Watershed Restoration & Protection Viewer
The DNR's Watershed Restoration & Protection Viewer is an interactive web mapping tool for exploring water quality improvement and protection projects across Wisconsin. When waters are listed as "impaired" as defined by the EPA, the DNR works to improve the waters by implementing various types of frameworks such as Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) and Nine Key Element Plans. If the waters are already "healthy," the DNR works to maintain their healthy status for current and future generations to enjoy.
Wisconsin’s new statewide program Healthy Watersheds, High-Quality Waters (HWHQW) identifies and prioritizes watersheds and lakes, streams, rivers, and wetlands that are already "healthy" for protection. HWHQW provides a road map for how to strike an improved balance between restoration and protection, all while emphasizing and celebrating the wonderful waters of Wisconsin.
Watershed Restoration & Protection Viewer
Key Features
This viewer allows users to search and map DNR information regarding water quality by focusing on places in Wisconsin where the DNR is working with partners to provide improved water quality. Users can view current water restoration plans along with impaired waterbodies in order to gather a quick assessment of how the state is working toward improving and maintaining water quality. Users can also view HWHQW modeling and assessment results and protection priority areas. Described below is a more specific look at what is included in the viewer.
All active Nine Key Element plans
Nine Key Element plans are located on the Watershed Restoration Plans theme and include clickable polygons to access a quick overview of each plan number along with a brief description. Viewable plans in this theme are all considered "active" and do not include expiring plans or those in development.
All TMDL plans
TMDL plans include specific subbasin-based report data for the Upper Fox/Wolf, Lower Fox, Rock River, Wisconsin River, Milwaukee River and Northeast Lakeshore. Subbasins are clickable and will generate a quick summary of TMDL values for specific parameters (providing an easier way to retrieve TMDL information than sifting through static reports). TMDL information associated with individual permits are also available within each TMDL theme. (NOTE: Values reflect individual permits as stated in the TMDL at the time of approval. Actual permit limits may vary.)
This tool provides pollutant, water resource and landscape characteristics for any Wisconsin watershed. A PRESTO-Lite page is available for more information and a description of how the tool works.
Healthy Watersheds, High-Quality Waters (HWHQW) Action Plan
The HWHQW action plan prioritizes the healthiest 30% watersheds and the high-quality lakes, streams, rivers, and wetlands within those watersheds for protection. The 30% healthiest watersheds are identified at the statewide scale and major drainage basin (i.e. HUC6) scale. The viewer includes the modeling indicators used to identify watershed health, stressors, and protection opportunities. Protection opportunities integrates priorities from multiple DNR programs, including forestry, fisheries, wildlife, and water quality.