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WireTech Fabricators, Inc.

Tier 1 participant since 01/13/2014

Green Tier 10-year participant

WireTech Fabricators, Inc. of Sturgeon Bay is a leading supplier of custom fabricated wire products to industries including lawn and garden, office furniture, food service, automotive and appliances.

Environmental activities

WireTech Fabricators, Inc. is committed to its environmental responsibility and acting as a good neighbor within the community. To manage environmental performance, the company:

  • installed high-efficiency T8 fluorescent lighting and motion sensor controls throughout the facility;
  • evaluated compressed air leaks and procured a 7.5 horsepower (hp) air compressor to support maintenance activities on weekends, alleviating the need to use a 100 hp unit; and
  • manages single stream recycling within the office, recycling paper and cardboard, plastic, aluminum, scrap wood products, light bulbs, used oil and scrap metal.


Annual reports

Commitment outline

Acceptance letter


DNR contactCompany contact
Casey Krausensky
101 S Webster St - WA/5
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 54313-6727
Earl Heider
124 E Leeward St
Sturgeon Bay WI 54235
WireTech Fabricators, Inc.