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    Forest Tax Rates

    Landowners with land in the Managed Forest Law (MFL) and Forest Crop Law (FCL) programs pay MFL and FCL tax rates in lieu of regular property tax rates. MFL tax rates (per acre) The current MFL tax rates were calculated in 2022 for use in 2023…

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    DNR Tax Law Specialists

    Find your local tax law forestry specialist using the Forestry Assistance Locator. A directory of tax law administrative specialists [PDF] is also available.

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    Forest Tax Laws

    The form deadlines below are for the request to be effective the following Jan. 1.

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    Certified Plan Writers

    A certified plan writer is a cooperating forester certified by the DNR to write Managed Forest Law (MFL) plans. Certification is granted to individual foresters, not the company or organization they work for. Certified plan writers are the only…

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    Storm Damage to Forests

    July 2019 severe storm events Recent storm events have led to severe storm damage in many areas across the state. An executive order [PDF exit DNR] declaring a state of emergency was issued for the series of storm events beginning on July 18, 2019,…

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    Professional Organizations

    Many foresters belong to professional forestry organizations. Members of these organizations must meet education standards, follow principles of professional conduct and adhere to a code of ethics.

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    Forest Management Planning for Your Property

    Your Land, Your Legacy The management decisions made by small private woodland owners collectively shape the forested landscape of Wisconsin. Due to the large impact that individual woodland owners have on the landscape, management of private…

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    Other Sources of Forestry Guidance

    American Tree Farm® System

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    Private Forest Lands Open for Public Recreation

    Note: We’re streamlining your experience! Instead of navigating through multiple applications to find lands available for recreation, you’ll now have one convenient spot. The Private Forestry Lands Open for Public Recreation application has been…

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    Tax Law Lands Open to Public Recreation

    var Counties= new Array([1,1,"Adams"],[1,1,"Ashland"],[1,1,"Barron"],[1,1,"Bayfield"],[1,1,"Brown"],[1,1,"Buffalo"],[1,1,"Burnett"],[1,1,"Calumet"],[1,1,"Chippewa"],[1,1,"Clark"],[1,1,"Columbia"],[1,1,"Crawford"],[1,1,"Dane"],[1,1,"Dodge"],[1,1,"…

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