership Events and WebinarsCurrent and past webinars about green energy. Source: EPAVideo/WebinarCarbon Neutral, Carbon Capture, Carbon Offsets, Sustainability, Climate Action
Renewable Energy*How to go solar and pay for it tooHow to go solar and pay for it too. Source: SGPVideo/WebinarPrinting, Finance
Renewable EnergyReducing operating costs with renewable energyReducing operating costs with renewable energy. Source: SGPVideo/WebinarPrinting, Finance

Habitat Conservation & Restoration

Habitat Conservation

Available Topics: Climate Resiliency, Conservation, Endangered Species, Invasive Species, Landscaping and Restoration Projects.

TopicNameDescriptionResource Type 
Endangered ResourcesStatewide Wildlife InventoriesInventory and monitoring data submitted by citizens in order to better understand Wisconsin's natural resources. Data are obtained through individual projects administered through our Citizen-based Monitoring Network as well as from submissions to ongoing Statewide Surveys. Source: DNRToolSpecies, Conservation
HabitatBest Practices for Solar InstallationsInformation on the process and best management practices for new solar installations Source: DNRBest Management PracticeBusiness, Local, Regulations, Permit, Planning, Clean Energy, Solar, Renewable Energy, Native, Species, Conservation
Restoration ProjectsGreat Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI)Grant funding for addressing urgent issues in the Great Lakes Areas of Concern. Source: NRCSFinancial AssistanceFinance, Water, Preservation
Restoration ProjectsRegional Conservation Partnership ProgramPartner-driven approach to conservation that funds solutions for the restoration and sustainable use of soil, water, wildlife and related natural resources on regional or watershed scales. Source: NRCSFinancial AssistanceCollaboration
LandscapingLandscaping with Native PlantsResources related to native plants. Source: DNRGeneral InformationNative, Species, Landscaping
ConservationPlanting with Native SpeciesNative species plant list. Source: DNRGeneral InformationNative, Species, Landscaping
Invasive SpeciesUnderstanding Invasive SpeciesLearn more about prevention of invasive species in Wisconsin. Source: DNRGeneral InformationInvasive Species, Regulations
ConservationWisconsin Pollinator Habitat Kit Case StudiesCase studies from 2023 Wisconsin Habitat Kit Program awardees who shared their site preparation and planting experiences: what worked, what could be improved, and why they chose a particular method. Source: XercesCase StudyInsect, Species, Ecosystem Services
ConservationCertified Wildlife HabitatAnyone can create a welcoming haven for local wildlife. Turning your yard, balcony container garden, schoolyard, work landscape, or roadside greenspace into a Certified Wildlife Habitat® is fun, easy, and can make a lasting difference for wildlife. Source: National Wildlife FederationCertificationPartnership, Certification, Award
LandscapingWhy Commercial Landscaping is Important for Your BusinessAdvantages and Benefits of Commercial Landscaping. Source: BigRockArticleCommercial landscaping
Invasive SpeciesBoat, gear, and equipment decontaminationList of decontamination and disinfection steps to prevent the spread of invasive species. Source: DNRBest Management Practicesinvasive species management/control
LandscapingWI DNR Storm Water ResourcesYour property may or may not have stormwater management practices. Consider adding features to prevent pollutants from leaving the site in stormwater runoff and limit flooding in your community. Source: DNRBest Management Practicesstormwater management
Climate ResiliencyBusiness Action on ResilienceBusinesses will need to take steps to be more resilient to climate change, which may be small adjustments or large changes. Source: Center for Climate and Energy SolutionsGeneral Information and DataNature-Based Solutions
Climate ResiliencyBusiness for Social ResponsibilityWhy ecosystem services is relevant to business. Source: BSRGeneral Information and DataSustainability
Climate ResiliencyNatural Climate Solutionslocal level strategies to avoid emissions through protection, sequestration and restoration projects. Source: Land Trust AllianceGeneral Information and DataClimate Action, Nature-Based Solutions, Strategy, Opportunity, Climate Change
Climate ResiliencyResilience is Make or Break for BusinessResilience can help avoid losses and offer a sizeable business opportunity. Source: World Economic ForumGeneral Information and DataResilience, Climate Action
Climate ResiliencyUS Climate Resilience ToolkitOur economy and culture continue to depend on natural ecosystem services. Actions to protect these resources is both possible and essential. Source: NOAAGeneral Information and DataClimate Action, Report, Climate Change, Resilience, Sustainability, Sustainable
Climate ResiliencyWisconsin's Changing ClimateWICCI's 2021 Assessment report includes impacts and solutions for a warmer climate. Source: WICCIGeneral Information and DataClimate Change, Climate Action, Report
Climate ResiliencyBusiness Case for Climate ResilienceThis guide communicates why action to address the risks from climate change can make good business sense and provides guidance on embedding climate risk assessment and evaluation of resilience options into business planning and operations. Source: AECOMArticleEconomy, Business, Climate Action
Climate ResiliencyCompanies and Climate ResilienceMobilizing the power of the private sector to address climate risks. Source: Climate CentreArticleStrategy, Resilience
Climate ResiliencyFighting Nature Loss Should be a Business PriorityMany businesses understand the value of nature and are voluntarily shifting their practices towards sustainability and longer-term thinking. Source: World Economic ForumArticleStrategy, Biodiversity
Climate ResiliencyIntegrating Ecosystems into Due DiligenceHow companies assess ecosystem impacts and dependencies in business decision-making processes. Source: TrellisArticleStrategy, Ecosystem Services, Resilience
Climate ResiliencyAdaptation Success StoriesWICCI in Action: Climate Success Stories are a window into the daily work of WICCI's members and affiliates. Source: WICCICase StudyClimate Change, Adaptation
Climate ResiliencyBeavers and Climate ResilienceBeavers mitigate the impacts of climate change, helping conserve water during periods of drought and enhance wetland carbon storage. They are one of the most cost effective and sustainable solutions for ecological restoration and climate change resilience. Source: USFWSCase StudyNature-Based Solutions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Climate Change, Ecosystem Services, Climate Action
Climate ResiliencyClimate Adaptation Case StudiesSearchable database of case studies focused on adaptation. Source: EPACase StudyClimate Change, Adaptation
Climate ResiliencyClimate Resilience Case StudiesInformation from North America focused on resilience. Source: NOAACase StudyClimate Change, Mitigation
Climate ResiliencyLand Trust Case StudiesMitigation, Adaptation, Carbon Finance and Education Case Studies from around the Midwest. Source: Land Trust AllianceCase StudyProperty, Success
Climate ResiliencyClimate Change Interactive Mapping ToolChoose many locations in our state and see their climate analogs — places in the United States that currently resemble what Wisconsin's climate is projected to be like in 2080. Source: WCCIBest Management PracticesClimate Change, GIS
Climate ResiliencyNature Based SolutionsCompendium of nature-based solutions from around the world. Source: UNEPBest Management PracticesNature-Based Solutions, Mitigation, Adaptation, Climate Change,  Climate Action
Climate ResiliencySustainable Best Management Practices for RemediationEffective and practical methods or techniques to build or adapt a sustainable and climate impact-resilient environmental remediation site. Source: Interstate Technology Regulatory CouncilBest Management PracticesPollution, Brownfields, Sustainability
Climate ResiliencyClimate Resilience PortalExamples and tools for resilience planning that can serve as models for future initiatives. Source: Center for Climate and Energy SolutionsToolClimate Action, Carbon Neutral, Sustainable, Sustainability
Climate ResiliencyRisks and Opportunities for ChangeStrategies for businesses to manage risks for ecosystem services. Source: World Resource InstituteToolStrategy, Risk Analysis, Opportunities, Conservation
