Prior to authorizing the incidental taking of an endangered or threatened species, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) must provide public notice of the proposed activity. Any application, conservation plan and implementing agreement…
Above-ground facilities Transformers, pedestals, switch fuse boxes, hand holes, pumping or valve stations or huts. Agricultural Consists of cropland and farmstead land use (see below). Artificial Consists of manmade materials,…
This Broad Incidental Take Permit/Authorization (BITP/A) for common activities allows for the "incidental taking" of specific endangered and threatened species that may occur as a result of activities occurring regularly across the landscape. The…
The department has developed measures to help the public deal with the incidental take of bats that occurs as a result of specific public health concerns, bat removals from homes or offices, building demolitions, forestry activities, bridge…
Endangered resources (ER) certification program A program that provides training and certification to individuals who would like to use NHI data to review proposed projects for potential impacts to endangered resources (including preliminary…
Hard copy postal mail is only checked periodically; for the fastest response, please submit requests electronically via email to
Questions? Find an appropriate Endangered Resources Review Program staff person to contact by referencing the list below.NHI data sharing agreements, general review information, NHI Portal, NHI training coordinatorMelissa TumblesonData sharing…