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Wood Utilization and Replanting

Emerald Ash Borer Community Toolbox

Wood Utilization

Urban wood utilization, the process of recycling dead tree material, is not a novel notion. However, with the introduction of emerald ash borer (EAB), it has become more prevalent. Before utilizing the ash in a community, review the recommendations that have been developed [PDF] to help reduce the spread of EAB in potentially infested wood, especially due to the statewide quarantine, and to understand the risks and regulations associated with ash wood.

Once a community realizes their need to deal with woody material in an efficient and productive manner, the links and information listed below can be utilized to help manage this resource. For additional and more specific information pertinent to your local area, contact your local DNR Urban Forestry staff.

For more resources on contacting companies involved with end of life wood utilization and general urban wood utilization information, please visit the Urban Wood Utilization Resources page


Tree diversity is the key to a healthy and resilient urban forest. Prepare your urban and community forest for future insects and pests by planting a variety of species. Be sure to connect with a DNR Urban Forestry Coordinator to explore options for planting strategies and for examples of community tree planting lists.

Tree selection

The following resources and tree selector tools can be valuable tools in discovering trees that may perform well in your community.


Just like our financial investments, diversity is the key to avoiding the “too many eggs in one basket” scenario. The key to a healthy and resilient urban forest is to plant many different species.

Review these diversity rules and considerations [PDF] for various considerations in diversity and ratios for planting various genera and species.