Climate ResiliencyUS Climate Resilience ToolkitCatalog of more than 500 digital tools can help you take steps to build resilience, from engaging a community to developing a climate action plan. Source: NOAAToolClimate Action, Carbon Neutral, Sustainable, Sustainability
ConservationBusiness Case for ConservationBusiness needs that can be supported by conservation efforts Source: WHCGeneral Information and DataWildlife
ConservationWisconsin's AnimalsLearn about habitat, management goals and more for our native species. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataWildlife
ConservationWisconsin's BiodiversityLearn about the importance of biodiversity and protecting our rare species. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataWildlife
ConservationBusiness and BiodiversityLearn how biodiversity is a fundamental component of long-term business survival. Source: International Finance CorporationArticleEconomy, Wildlife
ConservationBusiness of NatureProtecting and restoring the environment is good for business and essential for the world. Source: National GeographicArticleEconomy, Conservation
ConservationConservation and EconomicsBusinesses can save ecosystems and support economic development. Source: The GuardianArticleConservation, Economy, Business
ConservationEcological Landscapes of Wisconsinecological attributes and management opportunities that can be used to identify the best areas to manage for natural communities, key habitats, aquatic features, and native plants and animals from an ecosystem management perspective. Source: DNRWebsiteWildlife, Ecosystem Servies, Land, Water
ConservationNatural Resources FoundationConnect with people who want to help with meaningful opportunities to make a lasting impact on Wisconsin’s lands, waters, wildlife, and future stewards. Source: NRFWebsiteNon-profit, Volunteer
ConservationWhitepapers on ConservationThe Wildlife Habitat Council has assembled an assortment of Whitepapers on numerous conservation topics. Source: WHCArticleReport, Conservation
ConservationWorld Wildlife Fund Business ActionsA healthy business depends on a healthy planet. Partner with the World Wildlife Fund and some of the world's leading corporations to meet big conservation threats with an equally big response. Source: WWFWebsiteWildlife, Finance, Collaboration, Partnership
ConservationXerces Society for Invertebrate ConservationThe Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. Source: XercesWebsiteInsect, Finance, Collaboration, Partnership
ConservationCorporate Success StoriesCase studies and success stories of business conservation efforts. Source: WHCCase StudyBusiness, Conservation, Report, Success
ConservationStrategic Conservation PlanningCase studies showing the importance of conservation in a changing climate. Source: Land Trust AllianceCase StudyPlanning, conservation, strategy
ConservationConservation Project CertificationGuidance and tools for getting your conservation projects certified by the Wildlife Habitat Council. Source: WHCCertificationCertification, Partnership, Collaboration, Wildlife, Biodiversity
ConservationFish and Wildlife 2% CertificationGet certified for your time and money spent on conservation. Source: USFWSCertificationCertification, Wildlife
ConservationTravel Green CertificationBecome certified as a Travel Green Wisconsin organization. Source: Travel WisconsinCertificationCertification, Partnership, Economy
ConservationAmphibians and ReptilesWisconsin is home to 19 species of amphibians and 37 reptiles. There are many ways to get involved! Source: DNRBest Management PracticesWildlife, Regulations
ConservationBat HousesBats are important predators of mosquitoes and night-flying insects and can reduce these pests around your home and garden. Help keep these valuable mammals in your area by building a house for roosting and to raise their young. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesWildlife, Endangered, Species, Conservation
ConservationBird ConservationWisconsin is home to over 300 species of birds. Explore the information on birds and how to get involved in conservation efforts. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesWildlife, Biodiversity
ConservationNative Plantsnative plant basics, garden tours and more. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesLand, Landscaping, biodiversity
ConservationPollinator Habitatreal-world tested methodologies for developing valuable and effective pollinator habitat. Source: XercesBest Management PracticesLand, Landscaping, biodiversity, Insects
ConservationPrairie and Habitat InformationDownload information, guides, and resources about prairie management and more. Source: Prairie NurseryBest Management PracticesNative, Species
ConservationPrairie Planting InformationLearn about benefits, implementation and maintenance of prairie plantings. Source: Prairie MoonBest Management PracticesNative, Species
ConservationConservation Opportunity Areasa map to help you learn where and how to help Species of Greatest Conservation Need and their habitats. Source: DNRToolGIS
ConservationLandowner Incentive ProgramHelps private landowners create and manage habitat for species that are rare or declining. The program provides management advice, assistance with management plans and cost-share funding to individuals and organizations on private lands — with a focus on the Driftless Area of Wisconsin. Source: DNRToolConservation
ConservationLocal Engagement OpportunitiesAn interactive map to help you realize what natural features and resources are near your facility. Use the map to see opportunities for achieving superior environmental performance. Source: DNRToolGIS
ConservationNatural Heritage Inventorypartners with landowners, businesses, communities and others to consider potential impacts of land development and management projects on rare species very early in the project planning process. The goal is to conserve the rare plants, animals and habitats found in Wisconsin. Source: DNRToolConservation, Species
ConservationNature Conservancy GatewayConservation planning, practices and regional information as well as calculators and handbooks. Source: The Nature ConservancyToolCollaboration, Strategy, Opportunity
ConservationPartners for Fish and Wildlife Programfree technical and financial assistance to landowners (including corporations) that are interested in improving wildlife habitat on their land. Source: USFWSToolConservation, Finance, Collaboration
ConservationState Park Volunteer OpportunitiesView and apply for volunteer opportunities at Wisconsin State Parks. Source: DNRToolOpportunity, Health
ConservationStatewide Wildlife InventoriesInventory and monitoring data submitted by citizens in order to better understand Wisconsin's natural resources. Data are obtained through individual projects administered through our Citizen-based Monitoring Network as well as from submissions to ongoing Statewide Surveys. Source: DNRToolSpecies, Conservation
Endangered SpeciesWisconsin Endangered Species ListThe list was created to protect species threatened with extinction from the state. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataEndangered, Species, Regulations, Wildlife
Endangered SpeciesChanging the Nature of BusinessA healthy business depends on a healthy planet. The World Wildlife Fund helps map a vision that sets a high sustainability standard across a company's entire operations, and well beyond. Source: WWFWebsiteBusiness, Economy, Conservation
Endangered SpeciesNatural Heritage ConservationThe DNR's Natural Heritage Conservation Program helps protect and restore Wisconsin's rare plants, animals and state natural areas. Source: DNRWebsiteRegulations, Endangered, Natural Resources
Endangered SpeciesProtecting Endangered SpeciesThe National Wildlife Federation works to defend, strengthen, fund, and ensure effective implementation of the Endangered Species Act and other core wildlife protection laws. Source: National Wildlife FederationWebsiteEndangered, Species, Conservation, Wildlife
Endangered SpeciesNatural Heritage Conservation Field NotesRead the latest issue of the DNR's Field Notes. Source: DNRCase StudyRegulations, Natural Resources, Report
Endangered SpeciesWildlife Success StoriesThrough collaborative partnerships, bold efforts, and decisive investments, conservationists have recovered wildlife species that have suffered dramatic declines and even brought back species that had gone extinct in the wild. Source: National Wildlife FederationCase StudyWildlife, Conservation
