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    Purchase Seed From Us

    Sowing tree seeds is a reforestation alternative to planting seedlings on some sites. This approach requires specialized site preparation, an understanding of seeding methods and post seeding followup for the best chance of success. The following…

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    Caring for Planted Trees

    Following tree planting, proper care of the seedlings is necessary to help ensure a successful project. Competition from weeds, diseases and insects, damage from animals and environmental factors all play a role in the success of a reforestation…

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    Plantation Planning and Design

    Setting goals Think about how your reforestation project relates to short- and long-term landowner goals. Such goals might include producing income from timber, improving habitat for specific wildlife species, restoring a natural plant…

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    WI DNR – Warden Recruitment Rundown

    The Warden Recruitment Newsletter is designed to provide you, your family and friends with useful and interesting information about the DNR Division of Public Safety and Resource Protection, upcoming recruiting events and hiring opportunities. We…

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    A Diversity of Opportunities

      Field Conservation Warden Field conservation wardens serve as full-time law enforcement officers and make up the majority of the DNR’s Division of Public Safety and Resource Protection. Their duties include a wide variety of enforcement and…

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    The Hiring Process

      Our hiring process timeline varies from year to year, so please take time to review the information below as you prepare to apply for a conservation warden position. Frequently monitoring this website is one way to get the most current…

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    The First Year of Training; What to Expect

      Newly hired warden recruits have a 24-month probationary period. The first 12 months are spent in training that includes the DNR’s law enforcement academy, field training assignments and specialized training weeks. All of this training…

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    Preparing to become a Conservation Warden

      The Basics Get to know the Wisconsin DNR and learn about the conservation warden career before you apply. Subscribe to our recruitment newsletter and hiring mailing list to receive email updates with the most current information…

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