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Hearings and Meetings Archive

Below is an archive of hearings and meetings that have already occurred. A list of upcoming events is available on the department's Hearings and Meetings calendar.
Meetings between:
April 2021
Wednesday April 14

Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council | Recreation | Outdoor Recreation

Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council

Date: 04/14/2021

Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Drew Hanson, or 608-977-0400


Description: The Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council carries out studies and provides advice and consultation to the legislature, governor, Department of Natural Resources and Department of Transportation on all matters related to nonmotorized recreation and transportation trails, including trail planning, acquisition, development, maintenance and management. A draft agenda will be posted to the NRTTC website prior to the meeting. Due to Covid19, the meeting will be held via Zoom. You can join the meeting through the meeting link:

Contact Drew Hanson by April 12 for more information.

Published on

2021-04-14T11:30:00 - 2021-04-14T13:00:00
Wednesday April 14

Natural Resources Board | Business | Enforcement | Environmental Protection | Regulations

Wisconsin Natural Resources Board

Date: 04/14/2021

Time: 8:30 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Laurie Ross , or 608-267-7420


The Natural Resources Board will consider: proposed rules related to lake trout harvest and season in Lake Michigan; proposed rules related to gray wolf harvest regulations; proposed rules related to fish harvest in Lake Superior; a request for adoption of proposed emergency rules related to Lake Michigan whitefish management; a request for adoption of proposed emergency rules related to establishing the 2021 migratory bird season framework and regulations; a request for approval of Wisconsin’s Sturgeon Management Plan; a request for approval of the Wisconsin elk management plan; and other topics.

In light of COVID-19, the board will be meeting via eConference. Members of the public can submit written comments by the posted deadline date for board consideration. Only remote testimony (no face-to-face appearances) will be offered at the meeting. You must be pre-registered to testify.
OPEN FORUM: Testimony that pertains to topics not on the meeting agenda) - at approximately 10:15 a.m. or following break. Public Participation Deadline: NRB Liaison receipt to submit written comments is 11 a.m. on Wednesday,
April 7, 20211. Please contact Laurie Ross, NRB Liaison, at 608-267-7420 or by email at to submit written comments or to register to testify at a meeting or listening session.

The public is encouraged to watch the Board meeting via YouTube here:

After each meeting, the webcast will be permanently available on demand at



Published on

2021-04-14T08:30:00 - 2021-04-14T08:45:00
Tuesday April 13

Environmental Protection | Forest Management

Council on Forestry Profile Committee

Date: 04/13/2021

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Faye Bokelman, or 608-267-7492


At this meeting, the Profile Committee will be finalizing its communication plan.  

If you plan on attending the meeting, please contact Bill Van Lopik.  

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join this meeting via phone by calling 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 893 1944 5141

Published on

2021-04-13T13:00:00 - 2021-04-13T14:00:00
Tuesday April 13

TMDL | Environmental Protection | Monitoring | TMDLs

Lower Fox TMDL Agriculture Implementation Committee

Date: 04/13/2021

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Location: Virtual


Keith Marquardt, or 920-303-5435


The Lower Fox River TMDL Agriculture Implementation Committee is a stakeholder group that addresses the agricultural implementation of the Lower Fox Total Maximum Daily Load.

This meeting will take place virtually via Skype and will consist of representatives from cooperating agencies and organizations who are involved with the Lower Fox TMDL.

Join Skype online
Join by phone:  608-316-9000, 55880166#
Meeting ID: 55880166

Published on

2021-04-13T10:00:00 - 2021-04-13T11:30:00
Tuesday April 13

Wisconsin Waterways Commission | Financial Assistance | Recreation | Waterways

Wisconsin Waterways Commission Meeting

Date: 04/13/2021

Time: 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Bobbi Winebar,​​​​​​​ or


The Wisconsin Waterways Commission will discuss and approve requests for financial aid for the recreational boating facilities grant program. They will also discuss some policy issues.

The agenda, budget and project rating sheets are posted on the Wisconsin Waterways Commission webpage: under the Waterways tab.

Join Zoom online
Join by phone: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 736 310 4103

Published on

2021-04-13T08:30:00 - 2021-04-13T13:30:00
Monday April 12

Proposed permanent administrative rule | Regulations | Fishing

Public hearing on a permanent rule, Board Order FH-09-20, to revise Ch. NR 20 relating to fishing regulations on inland, outlying and boundary waters (the 2021 Fisheries Management Spring Hearings rule)

Date: 04/12/2021

Time: 7:00 p.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Meredith Penthorn, or 608-316-0080


This public hearing will take place virtually via Zoom. The public has the opportunity to testify at the hearing. Registration will take place at the hearing by completing a Hearing Appearance form. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged if you plan to provide spoken comments during the hearing. To pre-register, please download and complete the fillable Hearing Appearance form and send it to

Join Zoom online
Join by phone: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 845 9296 3437

Public Hearing Notice
Proposed Permanent Administrative Rules

In addition to this hearing, the online Spring Hearing fillable questionnaire containing all rule proposals and advisory questions will be open for public input from April 12, 2021, at 7 p.m. to April 15, 2021. The questionnaire survey will be available on the Spring Hearing page.