Endangered SpeciesCitizen Based MonitoringVolunteer to help monitor and conserve endangered species in Wisconsin. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesVolunteer, Collaboration, Science
Endangered SpeciesEndangered Resources FundDonate to help conserve endangered species in Wisconsin. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesFinance, Endangered, Species, Non-profit
Endangered SpeciesHelp Conserve Karner Blue ButterfliesWisconsin has an abundance of habitats that support the world's largest populations of the federally endangered Karner blue butterfly. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesEndangered, Species
Endangered SpeciesSpecies Guidance DocumentsPeer-reviewed publications with comprehensive information for rare species that includes identification, life history, management guidelines, screening guidance and avoidance measures. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesRegulations, Endangered, Native, Species
Endangered SpeciesWisconsin Wildlife Action PlanA platform to help partners, organizations and individuals identify and implement important conservation actions to keep our natural resources healthy. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesRegulations, Strategy
Endangered SpeciesLandowner Incentive ProgramThe program provides management advice, assistance with management plans and cost-share funding to individuals and organizations on private lands, with a focus on the Driftless Area of Wisconsin. Source: DNRToolCollaboration
Endangered SpeciesNatural Heritage Inventory Public PortalA free online mapping application for planning on-the-ground projects to learn if a project may have impacts on endangered resources. Source: DNRToolGIS
Net Zero & Carbon NeutralPhragmites Management StrategyGuidance on managing invasive phragmites in Wisconsin. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesInvasive Species
LandscapingLandscaping TipsIdeas for developing a water-smart landscape for your facility. Source: EPAGeneral Information and DataLandscaping
LandscapingPollinator Conservation ResourcesRegion-specific collections of publications, native seed vendors, and other resources to aid in pollinator habitat in the Great Lakes Region. Source: XercesGeneral Information and DataSpecies, Conservation, Insects
LandscapingWildOnes PartnershipInformation on landscaping with native plants. Source: WildOnesGeneral Information and DataCollaboration, Certification
LandscapingSustainable Lawns: 8 steps8 eco-friendly ways to cultivate a more sustainable lawn. Source: The Grow NetworkArticleLandscaping
LandscapingSustainable Lawns: Alternatives7 alternatives to create an eco-friendlier lawn. Source: My Green ClosetArticleLandscaping
LandscapingCountry Club Changes Course and Uses a Drone to Deliver SavingsLa Rinconada Country Club reduced peak water use by 54 million gallons with a bird's eye view to their landscape water management plan which included a switch to native species. Source: EPACase StudyRisk Analysis, Finance, Technology
LandscapingIrrigation Professional Harvests Gold from Water-Saving ProductsFollowing an audit by a certified professional, a Colorado neighborhood saves over 4 million gallons of water per year with updated irrigation product. Source: EPACase StudyWater, Audit
LandscapingOffice Complex Reduces Outdoor Water UseThe Granite Park office complex in Plano, Texas, saved 12.5 million gallons in one year through efficiencies in technology and maintenance of irrigation system. Source: EPACase StudyRish Analysis, Finance, Technology, Water
LandscapingShopping Mall Buys into Outdoor Water SavingsThe Village at Stone Oak saved 14 million gallons of water annually with beautiful, water-efficient landscaping upgrades. They replaced turf grass with drought-tolerant plant species and increased the efficiency of their irrigation system. Source: EPACase StudyRisk Analysis, Finance, Technology, Water
LandscapingCommercial Landscape Best PracticesQuick read on mulch, shrub shaping, raised tree canopies, equipment, mowing, limiting fertilizer, leaves and debris. Source: Klausing GroupBest Management PracticesLandscaping
LandscapingUrban GardeningHow to grow gardens in urban and potentially contaminated soils. Source: EPABest Management PracticesLandscaping
LandscapingBee-Safe PlantsGuide to choosing plants that create a welcoming home for pollinators. Source: XercesToolInsects, Conservation
LandscapingMosquito ManagementWays to align important public health efforts, such as mosquito management, with pollinator protection goals. Source: XercesToolInsects, Pests
LandscapingPesticide Contamination ProtectionGuidance to protect habitats from pesticide contamination. Source: XercesToolPollution
LandscapingPollinator Friendly Public SpacesPlanning and managing public spaces with pollinators and other insects in mind. Source: XercesToolConservation, Health
LandscapingPollinator Habitat AssessmentGuide to landscaping for pollinators in yards, gardens and parks. Source: XercesToolConservation, Local, Ideas
LandscapingPollinator Plants GuideGuide to planting a rich habitat to support pollinators. Source: XercesToolConservation
LandscapingWildflower Establishment GuideOrganic site preparation for successfully installing wildflowers for pollinator habitat. Source: XercesToolConservation
Restoration ProjectsConservation BankingLearn about an open market tool that creates incentives for bank developers and landowners to conserve land in areas where drivers are creating a need for offset impacts to specific species and habitats. Source: Conservation Finance NetworkGeneral Information and DataFinance, Busines, Conservation, Economy
Restoration ProjectsForests Reserve ProgramHelps restore, enhance and protect healthy forestland resources. Source: USDAGeneral Information and DataLand
Restoration ProjectsGreat Lakes Restoration InitiativeLearn what plans are underway and see where your facility might tie-in. Source: EPAGeneral Information and DataWater, Finance
Restoration ProjectsState Natural Areas Volunteer ProgramLearn about volunteer opportunities around the state to help care for some of our state's most pristine public lands. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataVolunteer, Collaboration, Land
Restoration Projects*Wetland Restoration InformationBasic information about wetland restoration. Source: EPAGeneral Information and DataConservation, Wetland
Restoration Projects*Wetland Restoration PlanningResources and information about wetland restoration. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataPlanning
Restoration ProjectsWisconsin Restoration ContractorsA list of companies and individuals who operate as consultants or contractors in Wisconsin and the surrounding areas. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataBusiness
Restoration ProjectsRestoration Through Phosphorus ReductionsSuccess story from agricultural sources near Bass Lake. Source: EPACase StudyPollution, Prevention
Restoration ProjectsRestoration Through Stream Corridor RehabilitationSuccess story from agricultural sources near Pheasant Valley Branch. Source: EPACase StudyWater, Conservation, River, Stream
Restoration ProjectsBeaver Restoration GuidebookLearn how beavers can be a tool to restore streams and wetlands. Source: USFWSBest Management PracticesReport, Conservation, Resilience, Ecosystem Services
Restoration ProjectsHelp Conserve Native PlantsNative plants support the entire food web by providing food for insects, birds, bats, small mammals and other wildlife. Conserving native plants is particularly important now that scientists are documenting global declines in insect populations. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesLandscaping, Conservation
Restoration ProjectsWetland Restoration GuidelinesGuidelines for voluntary wetland restoration. Source: DNRBest Management Practices 
Restoration ProjectsEasements and Financial AssistanceFinancial assistance for habitat conservation through easements. Source: USDAFinancial AssistanceFinance, Land, Property
Restoration ProjectsWetlands Conservation GrantsCompetitive, matching grants program supporting partnerships for wetland protection. Source: USFWSFinancial AssistanceFinance, Wetland, 
Restoration ProjectsWetlands Conservation TrustFunding for wetland restoration projects. Source: DNRFinancial AssistanceFinance, Wetland



