Requirements for materials recovery facilities (MRFs)
MRF stakeholder meeting
The DNR held a MRF stakeholder meeting Aug. 6 via Teams/conference call. The agenda featured presentations on recycling rule revisions for MRFs, solid waste rule feedback, battery collection and legislation, fire suppression, and a MRF roundtable. Contact Jennifer Semrau with any questions.
- Meeting agenda
- Notes
- Recycling Rule Revision: Overview of Changes for MRFs
- Owner Financial Responsibility for MRFs: How to Calculate
- Solid Waste Rule Feedback
- Battery Collection Growth in IL
- Brown County All Battery Collection Program
- Hilltopper Refuse & Recycling Update
- WM (formerly Waste Management) Update
- NWRA Battery Legislative Updates
A materials recovery facility (MRF) is a facility that processes materials for reuse or recycling as part of a responsible unit's (RU) recycling program. To qualify as an MRF that RUs may use, facility owners must do the following:
- meet the general requirements for an MRF under ch. NR 544.16, Wis. Adm. Code [exit DNR];
- be self-certified with the DNR prior to processing recyclable materials for an RU, and
- annually renew the self-certification.
The MRFs that do not handle or process materials for an RU's recycling program do not need to be self-certified with the DNR. Also, MRFs that process only one recyclable material, such as newspaper, are conditionally exempt from self-certification provided they meet the general requirements for all MRFs.
- List of self-certified MRFs
- Materials accepted by self-certified MRFs
- Self-certified MRFs that accepted single-stream recyclables
- Tonnages for self-certified MRFs that processed Wisconsin recyclables
Annual MRF self-certification
MRFs serving as part of an RU recycling program must submit an annual self-certification, on a form provided by the DNR, by March 30 of each year unless otherwise directed by the DNR.
For more information, see RU and MRF annual reports.
DNR staff periodically inspect MRFs that serve as part of RU recycling programs, with the objective of conducting an on-site inspection at least once every three years. The MRF inspection ensures compliance with management and reporting requirements under CH. NR 544.16, Wis. Adm. Code, and includes a review of information reported on the MRF annual self-certification form.
Beneficial reuse of container glass
Learn more about managing container glass in compliance with the land disposal ban, along with glass reuse and recycling options, in this DNR guidance document.
Invalidation of self-certification
The DNR may invalidate a self-certification if there are significant discrepancies between what is reported and what is actually found during a DNR inspection. A self-certification may also be invalidated if the MRF fails to submit the information required either to the DNR or to RUs.
An MRF can return to good standing and be re-certified if the DNR determines the facility is in compliance and has put in place appropriate policies and procedures to remain in compliance with the requirements in CH. NR 544.16 (3), Wis. Adm. Code. If the DNR determines it is necessary to invalidate an MRF's self-certification, the MRF must notify the RUs it serves of the change in status and of re-certification if/when granted.
Proper management of universal waste and electronics
The MRFs and other regulated facilities that handle electronics, universal wastes (e.g., fluorescent bulbs, batteries) and used oil must comply with federal and Wisconsin-specific handling requirements. The DNR may conduct a short assessment of how these materials are handled to ensure compliance with federal and state handling requirements. DNR hazardous waste staff will conduct any necessary follow up.
The following links have information on requirements and best management practices for manging universal waste and electronics.
- Management of universal waste in Wisconsin
- How to Handle Universal Waste poster (WA-1798)
- Elecectronic Collection Requirements and Best Practices (WA-2030)
- Managing Used Electronics and Components (WA-1307)
- Used Oil Management (WA-233)
The video below demonstrates best management practices for handling universal waste at drop-off sites.
Claiming Category 30 waste for residuals
MRF residues disposed of at the landfill in amounts up to 10 percent of the total material accepted at your facility each quarter are exempt from the state statutory fees. See WA-1755 for more information.