The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and make recommendations to the DNR.
This is a public meeting of the Off-Road Vehicle Council. The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and discuss other business.
This is a public meeting of the Off-Road Vehicle Council. The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and discuss other business.
This is a public meeting of the Off-Road Vehicle Council. The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and discuss other business.
This is a public meeting of the Off-Road Vehicle Council. The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and discuss other business.
This is a public meeting of the Off-Road Vehicle Council. The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and discuss other business.
This is a public meeting of the Off-Road Vehicle Council. The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and make funding recommendations.
The Off-Road Vehicle Council will meet to review and discuss the DNR’s ATV and UTV Trail Guidelines, which is currently listed for public comment. The public is invited to join the meeting via Zoom. The meeting agenda and other meeting materials are…
The Off-Road Vehicle Council will meet to review and discuss the DNR's ATV and UTV Trail Guidelines currently listed for public comment. The public is invited to join the meeting via Zoom. The meeting agenda and other meeting materials are available…
The main focus of this meeting is to review grant applications and discuss other business.