Available Topics: Alternate Fuels, Commuter, Electrification, Fuel Conservation, Logistics/Supply Chain/Packaging and Route Management.

TopicNameDescriptionResource Type 
CommuterRoundtrip Employer ToolkitInformation for employers to develop a commute options program for employees. Greater Madison MPOToolCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
CommuterRIDESHARE Employer ToolkitInformation for employers to design and promote an employee commute program WI DOTToolCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
CommuterCommuteWise for Southeast WisconsinRidesharing service offered to Southeastern WisconsinToolCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
CommuterRidesharing in MilwaukeeSoutheastern Wisconsin's hub for resources and tools for alternative commute options. CommuteWiseWebsiteCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
CommuterRoundtrip MadisonRidesharing service offered to the greater Madison area. Greater Madison MPOToolCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee Carpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
CommuterRidesharing in MadisonResources and information about ride sharing in the Madison area. Greater Madison MPOWebsiteCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
CommuterWisconsin RIDESHARE ProgramWisconsin RIDESHARE is a free service provided by the State of Wisconsin to connect people and employers to great options for commuting and other transportation. RIDESHARE works for individuals and employers to provide affordable and easy alternatives to driving alone. WI DOTProgramCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
CommuterRideshare etc.Statewide ridesharing platform available for users to create an account, search for carpool matches, and find other resources about transit, biking, walking, and more. RideshareToolCarpool, commuter, vanpool, route optimization, Employer, Employee
Route ManagementCustomized fleet advice from the Smart Fleet programWisconsin Clean Cities will suggest methods and strategies specific to your fleet to help reduce fuel costs, petroleum usage and greenhouse gas emissions. (Note: membership required.) Source: Wisconsin Clean CitiesGeneral InformationFleet, Strategy, Planning, GHG, Green House Gas, Sustainability, Sustainable, Economy, Fuel, Electric vehicle, EV, carbon footprint
Fuel ConservationFuel Economy GuideThe Fuel Economy Guide helps car buyers and fleet managers choose the most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets their needs. The guide is produced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Source: DOE/EPAGeneral InformationFleet, Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, Fuel Burning, Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicle, EV, Pollution, Reduce, Economy, Efficiency, Finance, Health, Purchasing, Research
Alternative FuelsEV Charger Install at Ho Chunk Gaming [Video Exit DNR]This short video discusses the installation of an EV charging station at Ho-Chunk Casino with the involvement of Green Tier participant ABB, Inc. Source: Wisconsin Clean CitiesCase StudyElectrification, EV, Electric Vehicle, Fleet, Fuel
ElectrificationThinking About Installing EV Charging Station at your Workplace?Wisconsin Clean Cities EMPOWER provides FREE coaching and consulting services to support employers who are interested in implementing charging stations for their employees. Source: Wisconsin Clean CitiesToolElectrification, EV, Electric Vehicle, Fleet, Fuel
Route ManagementInspection Company Saves Resources by Using Route PlannerThis case study outlines one example of a route planner tool that helped a company reduce the amount of time it takes to plan routes by over 80%. Source: OptimoRouteArticleroute optimization
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingSustainable Transport: How Businesses are Going Green with Their Supply ChainOverview of why and how businesses are using sustainable solutions to their transportation needs. Source: LogisticsGYExpressArticlesupply chain, alternative fuels, route optimization
Fuel ConservationFuel Conservation and EfficiencyArticle explaining the benefits and techniques of fuel conservation for businesses. Source: BanlawBest Management Practicesfuel conservation
ElectrificationFleet Procurement Analysis ToolA Microsoft-Excel based tool that calculates the financial viability and environmental impact of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicle fleet procurements for organizations. Source: Atlas Public PolicyToolfleet, electric vehicle
ElectrificationHeavy Duty Truck Electrification ResourcesList of resources compiled by the EPA for fleet managers looking for information on how to determine whether investing in electric trucks is the right decision for your organization. Resources include cost calculators, incentives, grant programs, and information on charging infrastructure. Source: EPAArticletrucking, electrification, freight
ElectrificationKey Electrification Opportunities for BusinessesHigh level summary of some of the electrification opportunities for businesses that will save them money and energy. Source: PSC of OklahomaArticleelectrification, electric vehicle, fleet
ElectrificationOverview of Electric ForkliftsHelpful overview of electric forklifts - what they are, who uses them, what the benefits are, and maintenance tips. Source: Gregory Poole LiftArticleelectrification
ElectrificationHow Do You Justify The Acquisition Price of Electric ForkliftsCase study demonstrating the operating cost savings of switching from propane and diesel-powered forklifts to electric forklifts. Source: CarerCase Studyelectrification
Alternate FuelsAlternative FuelsDefinitions of alternative fuel types for transportation. Source: U.S. Department of EnergyGeneral Information and Dataethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen
Alternate Fuels*Alternative Fuels & Advance VehicleA listing of available alternative fuels and the vehicle types associated with them. Source: U.S. Department of EnergyGeneral Information and Dataethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, renewable diesel, aviation fuel
Alternate FuelsEngine Alternative Fuel ConversionsConversion systems modify vehicles and engines so that they can run on different fuels than the ones for which they were originally designed. Source: EPAArticleengine conversions, emissions controls
Alternate FuelsThe 'messy middle': How trucking will get to an electric futureAn article on an incremental approach to adopting clean fuel technologies. Source: FreightWavesArticlefreight, trucking
Alternate FuelsCase Studies about Alternative transportation technologiesFind case studies and success stories about alternative transportation technologies, including alternative fuels, advanced vehicles, and regulated fleets. Source: U.S. Department of EnergyCase Studyethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, renewable diesel, aviation fuel, trucking, fleet, bus, idle reduction
Alternate FuelsFleet Vehicle Case StudyA collection of case studies featuring commercial fleets that have reduced fuel use, fuel costs and emissions. Source: Alternate Fuel ToolkitCase Studyemissions, greenhouse gas, baseline
Alternate Fuels*Alternative Fuel ToolkitThe Alternative Fuel Toolkit can help you learn about alternative fuels and vehicles; plan your infrastructure and funding; and act using the AFV Action Guide, facilitation materials, and other resources. Resources were developed in conjunction with a set of national workshops and reflect the latest stakeholder-input and research. Source: Alternative Fuel ToolkitTooldeployment, fuel corridors
Alternate Fuels*Alternative Fuels Data CenterThe Alternative Fuels Data Center provides info on solutions to energy & economic goals using alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. Source: U.S. Department of EnergyToolcharging tax credits
CommuterRide Sharing ProgramsSource: US Department of TransportationGeneral Information and Datarewards, congestion, employee, commuter, carpopol, vanpool
CommuterSmart Commuter Engagement for a changing workplace and worldConnect your commuters, provide transportation options and reward sustainable choices. Source: RideAmigosGeneral Information and Datarewards, congestion, employee, carpool
CommuterA Compelling Case for Employer Commuter ProgramsAn all-inclusive commuter program from The Rideshare Company based on its easy commute platform that integrates all the tools and support needed to make a measurable impact. Source: The Rideshare CompanyCase Studyrewards, congestion, employee, carpool
CommuterManaging and Growing a Commuter ProgramUniversity of Minnesota's effective commuter program. Source: PlayCoreCase Studyrewards, congestion, employee, commuter, carpopol, vanpool
Fuel ConservationStrategies to Conserve FuelMore than 266 million vehicles consume millions of barrels of petroleum every day in the United States. On-road passenger travel alone accounts for more than 2.6 trillion vehicle miles traveled each year. Vehicle fleet managers, drivers, corporate decision makers, sustainability managers and public transportation planners can use multiple strategies to conserve fuel and improve their bottom line. Source: Alternative Fuels Data CenterGeneral Information and Datafuel conservation
Fuel ConservationPrinter Webinar on Transportation. Growing Profits in 2020Transportation and Emissions Reductions, featuring EPA SmartWay, UPS Right-size shipping and a case-study from a WI printer. Source: EPAVideo/WebinarPrinting, Ideas, success
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingEPA's SmartWay ProgramEPA's SmartWay program helps companies advance supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking, and improving freight transportation efficiency. Source: EPAGeneral Information and Datatrucking, fleet, freight, logistics
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingRight-Size Packaging: Definition & BenefitsSource: Oliverinc.comGeneral Information and DataWaste, materials, plastic
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingFreight and Supply Chain SustainabilityThe business community can reduce the risks we will face from air pollution and health effects caused by freight transportation. Source: EPAGeneral Information and Datasupply chain, freight, trucking
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingFive Tips to Navigate Sustainable LogisticsBusiness practices to apply to increase sustainability within logistics operations. Source: ForbesArticlepop-up warehouses, alternative fuels
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingSustainable Shipping4 sustainable practices to consider. Source: Sustain.LifeArticlesupply chain, freight, trucking
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingGreen FreightThere are huge financial incentives for reducing the environmental impact from freight. By employing smarter logistics strategies, businesses can operate more efficiently and affordably. Source: Supply Chain Solutions CenterArticlelogistics strategy
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingGreen Shipping 1019 Best Practices for Eco-Friendly Shipping. Source: ShipBobArticlesupply chain, freight, trucking
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingReducing Packaging WasteHow to Save on Shipping. Source: PartnerShipArticleWaste, materials, plastic
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingWhat Are the Benefits of Getting the Right Size Packaging?Source: PolyPakArticleWaste, materials, plastic
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingUPS Eco Responsible PackagingInformation about UPS's Sustainable Packaging Program. Source: TrayakCase Studywaste, materials
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingSuccess Stories: Case Studies in Supply Chain EngagementCase studies showcasing companies that have developed and deployed innovative strategies to engage their supply chains, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, understand their shifting supply chain risks and take advantage of market opportunities. Source: EPACase Studystakeholders, success
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingSupply Chain Case StudiesHow CDP supply chain members are tackling emissions in their supply chains. Source: CDPCase Studycircular economy
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingSupply Chain Case StudiesA library of case studies that explore supply chain problems and solutions. Source: SCM GlobeCase Studytransportation
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingSmartWaySmartWay program helps companies advance supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking, and improving freight transportation efficiency. Source: EPACertificationprogram, GHG, greenhouse gas, certification
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingThe Supply Chain, Goods Movement and U.S. EPA SmartWay!Finding ways to reduce the energy, environmental impacts and costs of moving consumer goods, supplies and other freight is becoming increasingly important. Learn how EPA, industry and other stakeholders collaborate through SmartWay. Source: EPAVideo/Webinarprogram, GHG, greenhouse gas, certification
Logistics/Supply Chain/PackagingThe Supply Chain, Goods Movement and U.S. EPA SmartWay!Finding ways to reduce the energy, environmental impacts and costs of moving consumer goods, supplies and other freight is becoming increasingly important. Learn how EPA, industry and other stakeholders collaborate through SmartWay. Source: EPACertificationprogram, GHG, greenhouse gas, certification
Route ManagementIncreasing Sustainability in LTL Trucking with Route OptimizationSource: SupplyChainBrainArticlesupply chain, route optimization, trucking

