The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to issue an authorization for the incidental taking of a rare fish, which may result from the Cruson Slough Drawdown project in Richland County.
This Broad Incidental Take Permit/Authorization (BITP/A) allows approved individuals to handle, possess, propagate, remove and relocate state-endangered and threatened species if those activities are being conducted for a regulatory purpose. This…
The development of subdivision in Ozaukee County may result in the "incidental taking" of a rare dragonfly under a permit the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to issue for the project.
The Broad Incidental Take Permit/Authorization (BITP/A) allows for the incidental taking (mortality) of state-threatened and endangered animals and plants that may occur during specific no/low impact project activities. The department recognizes…
A VEER Review is an ER Review completed by department staff in a guaranteed turnaround time of seven working days. Customers still have the option to use the regular ER Review service for a lower cost.
An Endangered Resources Review (ER Review) is a screening of a proposed project area for potential impacts on endangered resources like rare plants, animals and natural communities. They are conducted for various land management, development…
The Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI) Public Portal is a free online mapping application for landowners planning on-the-ground projects (e.g., residential development, prescribed burn, utility maintenance, lake drawdown) to learn if their…
NHI Data is available for use in two different ways: Authorized Users can use the data for initial project screening and planning purposes, and Certified Reviewers are able to write Proposed ER Reviews. Both options involve training in order to…
This protocol was developed by the Department of Natural Resources for relocating native mussels out of harm’s way from areas of potential in-stream impacts.