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Hearings and Meetings Archive

Below is an archive of hearings and meetings that have already occurred. A list of upcoming events is available on the department's Hearings and Meetings calendar.
Meetings between:
October 2023
Wednesday October 25

Safety | Training | Forest Fire

Fire Department Advisory Council - fall meeting

Date: 10/25/2023

Time: 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Location: Chippewa


Ron Schneider, or 608-438-6528


This is the two-day fall Fire Department Advisory Council (FDAC) meeting with an agenda including a discussion about funding priorities for the forest fire protection grant and training for Wisconsin fire departments.

View the agenda.

Join in-person:
Holiday Inn express
12858 26th Ave.
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

Published on

2023-10-25T12:30:00 - 2023-10-25T16:30:00
Wednesday October 25

Environmental Protection | Public Health | Environmental Contamination & Cleanup

Issues & Trends: Vapor Intrusion In Wisconsin - 2023 Updates Webinar

Date: 10/25/2023

Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Jody Irland, or 608-982-1780


The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program’s next webinar in the Issues & Trends series will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023, from noon -1 p.m.

The scheduled presentation is titled Vapor Intrusion in Wisconsin – 2023 Updates and will be followed by time for questions.

• Active Alarms – Overview of long-term stewardship of vapor mitigation systems in Wisconsin

• Vapor Intrusion Resources for Local Governments - Debut of a new vapor intrusion webpage resource for local governments

• Technical Updates on Passive Sampling, Sewers, Cracks and other Pathways - Updates and lessons learned on topics including result variability, passive sorbent sampling, conduit VI and other preferential pathways, real-time sampling, investigation at new and renovated buildings in contaminated settings, rapid response mitigation and state funded vapor investigations.

Register for the webinar on Zoom.

Recordings of previous Issues & Trends webinars may be found in the RR Program’s Training Library

Published on

2023-10-25T12:00:00 - 2023-10-25T13:00:00
Tuesday October 24

Off-Road Vehicle Council | Recreation | ATV

Governor's Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Council Meeting

Date: 10/24/2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jillian Steffes, or 715-210-4911


The Off-Road Vehicle Council provides advice and makes recommendations to the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Transportation, the Governor and the legislature on all matters relating to all-terrain vehicle trails and all-terrain vehicle routes, including matters relating to activities conducted on all-terrain vehicle trails and all-terrain vehicle routes by all-terrain vehicle users and utility terrain vehicle users, and makes recommendations to the DNR with regard to requests for funding.

Join the meeting on Zoom.
Join by phone: 301-715-8592; Meeting ID: 879 0746 3376

Join in-person:
Rib Mountain Community Center
227800 Snowbird Ave.
Wausau, WI



Published on

2023-10-24T10:00:00 - 2023-10-24T11:00:00
Monday October 23

Environmental Protection | Recreation | Permits

Prehearing Conference for 1989 Holdings, LLC for a permit to construct two piers and 20 boat slips on Pewaukee Lake in the City of Pewaukee

Date: 10/23/2023

Time: 10:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Sue Burns,


On Dec. 30, 2022, 1989 Holdings, LLC filed an application, Application IP-SE-2022-68-05007, with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for a permit to construct two piers and 20 boat slips on Pewaukee Lake in the city of Pewaukee. The DNR denied the application by decision dated May 12, 2023.

On June 12, 2023, 1989 Holdings, LLC filed a petition for a contested case hearing with the DNR to review the denial pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§ 30.209 and 227.42 and Wis. Admin. Code § NR 2.05. By letter dated July 12, 2023, the DNR granted the request for a contested case hearing, which the DNR limited to the following issues: (1) whether the proposed piers and boat slips met the public interest standard set forth in Wis. Stat. § 30.12(3m)(c); and (2) whether the proposed piers and boat slips constituted a reasonable use of the riparian property.

On Aug. 10, 2023, the Division of Hearings and Appeals received, for filing, an original request for hearing from the DNR. The parties have conferred and agreed to a date for a prehearing conference and dates for the contested case hearing.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State of Wisconsin Division of Hearings and Appeals will hold a prehearing conference on the above-captioned matter pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.46(1) and Wis. Admin. Code §§ NR 2.08(5) and 2.12, via Microsoft Teams on Oct. 23, 2023 at 10 a.m.

Interested persons may request an email invitation to the Teams Video Conference by contacting the Division of Hearings and Appeals at 608-266-7709. In the alternative, those interested in participating may participate by telephone by calling 608-571-2209 and entering Meeting ID 469 831 763#.

Any person, organization, or governmental unit wishing to become a party to this proceeding must attend the conference personally or by an authorized representative. The purpose of the prehearing conference will be to identify parties to the proceeding, to simplify or clarify the issues which may be contested at the hearing, identify witnesses, discuss the exchange of exhibits, establish a discovery schedule, address any other matters as may aid in the disposition of the action, and confirm the date for the contested case hearing. No testimony will be heard at the prehearing conference.

