Storm water post-construction technical standards
Storm water construction technical standards are documents that specify the minimum requirements needed to plan, design, install and maintain a wide array of conservation practices aimed at preserving the land and water resources of Wisconsin during construction. They are based on current research, field experience, the best available technology, and are a primary component to many federal, state and local conservation programs.
The DNR has approved the technical standards listed below as adequate and effective to implement the performance standards of subch. III of ch. NR 151 for erosion/sediment control or storm water management after construction is complete.
Note: See the Errata notes at the end of the table for updates to the standards.
Post-construction standards | Number | Effective date |
Bioretention for infiltration [PDF] | 1004 | Oct-14 |
Compost [PDF] | S100 | Oct-17 |
Infiltration basin [PDF] | 1003 | Oct-04 |
Infiltration trench [PDF] | 1007 | May-12 |
Permeable pavement [ PDF] Tech note [PDF] | 1008 | Jun-21 |
Proprietary storm water filtration devices [PDF] Tech note [PDF] Filter efficiency adjustment spreadsheet [XLSX] | 1010 | Sep-20 |
Proprietary storm water sedimentation devices [PDF] | 1006 | Apr-09 |
Rain Garden [PDF] | 1009 | Sep-18 |
Site evaluation for stormwater infiltration [PDF] | 1002 | Dec-22 |
Vegetated swale [PDF] | 1005 | Dec-17 |
Wet detention pond Part 1 [PDF], Part 2 [PDF] | 1001 | Oct-07 |
Errata and notes |
Important Information: Under s. SPS 382.20, Wis. Adm. Code, the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) regulates plumbing installations associated with post-construction storm water treatment practices and systems such as bioretention systems, infiltration systems, storm water inlets, roof drains, and projects involving 16 or more plumbing fixtures. For post-construction storm water treatment practices and systems, the DNR does not review conveyance or subsurface plumbing for compliance with DSPS requirements. Landowners requiring coverage under the DNR construction site storm water permit must also coordinate with DSPS on the plumbing requirements for post-construction storm water management practices and systems.
Additional information
- Water quality review procedures for additives [PDF]
- Allowable usage rates for water applied additives [PDF]
- Meeting infiltration performance standard of ch. NR 151 [PDF]
- Modeling Post-Construction Storm Water Management Treatment 3800-2025-20
- Storm water construction technical standards
- Rain gardens
- Storm water basins using natural landscaping for water quality and aesthetics [PDF exit DNR]
- Turf nutrient management
- Storm water detention ponds site safety design [PDF exit DNR]
- Storm water best management practices fact sheets
- Establishment of protective areas in wetlands [PDF]
- Agricultural technical standards
- Runoff management models/guidance