Who left those snow tracks? Let’s explore the woods and see what animals are active in the…
What year was the bald eagle designated our national bird? The answer will probably surprise…
Join us for a series of tracking adventures! Learn how to track in our forest. In dirt or snow…
Meet at Shelter 1 with your three to five-year-old and enjoy learning all about deer!
Winter is a great time to go bird watching, with leafless trees and a snowy landscape making it…
Nearby Nature Milwaukee invites you to explore the beauty of Havenwoods State Forest while…
Explore the park on your own, then stop by the Picnic Shelter to warm up by a fire and enjoy…
Join Master Naturalist Laurie Hylen to learn how animals of the dunes and shore adapt to winter…
Winter Break Milwaukee offers activities during the winter that foster community connections,…
Bald eagles overwinter in many places in Wisconsin, and in recent years, there has been an…
Join arborist and horticulturist Tom Wolfe and park staff to learn how to use a key to ID trees…
Join Master Naturalist Sam Olsen and explore the park to learn about winter wildlife and animal…