Storm water publications/guidance
These publications and guidance documents provide technical assistance for developing soil erosion control and storm water management plans, designing storm water management practices, practicing pollution prevention, and planning public education programs. You can find additional materials in the EGAD/SWIMS digital library, a searchable database of electronic policy and guidance materials used in the DNR's water quality programs. The documents and subject pages listed below can also be found in the EGAD/SWIMS system, but have been highlighted here for easier access.
The Modeling Post Construction Storm Water Management Treatment Guidance Document has been updated to provide clarification in establishing numeric credit for storm water treatment and infiltration. Detailed response to comments received during the posting period are also available.
DNR publications and guidance for construction sites & municipalities
Title | Number | Effective date |
Post-Construction Storm water Management Options for Ground-Mounted Solar Array Areas [PDF] | 3800-2023-01 | Feb-24 |
Erosion Control Notes [PDF] | 3800-2019-01 | Oct-19 |
Water Quality Review Procedures for Additives [PDF] | 3400-3800-2019-01 | Oct-19 |
Construction Site Soil Loss and Sediment Discharge [PDF] USLE Model (file contains MS-Excel macro-enabled spreadsheet) [ZIP] | 3800-2017-03 | Sept-17 |
Design Considerations for Post-Construction Performance Standards for Public Trails near Waterways and Wetlands [PDF] | 3800-2017-02 | May-17 |
Wetland Screening and Delineation Procedures [PDF] | 3500-2016-62 | Oct-19 |
Modeling Post-Construction Storm Water Management Treatment [PDF] | 3800-2025-20 | Jan-25 |
Protective Areas for Wetlands [PDF] | 3800-2015-02 | Apr-15 |
Common Plan of Development [PDF] | 3800-2014-02 | Feb-15 |
Uniform Statewide Standards [PDF] | 3800-2014-03 | Oct-14 |
Meeting infiltration performance standard of ch. NR 151 [PDF] | 3800-2013-05 | Mar-14 |
MS4 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination [PDF] | 3800-2012-01 | Mar-12 |
Snow Treatment and Disposal for Municipalities [PDF] | PUBL-WR-154-06REV |
DNR websites with additional construction program information
- Storm water construction technical standards
- Storm water post-construction technical standards
- West Nile Virus and storm water management
DNR publications and guidance for industrial sites
Title | Number | Effective date |
Storm Water Discharge Permit Coverage at Solid Waste Landfills [PDF] | 3800-2021-01 | Aug-21 |
Storage Pile Best Management Practices [PDF] | 3800-1996-01 | Nov-96 |
Industrial Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planning Manual [PDF] | 3800-1994-02 | Sept-94 |
Wisconsin’s Guidance for Industrial Storm Water Sampling [PDF] | 3800-1994-01 | Sept-94 |
UW Extension publications
Exit the DNR web site to order UW Extension storm water publications.
- Order or download Storm water runoff publications [exit DNR]
- Order or download Home and garden clean water practices publications [exit DNR]
- Urban runoff educational publications [exit DNR]
Landscaping with native plants
- Native Plant Nurseries [PDF]
- Restoration Consultants [PDF]
- Storm water basins: Using natural landscaping for water quality & esthetics [PDF exit DNR]
- Rain gardens
US EPA publications
Exit the DNR website to download these publications and read information on storm water management from US EPA web sites:
- Developing Your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide for Construction Sites [PDF exit DNR]
- Urban Storm Water Management in the United States (529 pp) [PDF exit DNR]
- Storm Water Wet Pond and Wetland Management Guidebook (80 pp) [PDF exit DNR]
- EPA Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Handbook Series [exit DNR]
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: A Guidance Manual for Program Development and Technical Assessments [exit DNR]