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Applications are not being taken at this time.

This grant is for tree repair, removal or replacement within urban areas following a catastrophic storm event for which the governor has declared a state of emergency under s. 323.10, Wis. Stats. A catastrophic storm means damage to urban forests caused by snow, ice, hail, wind or tornado. Catastrophic storm does not include insect infestation or disease, forest fire, drought or water saturation due to flooding.

Contact your Wisconsin Emergency Management representative [exit DNR] for all other disaster assistance including the Wisconsin Disaster Fund (WDF) [exit DNR]. WDF applications must be submitted within 72 hours of an incident.


Grants range from $4,000 to $50,000. For this grant program, no local share (also called match) is required.

Grant recipients may request 50% advance payment of estimated project costs.

Applications must be postmarked no later than 60 days from the date of emergency declaration. Projects must be completed within 365 days after the governor’s emergency declaration.

State of emergency information is available on the Office of the Governor website [exit DNR] or by calling the Wisconsin Emergency Management office, 608-242-3232.

Private property owners are not eligible for this funding.

Who may apply

Cities, villages, towns, counties, tribes and 501(c)(3) organizations that have experienced damage to an urban forest as a direct result of a catastrophic storm event for which the governor has declared a state of emergency are eligible to apply for an urban forestry catastrophic storm grant. Private property owners are not eligible for this funding.

Urban forest damage must have occurred in an area with a minimum of 100 residents per square mile. Residential density is determined from statistics provided by the Wisconsin Demographic Services Center [exit DNR] according to U.S. Census Bureau data.

Eligible costs

Eligible costs are limited to damaged tree repair, removal or replacement within urban areas in the geographic area covered by the state of emergency and incurred as a direct result of the catastrophic storm event for which the governor has declared a state of emergency.

Eligible costs are those necessary for—and consistent with—damaged tree repair, removal or replacement. Costs must be documented and reasonable.

Eligible costs include regular wages and fringe benefits of people working directly on tree repair, removal or replacement (overtime costs are not eligible) and cost of services, supplies, equipment or facilities used for tree repair, removal or replacement.

Costs reimbursed by another funding source (including federal disaster assistance or insurance) are not eligible.

How to apply

  • Review the application guidance [PDF].
  • Obtain a resolution from your governing body designating a representative to file the application and handle all grant actions on behalf of the applicant.
  • Complete application form 8700-321 [PDF]. The form is electronically fillable, printable and savable.

501(c)(3) organizations must include a copy of their constitution, bylaws or articles of incorporation, unless already on file with the DNR urban forestry program.

Many current browsers do not open PDF forms properly. Follow the instructions below to open the forms on this page.

  1. From a desktop computer, download the PDF form (right-click on the link, then select "Save link as" or "Save target as").
  2. Make a note of the file location and file name so you can access the file from your device. Do not double-click the file.
  3. Open the Adobe Reader software then select "File > Open" then browse to the PDF file you saved on your device.

See PDF help for additional information.

Submit your application and authorizing resolution by electronic format.

  • Print
    Review, edit if needed and file.
  • Save
    File name should represent organization name and urban forestry grant year.
  • Submit by email
    Provide application and required attachments in an email addressed to

Or, you can mail hard copies or fax to:

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Urban Forestry Grants
518 West Somo Ave
Tomahawk, WI 54487


For more information or assistance, contact your urban forestry coordinator or email the program mailbox at

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