Waste Reduction & Materials Management

Waste Reduction

Available Topics: Alternative or Beneficial Reuse, Circular Economy, Composting, E-Cycling. General Waste Reduction, Hazardous Waste, Recycling, Universal Waste, Waste to Energy and Zero Waste to Landfill.

TopicNameDescriptionResource Type 
Circular EconomyCircular Economy and Beneficial ReuseInformation and ideas for different ways to corporate beneficial reuse opportunities with a circular economy perspective. Source: VeoliaArticleWaste reduction, Alternative use
General Waste ReductionEPA's Sustainable Materials ManagementTaking a systematic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycles. Source: EPAWebsiteEPR, E-cycling, Life Cycle Thinking
Hazardous WasteHazardous Waste - EPA's guidelines for legitimate recyclingEPA guidelines for what constitutes legitimate recycling of hazardous waste. Source: EPAWebsiteRegulations, Waste Stream
Recycling*Waste Reduction - EPA's Waste Management HierarchyEPA developed the non-hazardous materials and waste management hierarchy in recognition that no single waste management approach is suitable for managing all materials and waste streams in all circumstances. The hierarchy ranks the various management strategies from most to least environmentally preferred. The hierarchy places emphasis on reducing, reusing and recycling as key to sustainable materials management. Source: EPAArticleWaste Reduction, Material Management
Circular EconomyWI Recycling Excellence AwardsThese award-winning recycling initiatives can provide inspiration and detail processes you could incorporate in your industry or community. Source: DNRWebsiteMaterial Management, Award, Life Cycle Thinking
Zero Waste to Landfill*Net-Zero Information3 ways to embrace a net-zero mindset Source: TrellisArticleDefinition, Strategy
General Waste ReductionEPA Waste Reduction Model (WARM)EPA created the Waste Reduction Model (WARM) to help track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, energy savings and economic impacts from several different waste management practices. Source: DNRToolrecycle, waste reduction
RecyclingEPA Waste Reduction Model (WARM)EPA created the Waste Reduction Model (WARM) to help track and voluntarily report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, energy savings and economic impacts from several different waste management practices. Source: DNRToolrecycle, waste reduction
Food WasteFood Loss and WasteProgram and resources for businesses Source: USDABest Management PracticesFood, Reduce, compost, Waste Stream 
Food WasteReduce Food Waste at the SourceBoth businesses and individuals can learn to effectively prevent wasted food by taking simple steps such as making grocery lists, inventorying supplies, and buying only what you need. Source: EPAWebsiteFood, Reduce, compost, Waste Stream 
Food WastePreventing and Diverting Food WasteTwo Social Marketing Campaign Toolkits to Prevent Wasted Food and Compost Food Scraps. Source: EPAWebsiteFood, Reduce, compost, Waste Stream 
General Waste ReductionSolid Waste Management in WisconsinInformation on how to request an exemption to solid waste regulations. This may be an option for beneficial reuse situations not covered under statute or code. Source: DNRWebsiteWaste Stream, Reduce
Alternative or Beneficial ReuseCircular Economy and Beneficial ReuseInformation and ideas for different ways to corporate beneficial reuse opportunities with a circular economy perspective. Source: VeoliaArticleWaste reduction, Alternative use
E-CyclingHow to Recycle Electronics in WisconsinMany electronics can no longer be put in the trash in Wisconsin and must be reused, recycled or managed as hazardous waste. The information below will help you prepare your electronics for reuse or recycling, find an electronics collection site or contact a recycler for larger volumes of e-waste. Source: DNRArticlewaste minimization, waste reduction, waste stream, E-cycling, materials, electronics
Alternative or Beneficial ReuseBest Practices for Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Construction and Demolition MaterialsBuilders, construction teams and design practitioners can reduce construction and demolition (C&D) waste by designing structures well, preserving existing structures as well as salvaging and reusing materials. Source: EPABest Management Practiceswaste minimization, waste reduction, waste stream, construction, demolition
CompostingGuide to Workplace CompostingFree Guide to Workplace Composting to help organizations develop workplace composting programs that support sustainability, waste reduction and zero waste initiatives. Source: US Composting CouncilBest Management PracticesWaste Stream, Alternative Use
Composting*US Composting Council WebsiteThe US Composting Council advances compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and organics recycling to benefit our members, society, and the environment. Source: US Composting CouncilWebsiteWaste Stream, Alternative Use
CompostingCompostingCompost is an environmentally friendly way to create healthy soil for Wisconsin's landscape. Source: DNRWebsiteWaste Stream, Alternative Use
Zero Waste to LandfillPaper CalculatorHow to calculate your Environmental impact. Source: WSBCToolenvironmental impact
RecyclingRecycling and Waste Reduction: Guide for the Workplace (WA-1533)Recycling and Waste Reduction: Guide for the Workplace. Source: DNRArticlerecycle, waste reduction
RecyclingWhat to Recycle in WisconsinThe full list of materials banned from landfills and incinerator disposal. Source: DNRArticlerecycle, waste reduction
Alternative or Beneficial ReuseIndustrial Byproducts - WI DNR's beneficial use programInformation on Wisconsin's voluntary beneficial use of industrial byproducts program. Source: DNRWebsiteAlternative Use, Certification
Alternative or Beneficial ReuseNon-Hazardous Materials - EPA's Methodology for Evaluating Beneficial UsesEPA's approach for evaluating a wide range of industrial non-hazardous secondary materials and their associated beneficial uses. Use of the methodology is voluntary. Source: EPAWebsiteAlternative Use
Alternative or Beneficial ReuseReuse of Commercial and Industrial WastePairing waste with companies ready to reuse. Source: Popular MechanicsArticleManufacturing, Reuse, Waste Reduction
Alternative or Beneficial ReuseBeneficial Reuse - Kohler Co.How Kohler beneficial reuse program finds markets for their industrial wastes. Source: KohlerCase StudyMaterials, Recycling, Reuse
Circular Economy*Circular Economy - BasicsAn explanation and overview of what a circular economy is and examples of a circular economy in action. Source: Ellen MacArthur FoundationArticleLife Cycle Thinking, Strategy
Circular EconomyCircular Economy - Building a Circular EconomyA look at how the collaboration of public and private entities can build an impactful circular economy in their communities. Source: Resource RecyclingArticleCollaboration
Circular EconomyCircular Great Lakes OrganizationCircular Great Lakes, a binational, collaborative initiative of the Council of the Great Lakes Region, seeks to end plastic waste by closing the loop and accelerating a circular economy for plastics across the region. Source: Circular Great LakesWebsitePlastics
