The Wetland Study Council will meet to discuss integrated watershed management, wetland general permit issuances and other wetland topics as time and interest allow.
Drain tiles are a common management tool used to improve crop yields and soil conditions and to improve timeliness and accessibility for field operations in areas that are otherwise too wet. Agencies and entities that oversee a variety of drain tile…
The Wetland Study Council will meet to discuss integrated watershed management, wetland general permit issuances and other wetland topics as time and interest allow.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that it will conduct a full drawdown at Theresa Marsh Wildlife Area in Washington and Dodge counties. Water reduction began mid-July, and water levels will be lowered gradually until a full drawdown is achieved in late August.
The Minnesota - Wisconsin Wetland Functional Assessment Initiative is an effort to develop wetland functional assessment tools that can be used in Wisconsin and Minnesota to assist in wetland regulatory implementation and for other wetland…
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced it will be conducting a full drawdown on two flowages at Navarino Wildlife Area: Hanson Flowage and 80 Acre Flowage. The drawdowns will begin this spring, and water levels will be lowered slowly until full drawdown is achieved in mid-May.
The Wetland Study Council will meet to discuss integrated watershed management, wetland general permit issuances and other wetland topics.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) encourages conservation groups, government organizations and private landowners to apply for a share of the $460,000 available through a federal Natural Resources Conservation Service grant. The DNR will use these dollars to fund two agricultural wetland mitigation projects, selected from the applicant pool, and add them to the Wisconsin Agricultural Mitigation Bank.
Contested Case Hearing Regarding Coverage Granted to the Three Lakes School District under Wetland General Permit WDNR-GP04-2018 for Wetland Fill
Overview Agricultural wetland mitigation banking is the restoration of wetlands to mitigate unavoidable impacts to wetlands as a result of farming activities. The Wisconsin Agricultural Mitigation Bank (WAMB) allows farmers an easy way to offset…