Green Tier Legacy Communities Funding Opportunities
The three tabs below provide grant and loan funding opportunities for Wisconsin communities and counties. Legacy Communities are encouraged to connect with DNR SBS staff when applying for grants so that we may inventory funding opportunities of interest to members.
More funding opportunities can be found at:
- DNR Grant Programs
- DNR Loan Program
- EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange
- Local Government Grant Procurement Guide
Opportunities by category
- Brownfield Area-Wide Planning Grant EPA
- Brownfield Assessment and Cleanup Grants EPA
- Brownfield Redevelopment Grant Program WEDC
- Building Resilient Infrastructure Grant Program (BRC) FEMA
- Community Development Investment Grant Program (CDIG) WEDC
- Community Facilities Direct Loans and Grants USDA
- Economic Development Assistance Programs EDA
- Five Star and Urban Restoration Grant Program NFWF
- Idle Industrial Sites Redevelopment Program WEDC
- Main Street Program Information WEDC
- T-Mobile Hometown Grant
- Tax Increment Certification and Annual Fee Due DOR
- Tax Incremental District Annual Report DOR
- Tax Increment Finance - TID creation and amendment packets DOR
Emergency Preparedness Grants
- Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants (through USDA RD, Rural Energy for America - Applications for unrestricted grants or loans and applications for grants and loans of $20,000 or less. USDA
- Energy Innovation Grant Program PSC
- Rural Energy for America Program Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants (through USDA RD, Rural Energy for America) - Applications for grants or loans $20,000 or less. USDA
- Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP)
Green Infrastructure
- GATHER Food Sovereignty Grant
- Indian Community Development Block Grant US Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Project TRANSAM – Ongoing and as supplies are available.
- USDA 1994 Tribal Scholars Program
WEDC Grants
Rolling applications - communities are encouraged to connect/apply by January.