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The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources offers urban forestry grants to cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in or conducting projects in Wisconsin. These grants fall into four categories: IRA grants, regular grants, startup grants and catastrophic storm grants.

Regular grants

Regular grants are competitive cost-share grants of up to $25,000. Grants are to support new, innovative projects that will develop sustainable urban and community forestry programs, not to subsidize routine forestry activities.

Applications for 2025 will be accepted from July 1, 2024 through October 1, 2024.

Startup grants

Startup grants are competitive cost-share grants of up to $5,000. These simplified grants are available to communities that want to start or restart an urban forestry program.

Applications for 2025 will be accepted from July 1, 2024 through October 1, 2024.

Catastrophic storm grants

Catastrophic storm grants fund tree repair, removal or replacement within urban areas following a catastrophic storm event for which the governor has declared a state of emergency under s. 323.10, Wis. Stats.

Applications are not being taken at this time.

Additional Resources

DNR storm debris webpage

Storm debris guidance document for communities 

IRA Grants

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) grants are competitive no-match grants of up to $500,000. These grants use federal funds to support projects that positively impact trees and people within disadvantaged communities in Wisconsin.

Applications are not being taken at this time.

Guidance and forms for current project sponsors

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  2. Make a note of the file location and file name so you can access the file from your device.
  3. Do not double-click the file. Open the Adobe Reader software then select "File > Open" then browse to the PDF file you saved on your device.

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Tracking and claiming costs

Progress reporting


Previous award recipients


  • Grant Application Information
    Covers the differences between startup grants and regular grants, how/when to contact urban forestry coordinators, recent changes to the grant application form and other topics related to the grant application process.
  • Grant Reimbursement Common Mistakes
    Covers several of the most common mistakes that are made on grant reimbursement request forms and how to avoid them.