Published on

2021-04-12T19:00:00 - 2021-04-12T19:15:00
Monday April 12

Wisconsin State Trails Council | Recreation |

Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council Funding Committee

Date: 04/12/2021

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Location: Virtual


Drew Hanson, or 608-977-0400


The Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council carries out studies and provides advice and consultation to the legislature, governor, Department of Natural Resources and Department of Transportation on all matters related to nonmotorized recreation and transportation trails, including trail planning, acquisition, development, maintenance and management. This will be the second meeting of the NRTTC’s new Funding Committee. Topics will include discussion of action items from previous meeting in preparation for reports to the full Nonmotorized Recreation and Transportation Trails Council. Due to Covid19, the meeting will be held via Zoom. You can join the meeting through the meeting link:

Contact Drew Hanson by April 8 for more information.

Published on

2021-04-12T11:00:00 - 2021-04-12T11:30:00
Friday April 9

Wisconsin State Trails Council | Recreation |

Wisconsin State Trails Council

Date: 04/09/2021

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual


Drew Hanson, or 608-977-0400


The Wisconsin State Trails Council (STC) provides advice and consultation to the Department of Natural Resources on the planning, acquisition, development and management of trails in Wisconsin. The council represents trail users in Wisconsin, which includes more than half of the state's residents. The council is also responsible for providing counsel in administering Federal Recreational Trails Program funds.

A draft agenda will be posted to the STC website prior to the meeting.

You can join the meeting through the meeting link:

Published on

2021-04-09T10:00:00 - 2021-04-09T12:00:00
Friday April 9

Education | Financial Assistance | Recreation | Snowmobile

Snowmobile Council Ad Hoc Committee Meeting

Date: 04/09/2021

Time: 9:00 a.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Jillian Steffes, or 715-210-4911


The Snowmobile Recreation Council carries out studies and makes recommendations to the Legislature, Governor, Department of Natural Resources and Department of Transportation on all matters related to the snowmobiling program at DNR or otherwise affecting snowmobiles and snowmobiling in Wisconsin, and makes recommendations to the Department of Natural Resources with regard to funding grant applications.

The Ad-Hoc Committee of members of the Snowmobile Recreation Council will meet to discuss groomers on road routes. The public will be invited to join the meeting via Zoom. The Zoom meeting link, agenda, and other meeting materials are available on the Snowmobile Recreation Council web page.

Join this meeting by Zoom.

Join this meeting via phone by calling 312-626-6799; Meeting ID: 815 7220 2715.

Published on

2021-04-09T09:00:00 - 2021-04-09T09:15:00
Thursday April 8

Elk Management | Recreation | Registration | Enforcement | Hunt

Public Hearing On Permanent Rule (WM-34-19) To Revise Ch. NR 10, Relating To Elk Management

Date: 04/08/2021

Time: 5:00 p.m. - End of Agenda

Location: Virtual


Scott Karel, or 608-206-0222


The Department of Natural Resources announces that it will hold a public hearing on a permanent rule, WM-34-19, to revise ch. NR 10, relating to elk management.

Join the Skype meeting online.
Call-in information: 1-866-715-6499 (passcode 570 072 5961#)

Rule Information:

This rule implements changes related to elk management and hunting regulations that have emerged from the Department’s 2020-2030 elk management plan.

The current rule establishes two elk ranges that serve a dual purpose as elk management zones. They include the Clam Lake zone and the Black River zone. Hunters were previously allowed to harvest elk in any part of the elk management zone. This rule changes the names and boundaries of these zones, and further divides them by creating elk hunting units within these zones. This will prevent the overharvest of elk in a single subzone by specifying that tags are valid in one or more subzone.

The elk season is statutorily required to begin on the Saturday nearest October 15th. It previously ran for 30 consecutive days and then reopened on the second Thursday in December and continued for nine consecutive days. This rule eliminates the current closed period between the seasons and instead offers a single consecutive ending on the Sunday nearest December 15. 

This rule also updates the elk population goals for each management zone. The previous population goal was 1,400 elk for the northern zone. The new population goal for the northern zone will be 1,400 +/- 20%. The previous population goal for what is now the central elk heard was 390 elk.  It will now be 300 +/- 20%. 


Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Please call Scott Karel at 608-267-2452 with specific information on your request at least 10 days before the date of the scheduled hearing.

Appearances At The Hearing And Submittal Of Written Comments

The public has the opportunity to testify at the hearing. Registration will take place at the hearing by completing a Hearing Appearance form, which is available here. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged if you plan to provide spoken comments during the hearing. To pre-register, please download and complete the fillable Hearing Appearance form and send it to

Comments on the proposed rule must be received on or before March 22, 2021. Written comments may be submitted by U.S. mail, email, or through the internet and will have the same weight and effect as oral statements presented at the public hearing. Written comments and any questions on the proposed rules should be submitted to:

             Department of Natural Resources

Attn: Scott Karel

P.O. Box 7921

101 S. Webster Street,

Madison, WI 53707-7921

Comments can be sent to

Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis: These rules are applicable to individual sportspersons and impose no compliance or reporting requirements for small businesses, and no design or operational standards are contained in the rule. Because this rule does not add any regulatory requirements for small businesses, the proposed rules will not have an economic impact on a substantial number of small businesses under s. 227.24(3m) Stats.

Agency Small Business Regulatory Coordinator:

Emma Esch, or 608-266-1959


Published on

2021-04-08T17:00:00 - 2021-04-08T17:15:00