WWCT How to apply
Wisconsin Wetland Conservation Trust — Restore
The current Request for Proposal (RFP) is open on March 1, 2025, with a deadline on April 30, 2025. Applicants will be notified of their proposal status by May 31, 2025.
2025 March 1 available funding for In-Lieu Fee Wetland Mitigation Projects
Service Area Name | HUC | Preferred Credit Generation | Available Project Funds |
SW Lake Michigan* | 040400 | 20 | $1,600,000 |
Upper Illinois* | 071200 | 45 | $3,300,000 |
Upper Miss Black Root* | 070400 | 20 | $1,000,000 |
NW Lake Michigan* | 040301 | 15 | $1,100,000 |
* WWCT did not select projects in a previous RFP cycle in this service area. Potential applicants are encouraged to apply and be aware that WWCT is actively searching for projects and may choose to pursue them on a first-come, first-served basis.
Before applying
All prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss their project with WWCT staff before submitting an application. Applicants for the State Lands Grant Subprogram are required to discuss their project with the DNR Property Manager at the proposed site and to submit a letter of support from them with the application. WWCT staff are happy to discuss application materials and answer any questions about the RFP process with applicants.
WWCT Guidance is a comprehensive overview of contracting, design, and implementation of a WWCT-funded project.
Please contact us:
Josh Brown
ILF Program CoordinatorEligibility
Standard subprogram
Open to all public agencies, municipalities, private landowners, environmental consultants, nonprofit conservation organizations, Wisconsin tribes, or any entity registered with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. Projects may be completed on any lands in the state of Wisconsin with the requirement that all project sites must be protected by a conservation easement or comparable legal instrument and remain as a mitigation site in perpetuity.
State Lands subprogram
Nonprofit conservation organizations applying to complete a project entirely on Wisconsin DNR-owned or eased lands have the option of applying to this subprogram. Projects must be completed on DNR owned or eased properties as defined in s. 23.09 (2) (d), Wis. Stats.
For all applicants
If the applicant plans to be the primary party implementing the project, they must provide qualifications and a list of wetland mitigation projects completed within the last 10 years. If an applicant plans to hire professional contractors or consultants to implement the project, then they must provide the contractor or consultant’s qualifications and a list of wetland restoration projects completed within the last 10 years.
Service areas
The WWCT's 12 service areas represent major watersheds in Wisconsin. The WWCT must use credit fees from wetland impacts for restoration projects in the same service area where the impacts occurred. To be selected, project proposal sites must fall within a service area with currently available funding.
» WI Wetland Conservation Trust Grant Application (Form 8700-363)
Applications will only be accepted using the 'Submit by email...' button and the corresponding instructions described on page 1 of the WWCT Grant Application.
Before starting an application, please contact the Josh Brown, WWCT Program Coordinator for more information.
If you are having problems opening the application form, please visit PDF help.
Proposal Review
Proposals are reviewed on a rolling quarterly basis, with deadlines for submittal one month before the end of each quarter. The WWCT reviews applications during the final 30 days of each quarter. Selected proposals are generally subject to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers review prior to the creation of a WWCT contract for the project.
Quarterly RFP cycle timeline
Quarter Application Open Application Deadline WWCT Review Deadline 1 December 1 January 31 February 28 (29) 2 March 1 April 30 May 31 3 June 1 July 31 August 31 4 September 1 October 31 November 30 WWCT Project Application Scoring Criteria Maximum Score Proposal evaluation Site evaluation The proposal demonstrates the ability to result in a successful and sustainable net gain and preservation of wetland functional values and area according to WWCT project timelines. 15 The proposal targets the goals and objectives identified in the Compensation Planning Framework for the Service Area and HUC-8 watersheds, including Advanced Watershed Plans (where applicable). 15 The proposal adequately describes site conditions, site suitability, and reasoning to support restoration planning decisions. 10 The project budget and restoration plan are cost-efficient and appropriate. 5 The project applicant(s) shows experience, breadth of knowledge, and a demonstrated ability to complete successful wetland restoration projects. 5 The site contains drained hydric soils and/or a high proportion of mapped Potentially Restorable Wetlands. 15 The site is of adequate size to either satisfy WWCT's legal responsibility taken on through Advanced Credit sales or can satisfy this responsibility in combination with other projects. 10 The site is not likely to receive continual inputs of undesirable vegetative species (invasive and/or non-native species). 10 Artificial drainage features that impact hydrology can be disabled without negatively impacting neighboring properties. 5 The site will require minimum maintenance of structures to sustain targeted community types, functions, and services. 5 The site is in close proximity to existing conservation lands. Priority will be given to sites near important conservation lands and/or sites that satisfy important conservation actions. 5 TOTAL MAXIMUM SCORE = 100 POINTS Resources
- WWCT Guidance is a comprehensive overview of completing a WWCT-funded project.
- Service Area Map displays the 12 major watersheds of the WWCT program.
- Desirable Project Sites describes qualities of high-potential wetland mitigation project sites according to WWCT standards.
- Wetlands and Watershed Explorer is a map tool for prioritizing wetland restorations developed by The Nature Conservancy and Wisconsin DNR.
- Project Timelines explains the steps involved in the project development and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers review phase of a WWCT project.
- Easement Template details the necessary site restrictions to protect a project site in perpetuity as restored wetland.
- Contract Template is an example of standard contract language for WWCT projects
- Program Instrument lays out all policies and procedures for the WWCT program.
- Guidelines for Compensatory Mitigation in Wisconsin describes requirements for ILF projects.
- Consultant List offers contact information for environmental consultants who have applied to the WWCT to be on the list (pursuant to NR 734, Wis. Admin. Code).