Circular EconomyEPA's Sustainable Materials ManagementTaking a systematic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycles. Source: EPAWebsiteEPR, E-cycling, Life Cycle Thinking
Circular Economy*Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)Explaining EPR policies and how it could affect producers. Source: Eco-CycleWebsiteEPR, E-cycling, Life Cycle Thinking
Circular EconomyExtended Producer Responsibility (EPR)Providing the FAQs on EPRs as several states consider new legislation. Source: TrellisArticleExtended Producer Responsibility, EPR, Life Cycle Thinking
Circular EconomyUL Product CircularityUL's certification for Measuring and Reporting Circular Economy Aspects of Products, Sites & Organizations. Source: ULCertificationCertification
CompostingComposting - Implementing a program at workIdeas on implementing a composting program at your business. Source: Earth 911ArticleReuse, Waste Minimization, Waste Reduction
E-Cycling*E-waste - Best disposal optionsWeighing the options on the best disposal method for your business. Source: SERIArticleRecycling, Reuse, Waste Stream, Waste Reduction
E-CyclingE-waste - DNR's options to manage disposal (WA-420)More options for businesses, schools, institutions, nonprofits and governments, especially if you have a large number of electronics to recycle. Source: DNRWebsiteRegulations
E-CyclingE-waste - How to hold an e-cycle eventSource: DNRWebsiteRecycling, Reuse, Stakeholders, Sustainability
E-CyclingE-waste - Sustainable Disposal optionsOptions and suggestions for sustainable disposal of electronic waste. Source: YaleArticleRecycling, Reuse, Waste Stream, Waste Reduction
E-Cycling*E-waste - The World has an e-waste problemInformation on the E-waste problem and the idea of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws. Source: TIMEArticleEPR
E-Cycling*R2 Certification for E-wasteLearn about the R2 Certification and how it continues to grow and build capacity of qualified reuse and recycling facilities around the world. Source: SERIWebsiteCertification, Sustainability, Material Management
Waste ManagementDiversion efforts for construction and demolition wasteSource: WasteCapWebsiteConstruction, Demolition
General Waste ReductionWaste Reduction - Effective waste management and performing a waste reduction auditThis publication explains the current waste minimization requirements, gives you a strategy for waste management, and tells you how to prepare for and perform a waste reduction audit. Source: University of MOArticleWaste Minimization, Life Cycle Thinking, Audit
General Waste ReductionPollution Prevention Mini-WebinarWaste Reduction: Learn about three different approaches that companies took to reduce material use. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramVideo/Webinarwaste reduction, waste minimization, video
Waste ReductionWaste Reduction - Options for challenging waste streamsA showcase of one non-landfill disposal option for challenging waste streams in the printing industry. These solutions can be applied to non-recyclable wastes in other industries. Source: WI Printing CharterWebinarRecycling Markets
Hazardous WasteHazardous Waste - EPA's recycling GuidelinesSource: EPAWebsiteRecycling
RecyclingHazardous Waste - EPA's guidelines for legitimate recyclingEPA guidelines for what constitutes legitimate recycling of hazardous waste. Source: EPAWebsiteRegulations, Waste Stream
RecyclingIndustrial Waste - Ways to reduce, reuse or recycle waste streamsSuggestions on ways to reduce, reuse or recycle waste streams in your facility. Source: AbsorbTechArticleMaterial Management, Reduce, Reuse, Life Cycle Thinking
RecyclingRecycling - Business & workplace tips from the WI DNRWI DNR's information on best recycling management tips for various industries and material types. Source: DNRWebsiteMaterial Management, Recyclers
Recycling*Waste Reduction - EPA's Waste Management HierarchyEPA developed the non-hazardous materials and waste management hierarchy in recognition that no single waste management approach is suitable for managing all materials and waste streams in all circumstances. The hierarchy ranks the various management strategies from most to least environmentally preferred. The hierarchy places emphasis on reducing, reusing and recycling as key to sustainable materials management. Source: EPAArticleWaste Reduction, Material Management
RecyclingWI Recycling Excellence AwardsThese award-winning recycling initiatives can provide inspiration and detail processes you could incorporate in your industry or community. Source: DNRWebsiteMaterial Management, Award, Life Cycle Thinking
RecyclingPaper Recycling - Recycled Paper Content CalculatorA free tool to calculate the impacts of the paper you use and compare to impacts of different papers with varying amounts of recycled content. Source: Environmental Paper NetworkToolCalculator
RecyclingWI Recycling DirectoryWasteCap's Wisconsin Recycling Directory provides a single place to search for haulers, processors and drop-off sites for a large range of materials in Wisconsin, mapping their locations, providing business profiles and handling instructions. Source: WasteCapToolRecyclers, Materials
RecyclingWI Recycling Markets DirectoryInformation about and connects users to outlets for recycling various materials. Source: UWGBToolRecyclers, Materials
Universal Waste*Universal Waste - DNR's details on managementA listing of best practices to manage universal wastes. Source: DNRWebsiteCollection, Best Management Practices
Universal Waste*Universal Waste - Best Management PracticesA listing of best practices to manage universal wastes Source: DNRToolBest Management Practices
Waste to Energy*Waste-to-Energy - EPA's info on the combustion of solid wasteEPA's information on energy recovery from the combustion of solid waste. Source: EPAWebsiteWaste Minimization, Waste Stream
Zero Waste to LandfillZero waste to Landfill - DefinitionA definition of Zero Waste-to-Landfill and the waste hierarchy. Source: CovantaArticlewaste hierarchy
Zero Waste to LandfillIntertek's Zero Waste to LandfillThe Intertek certification provides physical and financial resource savings through conservation and reuse efforts. Source: Intertek GroupCertificationMaterial Management
Zero Waste to LandfillTrue Zero WasteThe TRUE certification program is used by facilities to define, pursue and achieve their zero waste goals, cut their carbon footprint and support public health. Source: USGBCCertificationMaterial Management
Zero Waste to LandfillUL Landfill DiversionUL's Standard for zero waste and waste diversion claims. Source: ULCertificationMaterial Management
Zero Waste to LandfillWaste Reduction - Waste AuditsWaste audits identify waste streams, how it got there, possible diversions, and potential value streams. Source: WasteCapToolAudit, Waste Stream, Strategy, Life Cycle Thinking
Zero Waste to LandfillZero waste to Landfill - UL Circularity WorkshopWebinar workshop introduction to waste diversion and UL's standard 2799 - Zero Waste to Landfill Program. Source: ULVideo/WebinarMaterial Management

