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  • Hearing/Meeting

    Wildlife Rehabilitation Advisory Committee Meeting

    The Wildlife Rehabilitation Advisory Committee will meet to discuss wildlife rehabilitation and SARS-CoV-2, and next steps for the committee.

  • Hearing/Meeting

    DNR Ruffed Grouse Advisory Committee Meeting

    This is the annual meeting of the DNR's Ruffed Grouse Advisory Committee.

  • Webpage

    Snapshot Wisconsin February 2024

    Snapshot Wisconsin trail cameras have collected millions of wildlife images throughout the course of the project, with 72.4% of these wildlife images being deer detections (Snapshot Wisconsin's Data Dashboard).

  • Webpage

    Snapshot Wisconsin May 2024

    The snow has melted, April Showers have brought May flowers and Snapshot is ready for spring! In this newsletter, we cover one of our recent rare species sightings, why certain animals change colors across the seasons, which young animals you’re…

  • Webpage

    Snapshot Wisconsin October 2023

    Happy Arts and Humanities Month, Wisconsin! Recently, Snapshot Wisconsin images have been used in a different way: inspiring artwork! This past summer, the Snapshot Wisconsin team presented at two art workshops that connected communities with…

  • Webpage

    Northern Highland Fishery Research Area

    The Northern Highland Fishery Research Area (NHFRA) provides a suite of experimental lakes for the long-term purposes of monitoring angler behaviors, fish population dynamics, and ecosystem-scale studies to benefit the fisheries of Wisconsin.

  • Webpage

    NHFRA Publications

    The North Highland Fishery Research Area (NHFRA) is committed to producing objective research that is high-priority and high quality. Through this research, our scientists, biologists and technicians provide valuable insights that inform decision-…

  • Webpage

    Research Collaborators

    Staff at the Northern Highland Fishery Research Area (NHFRA) collaborate with universities, anglers, state hatcheries, tribal partners and conservation groups across the state and country to help meet fisheries research needs. These…

  • Webpage

    Fish The NHFRA

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