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Resources for private parties

Help for Property Owners, Buyers and Developers

When you discover contamination on your property, the DNR can help answer questions about next steps, liability and available financial resources.

Learn more about the DNR's Remediation and Redevelopment Program.

Cleanup Basics

The DNR Publication Environmental Contamination Basics (RR-674) can clarify basics of environmental contamination and the cleanup process.

Real Estate Considerations

When soil or groundwater contamination is discovered property owners often ask about the impact of the contamination, especially with respect to real estate transactions. The DNR publication Environmental Contamination & Your Real Estate (RR-973) explains the basic considerations for disclosure of environmental contamination on your property.

Environmental Consultants

Investigation and cleanup of contamination in the environment is usually conducted by environmental consultants hired by the party responsible for cleanup. Cleanup actions are overseen by the DNR. Information about selecting a consultant is available from the DNR.

Liability Assistance

When requested (and when a fee is submitted), the RR Program can provide clarification of liability for property owners, lessees and protective purchasers.

Financial Resources

Resources to cover investigation and cleanup costs are available from various sources, including the DNR. More information is available on the DNR's Financial Resources webpage.