Water Quality & Conservation

Water Quality

Available Topics: Drinking Water, PFAS, Storm Water & Flood Resilience, Wastewater, Water Management, Water Protection and Water Quality.

TopicNameDescriptionResource Type 
Drinking WaterDrinking Water System PortalInformation about public water systems that includes monitoring and other requirements, sample results, violations, inspection findings, plan/document review status, etc. Source: DNRToolWater, Collection, Pollution, Health
Water ManagementCountry Club Changes Course and Uses a Drone to Deliver SavingsLa Rinconada Country Club reduced peak water use by 54 million gallons with a bird's eye view to their landscape water management plan which included a switch to native species. Source: EPACase StudyRisk Analysis, Finance, Technology
Water ManagementIrrigation Professional Harvests Gold from Water-Saving ProductsFollowing an audit by a certified professional, a Colorado neighborhood saves over 4 million gallons of water per year with updated irrigation product. Source: EPACase StudyWater, Audit
Water ManagementOffice Complex Reduces Outdoor Water UseThe Granite Park office complex in Plano, Texas, saved 12.5 million gallons in one year through efficiencies in technology and maintenance of irrigation system. Source: EPACase StudyRisk Analysis, Finance, Technology, Water
Water ManagementShopping Mall Buys into Outdoor Water SavingsThe Village at Stone Oak saved 14 million gallons of water annually with beautiful, water-efficient landscaping upgrades. They replaced turf grass with drought-tolerant plant species and increased the efficiency of their irrigation system. Source: EPACase StudyRisk Analysis, Finance, Technology, Water
Water QualityAmbient Water Quality ToolsThe Ambient Water Quality tools track water quality data and their impacts to the environment and human health. Source: EPAToolWater, Conservation, Tools, Technology
Water ProtectionSource Water Protection PracticesGeneral Protection Practices. Source: EPABest Management PracticesWater, Conservation
Water ProtectionHow Can You Help Protect Source Water?Learn about source water protection and what actions you can take. Source: EPAArticleWater, Conservation
Drinking WaterCommon Issues found during a sanitary surveyA Fact Sheet for Non-Transient Non-Community Water System Owners and Operators. Source: DNRBest Management Practiceswater quality, risk analysis
Storm water & flood resilienceUSEPA's Green Infrastructure ResourcesConsider implementing a variety of green infrastructure practices on your property to reduce runoff, mitigate urban heat island effects and improve aesthetics on your property. Source: USEPABest Management Practicespermeable pavement, bioswales, green roofs, rain gardens
Storm water & flood resilienceWisconsin Initiative for Climate Change Impacts (WICCI)Identify ways you can reduce stormwater runoff from your site. Source: WICCIBest Management Practiceswetlands, flood, algae
Storm water & flood resilienceWisconsin Salt WiseReduce the use of salt for winter property maintenance. Source: Wisconsin Salt WiseArticlewater pollution, run off
Storm water & flood resilience4 Examples of Stormwater Best Management PracticesExamples of BMPs that can help you control stormwater runoff. Source: TrimediaBest Management Practicesbasins, detention, dry ponds, retention, swale, vegetated, vegetation
Drinking Water*What you can do to protect the quality of the drinking water in your areaList of steps anyone can take to protect the quality of the drinking water in your area. Source: EPABest Management Practicesdrinking water
Drinking Water*Protecting the People - Safe Drinking Water for AllDiscussion about WI drinking water system. Source: DNRVideo/Webinarwater quality
Storm water & flood resilience*Green Infrastructure OverviewSource: MMSDGeneral Information and Datagreen infrastructure
Storm water & flood resilience*Permeable Pavement OverviewSource: EPAGeneral Information and Datastormwater management
Storm water & flood resilience*Storm Water Management OverviewSource: EECGeneral Information and Datastormwater management
Storm water & flood resilience*Green Luminary ExamplesGreen Luminary tips and practical examples. Source: Madison Metropolitan Sewerage DistrictCase Studygreen infrastructure
Storm water & flood resilienceOconomowoc Watershed Protection ProgramWorking in partnership to protect and improve soil and water quality in the Oconomowoc River watershed. Source: DNR - HWHQWCase Studycover crop, phosphorus, run off
Storm water & flood resilience*Best Management Practices to reduce storm water runoff and pollutionList of Best Management Practices to reduce storm water runoff and pollution. Source: Storm Water PartnersBest Management Practicesstormwater management, runoff
Storm water & flood resilience*Protect our Lakes and Streams - Help Stop Polluted RunoffOverview of Problems Caused by Storm water Runoff and How Best to Manage It. Source: DNRBest Management PracticesAgriculture, water pollution
Storm water & flood resilience*Storm Water Best Management PracticesPhoto examples of storm water BMPs for commercial, residential, and industrial sites. Source: DNRBest Management Practicesstormwater management
Storm water & flood resilience*Storm Water Best Management PracticesStorm water best management practices for Public Education, Public Involvement, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction, Post-Construction, and Pollution Prevention. Source: EPABest Management Practicesstormwater management
Storm water & flood resilience*Storm Water Best Management PracticesStorm water pollution prevention. Source: EPABest Management Practicesstormwater management
Storm water & flood resilience*Commercial Rainwater Harvesting GuidebookIntro to Commercial Rainwater Harvesting. Source: City of MilwaukeeToolrainwater management
Storm water & flood resilienceGreen Values CalculatorCalculator tool comparing the performance, costs, sand benefits of using Green Infrastructure instead of conventional storm water management practices. Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT)ToolCalculator, Impact Tracker
Storm water & flood resilience*Permit PrimerWhat kind of permit do I need to manage my water runoff? Source: DNRToolwater runoff permit
Wastewater"The Phosphorous Rule" from DNROverview of Phosphorous and how the WI DNR regulates it. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataPhosphorus
WastewaterBasic Information about BiosolidsOverview of biosolids including the different classes and origins. Source: EPAGeneral Information and Datafuel, clean energy
WastewaterOverview of Multi-discharger Phosphorus Variance (MPV)Description, requirements, and payment info regarding MDVs in Wisconsin. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataPhosphorus
Water QualityOverview of Runoff Rules for Farmers and Financial Assistance OptionsHigh level overview of rules all Wisconsin farmers have to follow in managing their runoff as well as related financial assistance and permits. Source: DNRGeneral Information and DataAgriculture
WastewaterSimple Tips to Improve Wastewater TreatmentList of basic changes or best practices to minimize the amount of treatment your wastewater needs. Source: The 71 PercentGeneral Information and DataWater pollution, technology
