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Green Team assistance

Contaminated land often raises liability concerns, technical issues and funding questions. The DNR can help local government officials and others navigate these challenges and make progress on brownfield projects.

A collaborative approach

The DNR's "Green Team" meetings bring important parties in the cleanup and redevelopment process together to discuss issues, answer key questions and give everyone a better understanding of the project. Department staff are available to discuss liability protections, regulatory processes and financial assistance available for the investigation, remediation and redevelopment of the contaminated property. See DNR publication Green Team Assistance for Contaminated Properties (RR-0128) [PDF] for more information.

Green Team meetings are an effective and efficient way for local governments and others to evaluate options, plan for and work through a brownfield project. The DNR can be a valuable partner in this effort and is eager to provide the assistance you need.

Typical topics

Green Team meetings can cover several topics about brownfields in general or focus on specific sites in your community. Some typical topics for discussion include:

Schedule a meeting

To schedule a Green Team meeting contact your regional DNR outreach representative.

DNR RegionContact PersonTelephone Number
NorthernBarb Herbst715-492-1891
NortheastTauren Beggs920-662-5178
South CentralJanet DiMaggio608-219-2155
SoutheastMargaret Brunette262-289-0005
West CentralPeter Raymond715-279-3742
StatewideTom Coogan608-219-2148

Feedback survey

After your Green Team meeting, please consider giving the DNR feedback by completing our Green Team meeting survey. Your comments help us evaluate the benefits of this service and identify any areas in need of improvement.

Additional resources