Find Forest Health Help
For sick forest trees, contact a DNR forest health specialist or forester.
For sick yard trees, contact a certified arborist or visit the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension's Ask Your Gardening Question page.
Forest health news and reports
Sick tree diagnostics
- What's Wrong With My Deciduous Tree? [exit DNR] – University of Minnesota
- What's Wrong With My Conifer? [exit DNR] – University of Minnesota
- Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic [exit DNR] – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Insect identification
- What Insect Is This? - University of Minnesota
- Insect Identification - University of Wisconsin - Madison
- BugGuide.Net
Tree identification
Fact Sheets
- Armillaria [PDF]
- Beech Bark Disease [PDF]
- Caterpillar Comparison (Common Spring Defoliators)
- Conifer Bark Beetles [PDF]
- Diplodia [PDF]
- Emerald Ash Borer [PDF]
- Environmental Causes of Tree Damage [PDF]
- Giant Hogweed or Cow Parsnip? (Umbel Comparison)
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid [PDF]
- Heterobasidion Root Disease [PDF]
- Hickory Dieback and Mortality [PDF]
- Jack Pine Budworm
- Oak Wilt Management
- Oak Wilt in Wisconsin's Forests [PDF]
- Peach Bark Beetle and Cherry Scallop Shell Moth [PDF]
- Red Pine Pocket Decline and Mortality
- Spongy Moth [PDF]
- Spruce Budworm
- Spruce Diseases
- Tamarack Insects
- Twolined Chestnut Borer