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Maps and GIS
Maps help present information in a form that is more easily understood and meaningful to broad audiences. You can browse the mapping applications below for more specific information displayed in a map format. Many of these maps are interactive, meaning that users can zoom in and out, add data layers, print and export maps and perform other actions to get information and make maps about specific areas and features of interest to them.
- Air
- Air Management Data Viewer - Air Management permitted facilities, air quality monitor locations and submitted air emissions inventories.
- Current Air Quality, Monitoring Data and Forecasts - Data for several air quality measures.
- Air Monitoring Map for Industrial Sand Mine/Processing Plants - Industrial sand operations that have a permit requirement to monitor for particulate matter and must provide ambient monitoring data to DNR.
- Locations of Industrial Sand Mines and Processing Plants Map - Information about how to view industrial sand locations and permit and compliance information.
- Endangered resources
- Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Public Portal – Potential impacts to endangered resources at a given location.
- Fishing, hunting, recreation
- Boat Access - Public boat access and shore fishing sites.
- Lake Michigan State Water Trail Viewer - Canoe and kayak access sites and other recreational information along Lake Michigan.
- Find a Lake - Wisconsin lakes of interest.
- Trout Regulations and Opportunities User Tool (TROUT) – Trout fishing locations, regulation information, classified trout waters, public land and DNR fishing easements.
- Fields and Forest Lands Interactive Gamebird Hunting Tool (FFLIGHT) – Public lands for hunting ruffed grouse, woodcock, pheasants and doves.
- Public Shooting Ranges in Wisconsin
- License Sales Agent - Find active license agents and DNR Service Centers.
- Voluntary Public Access (VPA) - Find a VPA property to hunt, fish, trap or observe wildlife.
- Turkey Hunting Access Program (THAP) - Find active license agents and DNR Service Centers.
- Forestry
- General
- Location Finder Viewer – Location statistics including county, municipality, PLSS description, latitude/longitude, legislative districts and waterbody information.
- Groundwater & Wells
- Water Use Viewer – Locations and volumes of high capacity well and surface water withdrawals, pending high capacity well applications and recently approved wells.
- Well Driller Viewer - Provides a visual map view of specific setback, construction and approval information to assist well drillers in planning projects and meeting requirements of NR 812, Wis. Adm. Code.
- PFAS Interactive Data Viewer - Identifies locations with known PFAS contamination and whether cleanup has been completed; results from testing municipal drinking water for PFAS; locations with PFAS-related fish and game consumption advisories; and waterbodies throughout Wisconsin sampled for PFAS during targeted or routine monitoring.
- Land
- Property Planning Viewer – Master Planning map series themes, including DNR & Other Lands, Proposed and Existing Infrastructure, and Land Management Classifications.
- Public Access Lands – Open public lands and recreational opportunities, as well as DNR Land Sales parcels and Board of Commissioners of Public Lands parcels.
- Remediation & Redevelopment
- Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Sites Map - Contaminated soil or groundwater locations; investigation and cleanup activities.
- Surface Water & Wetlands
- Surface Water Data Viewer - Water resources, monitoring stations and quality assessments.
- Wetlands and Wetland Indicators - Wisconsin Wetland Inventory and wetland indicators layer mapping, for determining if wetlands are likely present at a site.
- Water Condition Viewer - Water condition, monitoring and assessment data.
- Designated Waters - Special lake or stream designations that affect waterway permitting.
- Lakes and AIS Viewer - Wisconsin lakes, aquatic invasive species (AIS), lake monitoring locations, watercraft inspection sites and grant projects.
- Watersheds
- Watershed Management - Dam Safety - Dam safety data.
- Watershed Management - Floodplain Analysis Database - Floodplain analysis data.
- Watershed Management Map Viewer - Fisheries Assessments - Water monitoring station locations and information.
- Watershed Management Map Viewer - Construction Permits - Outstanding and Exceptional Resource Waters, including trout stream waters.
- Watershed Restoration Viewer - Water quality improvement projects across Wisconsin.
- PRESTO-Lite - Pollutant, water resource and landscape characteristics for Wisconsin watersheds. Associated with the Watershed Restoration Viewer.
- Storm Water Permit Viewer - Submitted and approved storm water permits for construction, DOT and industrial sites.
- Wildlife
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Status Maps - Sampling information for CWD surveillance.
- Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II Interactive Map - Atlas block boundaries and habitat features within them for volunteer bird surveyors.
- Wolf Depredation Maps – Locations of wolf deprecation and threat conflicts verified between 2013 to the present.