Resources for environmental professionals
Submit Electronically
Customers are strongly encouraged to submit documents via the online Submittal Portal. DNR is temporarily suspending the requirement to submit one paper copy of each plan or report under s. NR 700.11(3g), Wis. Adm. Code, including hard copies of case closure packets.
Compliance with NR 712
Professional engineers are permitted to certify reports using a digital or electronic signature and P.E. stamp for any submittal subject to ch. NR 712, Wis. Adm. Code, requirements. Hydrogeologists, professional geologists and scientists may certify using a digital or electronic signature for NR 712 submittals. (See ss. A-E 2.02(7) and GHSS 1.03(7), Wis. Adm. Code, and s. 137.15, Wis. Stats.)
The soil calculator and other related information and guidance documents have been moved to the Contaminated Soil and Sediment page.
The resources on this page are intended for environmental professionals who work with the DNR's Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program. For a more general description of the cleanup process, please visit Cleanup overview. Download NR 700 Process and Timeline (RR-967) [PDF] for a visual summary of steps to receive final case closure per NR 700 rules.
Please contact RR Staff for situations not addressed by guidance and for site-specific technical questions.
Forms and Guidance
Forms and Guidance
Proper Submittal of Documents and Requests for Assistance
To ensure a timely response, all technical reports and written requests for assistance to the RR Program should follow established guidelines. Areas of special concern include: attaching necessary forms, properly titling on all reports and submitting all applicable fees.
REMINDER: To reduce issues in saving and editing DNR forms, save the form using Adobe Acrobat software. This is especially important if the form will need to be edited before submittal to the DNR. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free at [exit DNR].
Commonly Requested RR Program Guidance
- For guidance and forms related to ch. NR 716, Wis. Adm. Code, site investigations, visit the Site Investigation Toolkit webpage.
- For guidance and forms related to ch. 718, Wis. Adm. Code, management of contaminated soil and other solid wastes, visit the Contaminated Soil and Sediment webpage - Management tab.
- For guidance and forms related to ch. 720, Wis. Adm. Code, soil cleanup standards, visit the Contaminated Soil and Sediment webpage.
- For guidance and forms related to vapor intrusion, visit the Vapor Intrusion for Environmental Professionals webpage.
- For guidance and forms related to closure including post-closure modifications, see the Case Closure tab on this webpage.
Other Commonly Requested RR Program Guidance & Forms
- Guidance on Soil Performance Standards (RR-528) [PDF]
- Management of Contaminated Soil and Other Solid Wastes Chs. NR 718.12 and 718.15 (RR-060) [PDF]
- Guidance for Cover Systems as Soil Performance Standard Remedies (RR-709) [PDF]
- Off-Site Discharge Exemption Request Application (Form 4400-201) [PDF]
- Lender Liability Exemption Environmental Assessment Tracking (Form 4400-196) [PDF]
- Exemption Application for Development at Historic Fill Site or Licensed Landfill (Form 4400-226) [PDF]
- Operation, Maintenance, Monitoring, and Optimization Reporting of Soil and Groundwater Remediation Systems (Form 4400-194) [PDF]
- Technical Assistance, Environmental Liability Clarification or Post-Closure Modification Request (Form 4400-237) [PDF]
Case Closure
Recently Published Guidance
NR 726 Case Closure Reconsideration Process (RR-102) [PDF] - This document provides responsible parties (RPs) with guidance on the opportunities available to engage the department to receive feedback on the adequacy of chs. NR 700-799, Wis. Adm. Code, response actions undertaken and submitted by the RP to document case closure. This guidance presents the process and feedback opportunities available if case closure is not recommended by the department. This general process is referred to as the case closure reconsideration process.
Case Closure Request Forms
The following case closure request forms should be used for all case closures, pursuant to ch. NR 726, Wis. Adm. Code.
- Case Closure Request (Form 4400-202) [PDF] - Note: The submittal of both an electronic and paper copy are required in accordance with s. NR 726.09(1), Wis. Adm. Code. Electronic files can be submitted through the RR Submittal Portal. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation with directions on where to send your paper copy. When changes to the original closure request are necessary, consultants should work with the DNR project manager assigned to their site to determine whether a final, complete electronic and paper file are necessary, or if only revised or updated pages or figures need to be submitted.
- Notification of Continuing Obligations and Residual Contamination (Form 4400-286) [PDF] - Note: This form is fillable. If you get a popup box when opening the form that says you cannot save a completed copy of this form with Adobe 9 or later, please ignore the message and close the popup box.