WastewaterWastewater Treatment Technology4 Examples of New Wastewater Treatment Technology. Source: AOS Treatment SolutionsGeneral Information and DataWater pollution, technology
Water QualityAgricultural Financial AssistanceList of grants available to Wisconsin farmers in their efforts to control nonpoint source pollution. Source: DNRToolAgriculture
WastewaterOverview of Multi-discharger Phosphorus Variance (MDV)Webinar discussing MDVs and Eligibility. Source: DNRVideo/WebinarPhosphorus
WastewaterPollution Prevention Mini-Webinar - Wastewater Energy EfficiencyLearn about strategies to save energy in wastewater treatment. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramVideo/Webinarenergy conservation, energy efficiency
Water ManagementList of Recommendations for Water Savings based on Facility TypeAlthough each type of commercial building faces unique challenges, facility managers can achieve significant water savings indoors and outdoors by adopting more water-efficient equipment and operational practices. Source: EPAGeneral Information and DataFinance, water, conservation
Water Management7 Ways Businesses Can Save Water at the OfficeQuick outline of steps businesses can take to manage water use. Source: Smarter BusinessArticlewater, conservation, efficiency, office
Water ManagementAnalyzing Water Use in your WorkplaceList of steps to take to analyze your water use and identify areas of conservation. Source: Queensland GovernmentArticleIndustrial, water, conservation, strategy
Water ManagementBusiness Water Conservation TipsInteractive and Industry-Specific tips to reduce water usage. Source: Ireland's National Water UtilityArticlewater, conservation, efficiency
Water ManagementEPA's WaterSense ProgramSave water and protect the environment with the WaterSense program. Source: EPAWebsiteRegulations, Partnership, Efficiency
Water ManagementHow Businesses can Reduce their Water UsageEveryday operational updates businesses can make to reduce water use. Source: Green Journal UKArticleWater, conservation, efficiency
Water ManagementRecommendations for Businesses on how to save Water in the WorkplaceSaving water in the workplace - Recommendations for any business. Source: Living Water SmartArticleIndustrial, water, conservation, strategy
Water ManagementWater Conservation for BusinessesSmall Changes Business can make to reduce water use. Source: Ireland's National Water UtilityArticlewater, conservation, effeciency
Water ManagementReducing Outdoor Water Use at an Office BuildingLearn about how an office complex in Plano, TX reduced its water use by 40% by upgrading its irrigation systems and changing maintenance practices. Source: EPACase StudyCommercial, Office
Water ManagementHow an Office Building in Texas Reduced its Water UseThrough indoor and outdoor improvements, an office building in Texas reduced its overall water consumption by 40%. Source: EPACase StudyWater, conservation, effeciency
Water ManagementMMSD'S Industrial Honor RollCertification for companies who did not have any violations with Milwaukee's regulatory requirements for water management. Source: MMSDCertificationRegulations, Partnership, Certification, Award
Water ManagementBest Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional FacilitiesA compilation of water-efficiency best management practices, to help commercial and institutional facility owners and managers understand and better manage their water use. Source: EPABest Management PracticesIndustrial, water, efficiency
Water Management*Best Management Practices to help commercial and institutional facilities understand and manage their water useList of water management practices. Source: EPABest Management Practiceswater management
Water ManagementBest Management Practices: Water Management PlanningOutline of what to include in a strategic plan to manage water use. Source: Energy.govBest Management PracticesWater, conservation, effeciency
Water ManagementHow Businesses can Conserve WaterList of Best Management Practices businesses can take to conserve water. Source: PG&EBest Management PracticesIndustrial, water, conservation, strategy
Water Management*Saving Water in Office BuildingsList of Best Management Practices to conserve water in an office building setting. Source: EPABest Management PracticesWater, conservation, effeciency, office
Water ManagementWater Efficiency Resources for Commerical, Industrial, Commercial SectorSee recommendations for increasing water use efficiency. Source: Alliance for Water EfficiencyBest Management PracticesCommercial, Industrial, Institutional, Assessment, Opportunity
Water ManagementWater Use Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional FacilitiesOutline of basic steps commercial facilities can take to reduce water use. Source: EPABest Management Practiceswater, conservation, effeciency, industrial
Water ManagementOperations and Maintenance Water Waste Checklist for Commercial and Institutional FacilitiesChecklist to identify potential leaks or losses and maintenance practices that will save water, energy and operating costs. Source: EPAToolIndustrial, water, conservation, strategy
Water ManagementWater Assessment ChecklistChecklist to identify potential projects and best management practices that will save water, energy, and operating costs. Source: EPAToolWater, Conservation, Strategy
Water ManagementWater Audit Guidance for Commercial BuildingsDescribes the process of doing a building water audit. Source: City EnergyToolaudit, Assessment, Opportunity
Water ManagementWaterSense at Work: Best Management Practices for Commercial and Institutional Facilities [Excel exit DNR]Water Use Fillable Action Plan and Corresponding Worksheets for Facilities trying to reduce water use. Source: EPAToolCommercial, Industrial, Institutional, Assessment, Opportunity
Water Management*Overview of How Water Gets to a HomeFind out about the water service a typical residential water bill covers, and the costs of delivering a consistent, reliable flow of safe and affordable drinking water to your faucet. Source: Alliance for Water EfficiencyVideo/WebinarResidential
Water Management*Overview Water Rates and How to Conserve WaterLearn about what goes into water rates and a helpful overview on key conservation tactics. Source: Alliance for Water EfficiencyVideo/WebinarFinance, Efficiency
Water ManagementPollution Prevention Mini-Webinar - Water ConservationLearn about two common solutions for water reduction. Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance ProgramVideo/Webinarwater, conservation
Water ProtectionForests to Faucets Watershed MapThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Forests to Faucets project uses GIS to model and map the continental United States land areas most important to surface drinking water, the role forests play in protecting these areas, and the extent to which these forests are threatened by development, insects and disease, and wildland fire. Source: USDAToolWater
Water Quality*Framing a multi-stakeholder approach to water securityExplains the importance of a collaborative approach to maintaining water quality. Source: International Water AssociationArticlewater quality

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