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Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine

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    Feting feats of endurance

    For those who undertake adventures in perseverance, it often is as much about the journey as it is the end result. Three athletes recently pursuing outdoor challenges of different sorts and in different seasons would likely find themselves in…

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    Safer with Smokey Bear

    Catherine Koele CATHERINE KOELEChildren can color and cut out Flat Smokey, then take photos with him while practicing fire prevention and safety. With all the challenges associated with the pandemic, like most of us Smokey Bear also has been…

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    Property holds promise for rare bumble bee

    WOODLAND DUNESPresence of the rusty patched bumble bee has been confirmed in consecutive years at Woodland Dunes Nature Center and Preserve. Nancy Nabak Where can a person find bee harmony? One place that’s certain is the nearly 100 acres of…

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    Small Nest Creates Big BUZZ

    HALLEY MINSERThe sound of a single rusty patched bumble bee led to the discovery of a nest in this small hole last summer in Milwaukee County. Eva Lewandowski It’s easy to overlook a hole an inch and a half wide in the middle of the woods, and…

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    50 million and counting

    SNAPSHOT WISCONSINA red fox pair is caught on trail camera in Marquette County. Ryan Bower Fifty million photos. That colossal milestone has now been reached by the Snapshot Wisconsin wildlife monitoring program, thanks to its nearly 2,000 trail…

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    75 Years of Catch and Research

    RYAN BOWEREscanaba Lake anchors the Northern Highland Fishery Research Area, which also includes Nebish, Pallette, Mystery and Spruce lakes. Ryan Bower

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    Rick Kark has paddled more than 300 rivers and streams in Wisconsin. Story by Molly Meister and photos courtesy of Rick Kark Retired physician Rick Kark has what he best describes as “a love affair with rivers.”

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    Legacy of a Legend

    DAVE SCHLABOWSKEHank Aaron took a genuine interest in the state trail named in his honor including attending a 2012 event to kick off a trail extension project. Andrea Zani

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    Get Ready To Go Fish With Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine

    Get a jumpstart on planning for the May 1 general fishing opener with expanded fishing coverage in the Spring issue of Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine.

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    Long list of ‘firsts’ for Wisconsin forestry

    BRYCE BERKLUNDHeather Berklund is the first female chief state forester in Wisconsin, where the first Smokey Bear costume was introduced in 1950. Many of the programs that form the foundation of the DNR’s Division of Forestry began in the early…

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