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Northern Engraving Corporation

Tier 2 participant since 7/1/2023


Northern Engraving Corporation (NEC) manufactures nameplates, automotive trim and other industrial decoratives, using plastic and aluminum as the primary substrates. The company's Wisconsin facilities are located in Sparta, Holmen and West Salem.

In 2002, NEC became one of the six participants in the DNR's Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program, the precursor to Green Tier, that evaluated innovative environmental regulatory methods. As part of their Cooperative Agreement, the DNR and NEC, with concurrence from the EPA, agreed to an innovative, flexible air pollution control permit that saves time and money for both parties. Building on the success of the Cooperative Agreement, the DNR and NEC have agreed on a contract under Tier 2 of Green Tier. The contract allows for the continuing benefits for both parties and facilitates projects that improve NEC's environmental footprint.


Environmental Activities

NEC is a dedicated steward of the environment, with an active pollution prevention program since 1988. An environmental policy commits the company to reducing waste, continually improving processes, and minimizing harm to the environment. All NEC facilities are registered to the ISO 14001 international environmental standard and will receive annual audits from a DNR-Approved Outside Environmental Auditor. The environmental management system helps NEC analyze environmental impacts, set objectives and targets, develop supporting programs, review results and redirect efforts. Each facility has experienced continued successes using these tools to improve employee and community involvement in their operations.

In their words

"NEC has been actively manufacturing for over 100 years. In that time, there has been a major push to become more environmentally conscious. Working with customers and local entities, including the Wisconsin DNR, NEC is on the right path to continue with our commitment to the environment," said Mark Peterson II, the Environmental, Health, and Safety Manager for NEC. "Finally transitioning into Tier 2 of the Green Tier program is something that NEC is proud of and should stand as a testament to our never-ending pursuit to a better and cleaner future."


News Release


Interested Parties Group

Tier 2 Contract


Cooperative agreement

DNR contactCompany contact
Mary Oleson
3550 Mormon Coulee Rd
La Crosse WI 54601
Mark Peterson II
803 S Black River St
Sparta WI 54656
608-269-6911 Ext 124