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Climate Charter Collaboration Projects

The Green Tier Charter for Climate Action requires participants to work together on projects that address climate adaptation, mitigation, resiliency, or equity within their communities. Each project will define the responsibilities of members, who will annually report on their progress. Scroll down to learn more about how these initiatives are helping Wisconsin become more resilient.

Furzton Lake

Trillion Tree Pledge

The State of Wisconsin, in collaboration with public, private, and non-governmental partners, is pledging to conserve 125,000 acres of forestland and plant 75 million trees by the end of 2030, including planting 1 million trees in urban areas. When fully realized, this pledge will result in sequestering an additional 28.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over the next 50 years.

The pledge renews Wisconsin’s more than century-long commitment to manage our public lands, work with private landowners and engage with organizations across Wisconsin to sustain and grow the environmental, social and economic benefits that forests offer, in both urban and rural environments. Recognizing these benefits, Governor Evers’ Task Force on Climate Change recommended forest management as a critical strategy for Wisconsin to mitigate climate change.

This work is a true public-private partnership to manage and grow Wisconsin’s 17 million acres of forestland which is vital to our social, ecological, and economic well-being. The wide variety of forest-based activities and products enjoyed by the public are crucial to our state and local economies. Wisconsin’s pledge is not only a recognition of the importance of our forests today, but it is a call to grow our forests and the benefits they provide for citizens well into the future.

Members of this charter can commit to supporting the Trillion Tree Pledge as a collaboration project under the Green Tier Charter for Climate Action. Participants must follow certain requirements and track information in their annual reports. Detailed information can be found in the outline below.

Project Members

  • FreMarq Innovations
  • Waupaca Foundry
  • Wildlife Habitat Council

More to come

This charter allows for participants to design and implement collaboration projects that are important to their communities. The possibilities are endless for climate action in Wisconsin. More projects will be added to this webpage as they are implemented through the charter.

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