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Hearings and Meetings Archive

Below is an archive of hearings and meetings that have already occurred. A list of upcoming events is available on the department's Hearings and Meetings calendar.
Meetings between:
September 2023
Thursday September 7

Environmental Protection | Business | Construction | Brownfields

Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group Vapor Intrusion Subgroup Meeting

Date: 09/07/2023

Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jody Irland, or 608-982-1780


The DNR’s Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from, and provide information to, interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues.

The RR External Advisory Group (EAG) was formed to address a broad range of issues encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

Visit the DNR's RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future meetings.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join in-person:
State Natural Resources Bldg. (GEF 2)
Rm. G27
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Check in with the security desk, please.

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. 

Published on

2023-09-07T14:00:00 - 2023-09-07T15:30:00
Thursday September 7

Environmental Protection | Business | Construction | Brownfields

Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group NR 700 Subgroup Meeting

Date: 09/07/2023

Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jody Irland, or 608-982-1780


The DNR’s Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from, and provide information to, interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues.

The RR External Advisory Group (EAG) was formed to address a broad range of issues encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

Visit the DNR's RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future meetings.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join in-person:
State Natural Resources Bldg. (GEF 2)
Rm. G27
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Check in with the security desk, please.

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. 

Published on

2023-09-07T12:00:00 - 2023-09-07T13:30:00
Thursday September 7

Recreation | Safety | Open Outdoors

Disability Advisory Council

Date: 09/07/2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Shannon Holt, or 608-279-8735


This is a meeting of the DNR Disability Advisory Council (DAC).

Join this meeting on Microsoft Teams.

Join by phone: 608-571-2209; Meeting ID: 168031231#

Published on

2023-09-07T10:00:00 - 2023-09-07T15:00:00
Thursday September 7

Environmental Protection | Business | Construction | Brownfields

Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group Funding Sustainability Subgroup Meeting

Date: 09/07/2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jody Irland, or 608-982-1780


The DNR’s Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from, and provide information to, interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues.

The RR External Advisory Group (EAG) was formed to address a broad range of issues encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

Visit the DNR's RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future meetings.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join in-person:
State Natural Resources Bldg. (GEF 2)
Rm. G27
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Check in with the security desk, please.

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. 

Published on

2023-09-07T10:00:00 - 2023-09-07T11:30:00
Thursday September 7

Monitoring | Public Input

Air Management Advisory Group Quarterly Meeting

Date: 09/07/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Craig Czarnecki,


The Air Management Advisory Group serves as a forum for the program to receive input from and provide information to stakeholder organizations. The goal of the advisory group is to provide Air Management with constructive feedback on policy and technical issues and to work collaboratively with DNR staff to find workable solutions.

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join by phone: 301-715-8592; Meeting ID: 861 9348 0534

Join in-person:

GEF II, Room G09 
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI 53703

Published on

2023-09-07T09:00:00 - 2023-09-07T10:00:00
Wednesday September 6

About/General |

DNR Diversity Team Meeting

Date: 09/06/2023

Time: 1:00 p.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Michelle Scott, or 920-252-0679


Updates on Diversity Team projects. Discussion of upcoming meeting to onboard new members & celebrate members who completed their 2-year term.

Join this meeting on Microsoft Teams.

Join by phone: 608-571-2209; Phone Conference ID: 113 188 307# 

Published on

2023-09-06T13:00:00 - 2023-09-06T16:00:00
Wednesday September 6

Environmental Protection | Regulations | Recycling

Council On Recycling Meeting

Date: 09/06/2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Outagamie


Jennifer Semrau, or 608-381-0960


Agenda topics for the council include DNR and legislative updates, recycling administrative code revision updates, council prioritization next steps, battery recycling and more. Following the business meeting, a tour of the Tri-County Materials Recovery Facility (operated by Outagamie County) will be conducted. A complete agenda can be found on this DNR webpage.

