Urban Forestry Consultants
The Wisconsin Urban Forestry Consultants Directory contains contact information for urban forestry consultants who made themselves known to the DNR.
There is no implied endorsement of those listed. Consultants who wish to be listed should complete and electronically submit the Urban Forestry Consultant Index (Form 2400-144) by using the "Submit by Email" button at the bottom of the form.
Certified arborist
- Wisconsin Certified Arborists for Hire Directory
This is an online directory of International Society of Arboriculture certified arborists working in Wisconsin. The directory is maintained by the Wisconsin Arborist Association. - ISA Certified Arborists Database
This is the entire database of International Society of Arboriculture certified arborists, searchable by ZIP code, city, state, county, arborist name or any combination of the above. - Guidelines for Working with Consultants
Consultants may provide a wide array of services from reviewing and specifying actions to complete and the associated cost, to performing the work as well. This guide addresses the process from conception to completion of a project.