Published on

2023-10-23T10:00:00 - 2023-10-23T11:00:00
Monday October 23

Environmental Protection | Regulations | Regulations

Contested Case Hearing on Howard Bros. Inc.’s Application of Septage on the Plummer 7 Lot in the Town of Lac du Flambeau

Date: 10/23/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: Vilas


Adam Lindsey,


On Sept. 29, 2022, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued a license to Howard Bros. Inc. (Howard Bros.), approving Howard Bros.’ request to engage in the spreading of septage to land (on a parcel of land referred to as the Plummer 7 Lot) located in the Town of Lac du Flambeau, County of Vilas, State of Wisconsin. Mr. Kyle Howard prepared the license application on behalf of Howard Bros., which is located at 11548 Lemma Creek Road, Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin, 54568. On Oct. 27, 2022, the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians (Petitioner) submitted a petition for a contested case hearing to review the approval and, on November 16, 2022, the DNR granted the request for a contested case hearing on a single certified issue. On Jan. 20, 2023, the DNR submitted a request for a hearing to the Division of Hearings and Appeals, along with the Petitioner’s contested case hearing request and other associated documents. On March 23, 2023, a prehearing conference was held where scheduling and other issues were discussed. The issue for hearing is:

Whether the Department lawfully approved Howard Bros. Inc.’s application to land spread septage on the Plummer 7 lot, under Wis. Stat. § 281.48(4m) and Wis. Admin. Code § NR 113.07(3).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State of Wisconsin Division of Hearings and Appeals will hold a contested case hearing in the above captioned case, pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 281.48, Wis. Stat. § 227.44, Wis. Stat. § 227.46, Wis. Admin. Code § Chapter NR 2, and Wis. Admin. Code § NR 113.07, from Oct. 23, 2023, until Oct. 27, 2023, at the Vilas County Courthouse, Conference Rooms 1 to 3, located at 330 Court St, Eagle River, Wisconsin 54521.

Please note that, on Oct. 23, 2023, the contested case hearing will begin at 9 a.m., and will recess at 4 p.m. But on Oct. 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2023, the hearing will continue at 8:30 a.m. and recess at 4 p.m. It is expected that testimony will be heard at the contested case hearing. The contested case hearing will be a Class 1 contested case, pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.01(3)(a). The procedures set forth in Wis. Stat. § 227.46(1) and Wis. Admin. Code § Chapter NR 2 will be followed and those procedures will closely resemble those which are normally followed at a trial in State Circuit Court.

All parties are advised that they have the right to seek the aid and assistance of legal counsel and to be represented by legal counsel at the prehearing conference.

Pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations will be made to any qualified individual upon request. Please call the Division of Hearings and Appeals at 608-266-3865 with specific information on your request prior to the date of the scheduled hearing.

Published on

2023-10-23T09:00:00 - 2023-10-27T16:00:00
Friday October 20

Monitoring | Public Health | PFAS

NR 140 (DG-17-22) Draft Economic Impact Analysis Informational Session

Date: 10/20/2023

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Bill Phelps,


The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is developing revisions to the state’s groundwater quality rules in NR 140, Wisconsin Administrative Code. The rule revisions are intended to add new state groundwater quality standards for four per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) and hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (HFPO-DA/”GenX”). In accordance with s. 160.07, Wis. Stat., amendments to ch. NR 140, Wis. Adm. Code, groundwater quality standards for substances of public health concern are based on recommendations from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS).

The DNR has developed a draft NR 140 Economic Impact Analysis and is holding a public comment period to solicit additional information or advice on the economic effect of the proposed rules.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 845 0923 9825

Published on

2023-10-20T13:00:00 - 2023-10-20T15:00:00
Friday October 20

Standards Oversight Committee | Regulations | Regulations

Standards oversight council Team Meeting - DNR Enhanced Dry Treatment System

Date: 10/20/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


E. Dan Bekta, P.E., or 608-333-6579


This is a meeting of the team developing a DNR Technical Standard 1011 Vegetated Dry Detention Basin and 1012 Enhanced Dry Treatment System. The meeting agenda and other materials about this project are on the website.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Published on

2023-10-20T09:00:00 - 2023-10-20T12:00:00
Wednesday October 18

Regulations | Landfills

Landfill and Solid Waste Fees Rulemaking Advisory Committee

Date: 10/18/2023

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Kate Strom Hiorns, or 608-294-8663


The DNR is updating code language related to landfill design and operation and solid waste fees. The Advisory Committee meeting agenda includes:

  • • Overview of draft administrative code changes so far
  • • Discussions focused on solid waste fees and environmental monitoring at landfills

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join by phone: 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 86427020823#

Join in-person:

Hill Farms State Office Building, Room N108
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53705

Published on

2023-10-18T09:30:00 - 2023-10-18T12:30:00
Thursday October 12

Construction | Lakes

Lake Poygan Breakwall Team Meeting

Date: 10/12/2023

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Josh Jackl, or 920-420-5830


This is a meeting to discuss Lake Poygan Breakwall construction and monitoring updates.

Join on Microsoft Teams.

Join by phone: 608-571-2209; Meeting ID: 328 146 608# 

Join in-person:
Oshkosh DNR Service Center
Conference Room 2
625 East County Road Y, Suite 700
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Published on

2023-10-12T11:00:00 - 2023-10-12T12:00:00
Thursday October 12

Environmental Protection | Business | Construction | Brownfields

Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group

Date: 10/12/2023

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: In-Person & Virtual Options; See Details for Information


Jody Irland, or 608-982-1780


The DNR’s RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and redeveloping contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from, and provide information to, interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues encompassing technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

Visit the DNR's RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe to updates on future meetings.

Join this meeting on Zoom.

Join in-person:
State Natural Resources Bldg. (GEF 2)
Rm. G09
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Check in with the security desk, please.

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. 

Published on

2023-10-12T09:00:00 - 2023-10-12T12:00:00