Join in-person:
Outagamie County Recycling and Solid Waste
1419 Holland Rd
Appleton, WI 54911


Published on

2023-09-06T10:00:00 - 2023-09-06T12:00:00
Wednesday September 6

Regulations | Legal

Nuisance Abatement Action for Removal of Fence in the Town of Laona in Forest County


Date: 09/06/2023

Time: 8:30 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Forest County Court House, 200 E. Madison St. - Board Room


Susan Burns, or 608-266-3865


This is a public hearing on the Nuisance Abatement Action for the removal of a fence in the bed of Mayflower Lake in the Town of Laona in Forest County.

On October 2, 2020, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued a Notice of Noncompliance to Herbert and Helma Rudolf regarding a roughly 500-foot fence constructed across Mayflower Lake and on the bed of the same and various wetland locations located in the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 20 and other portions of Section 20 & 17, Township 35 North, Range 14, Town of Laona, Forest County, Wisconsin. The Notice of Noncompliance asserted the construction was completed without required approvals under Wis. Stat. § 30.12(3m) and Wis. Admin. Code § NR 329.02. On January 27, 2023, DNR filed a nuisance abatement action pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 30.03(4)(a) requesting that the Division of Hearings and Appeals hold a hearing and issue an order directing the Rudolfs to remove the fence.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State of Wisconsin Division of Hearings and Appeals will hold a contested case hearing on the above-captioned matter pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.44, Wis. Admin. Code § NR 2.13 and Wis. Admin. Code § HA 1.12 at the Forest County Courthouse, Room #304, 200 East Madison Street, Crandon, Wisconsin from September 6, 2023 to September 8, 2023, commencing at 8:30 a.m. each day. Members of the public desiring to participate in this hearing pursuant to Wis. Admin. Code § NR 2.08 will be allowed the opportunity to do so at the end of the presentation of evidence. Such interested persons should enter an appearance either prior to or at the commencement of the contested case hearing. Information about the hearing may be found at the DNR Website and can also be requested from Susan Burns at 608-266-3865. Please monitor the DNR website for updates.

The hearing is a Class 2 contested case pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.01(3), and the provisions of Wis. Stat. ch. 227 will apply. The procedures relating to contested cases set forth in Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 2 will be followed. Said procedures will closely resemble those that are normally followed at a trial in state circuit court. All parties are advised that they have the right to seek the aid and assistance of legal counsel and to be represented by legal counsel at the contested case hearing.

Information relating to this matter is on file and may be inspected and copied at the offices of the Department of Natural Resources, 101 South Webster Street, Madison, Wisconsin, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, holidays excepted. Copies of documents on file may be obtained by writing to the Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, Wisconsin, 53707-7921. Reasonable costs will be charged for copies of all information excluding public notices and fact sheets.

Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations will be made to any qualified individual upon request. Please call the Division of Hearings and Appeals at 608-266-3865 with specific information on your request prior to the date of the scheduled prehearing or hearing.

Published on

2023-09-06T08:30:00 - 2023-09-08T08:30:00
Tuesday September 5

About/General | Waterways

Wisconsin Geographic Names Council Meeting

Date: 09/05/2023

Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Carroll Schaal, or 608-630-3098


The Council will review a list of five proposals for changing or creating new geographic feature names to determine if they meet minimum criteria for future consideration, hear an update on potentially derogatory names in the state and offer considerations for future Council meetings.

Join in-person:
Natural Resources Building, Room 413
101 S. Webster St.
Madison WI

Join this meeting on Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 291 282 707 239; Passcode: gYJuoR 
Or call in (audio only): 608-571-2209; Meeting ID: 157498627#

Published on

2023-09-05T14:00:00 - 2023-09-05T15:00:00
August 2023
Thursday August 31

Construction | Lakes

Lake Poygan Breakwall Team Meeting

Date: 08/31/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Josh Jackl, or 920-420-5830


This is a meeting to discuss Lake Poygan Breakwall construction and monitoring updates.

Join on Microsoft Teams.

Join with a video conferencing device: 
Video Conference ID: 112 950 885 1 

Join by phone: 608-571-2209; Meeting ID: 109614051#  

Join in-person:
Oshkosh DNR Service Center
Conference Room 2
625 East County Road Y, Suite 700
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Published on

2023-08-31T09:00:00 - 2023-08-31T10:00:00