Case Closure-Related Guidance and Templates
- Guidance on Case Closure and the Requirements for Managing Continuing Obligations (RR-606) [PDF]
- Maintenance Plan Template for a Straightforward Site (RR-980) [DOCX]
- Continuing Obligations Inspection and Maintenance Log (Form 4400-305) [PDF]
- Maintenance Plans for Vapor Mitigation Systems/Vapor Intrusion Response Actions (RR-981) [PDF]
- Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log (Form 4400-321) [PDF] – This fillable form was created in October 2020 and is crafted after the example in Appendix G of RR-800 [PDF]. The form allows site-specific photos of system components to be added and allows for more than one of the same components (e.g., drop points, fans). This form replaces form 4400-305 for maintenance plans for vapor mitigation systems, referenced in RR-981 [PDF].
- DNR Case Closure Continuing Obligations: Vapor Intrusion (RR-042) [PDF] - This document helps responsible parties and environmental consultants determine which vapor intrusion continuing obligations should be selected when preparing for site closure and completing the Case Closure Request (Form 4400-202) [PDF].
- Guidance for Sediment-Related Continuing Obligations for Environmental Protection, Wis. Stat. s. 292.12(5M) (RR-0126) [PDF] - This fact sheet is intended to help property owners understand their obligations under s. 292.12, Wis. Stat., regarding continuing obligations that are imposed due to residual contamination remaining on their property.
Information and Training
Use of Remediation Technologies and the RR Program
There is no need or requirement for remediation technology vendors or others to obtain statewide approval from the RR Program for the use of their technologies. Responsible persons (RPs) should use whatever appropriate technology to achieve cleanup standards in accordance with Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 700 requirements. Cleanup activities and technologies may not cause additional discharges or cause the contamination to spread further or contaminate uncontaminated media.
If the application of the technology results in a discharge or activity that requires another DNR Program approval, then the RP will have to get that approval.
This includes:
- air emission discharges - Air Management Program;
- injection wells - Drinking and Groundwater Program;
- wastewater discharges to surface or groundwater - Watershed Management Program; and
- solid waste processing facilities, which may include ex-situ treatment of contaminated soil - Waste and Materials Management Program.
Technology vendors are encouraged to contact consultants who do cleanup work in Wisconsin to familiarize them with their technologies if they want them tried here. They may want to fund demonstrations of their technologies at a site or sites in Wisconsin if they want additional exposure and acceptance.
Vendors may provide technical information to the RR Program at any time. If they would like a written review or reaction, then they should pay a $700 fee for other technical assistance in accordance with ch. NR 749, Wis. Adm. Code. However, such a letter is not a formal statewide approval for statewide use of the technology from the RR Program.
Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
One Cleanup MOA Between DNR and EPA
The DNR and the U.S. EPA Region 5 have a One Cleanup Program Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the two agencies. The MOA is nationally significant in that it is the first EPA-state MOA to address cleanup requirements across several environmental media, including the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Toxic Substances Control Act; and Leaking Underground Storage Tanks.
Wisconsin’s program simplifies cleanups of contaminated sites under different regulatory programs by providing a single, consolidated approach rather than utilizing a range of separate programs with potentially conflicting approaches and cleanup standards. By clarifying the U.S. EPA’s intentions and expectations with respect to Wisconsin’s One Cleanup Program, it is believed that the MOA will expedite cleanups of all contaminated sites, including brownfields, as well as guide property owners, developers, consultants and others in understanding how meeting Wisconsin’s standards can satisfy both agencies.
- One Cleanup Program MOA (RR-064) [PDF]
- PCB Remediation in Wisconsin under the One Cleanup Program Memorandum of Agreement (RR-786) [PDF]
MOU Between DATCP and DNR Concerning the Discharge of Hazardous Substances
This MOU between DATCP and DNR [PDF] concerns the discharge of hazardous substances. Wis. Stats s. 94.73 established the Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program (ACCP) managed by the DATCP. The purpose of ACCP is to identify and assist in the remediation of releases of pesticides and fertilizers. ACCP provides reimbursement for eligible costs incurred by parties conducting cleanups. A portion of the law, s. 94.73(12), Wis. Stats., required DATCP and the DNR to enter into an MOU describing each agency's functions in the administration of s. 94.73, Wis. Stats., to ensure corrective actions taken by DATCP are consistent with actions taken under s. 292.11(7), Wis. Stats. The focus of this MOU is on the remediation and waste management activities related to agricultural chemical releases and consequently, other DNR regulations are not fully addressed in the MOU.
MOU Between We Energies and DNR
The DNR negotiated a Memorandum of Agreement with We Energies in 2011. The agreement documents the process We Energies will use when addressing releases of mineral insulating oil containing PCBs less than 50 ppm and also how to manage soil and debris generated in conjunction with routine construction activities at their electrical distribution and industrial support facilities.
MOU Between ATC and DNR
The DNR negotiated an agreement with the American Transmission Company (ATC) on how they would deal with lead contamination in soil at their transmission towers.
- November 2010 Amended Agreement between ATC and DNR [PDF] - amends Attachment A only. Pages one and two of the original agreement are still current.
- 2007 Agreement between ATC and DNR [PDF]