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Bicycle Trails

Wisconsin State Park System

Biking in the Kettle Moraine State Forest
Biking in the Kettle Moraine State Forest.

Wisconsin's many miles of trails and varied terrain make it an ideal place for bicycling. Wisconsin consistently ranks as one of America's best places to bike.

Types of trails

There are more than one thousand miles of great off-road bicycling opportunities on public lands throughout Wisconsin. Below is a list of designated bicycle trails on Wisconsin DNR properties. There are three different kinds of experiences for bicyclists on Wisconsin's state trails:

  • Bicycle touring trails - Easier trails such as paved or limestone-surfaced former railroad corridors. Generally appropriate for all ability levels and bikes with skinny tires.
  • Off-road bicycle trails - Intermediate-level trails, often in the woods with a variety of surfacing, from native soil to wood chips. Appropriate for families with more adventurous riders and hybrid or mountain bikes.
  • Constructed mountain bike trails - Specially constructed, challenging, narrow-width trails built to the trail standards of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA).

Electric bikes

Class 1 and Class 3 electric bicycles (defined in s. 340.01 (15ph), Wis. Stats.) are allowed on many bicycle trails, but must observe a 15-mile-per-hour speed limit. Electric bicycles are not allowed on any other bicycle trails other than those indicated in the table below. Electric bicycles used without the motor engaged are allowed on all bicycle trails.

Bicycle touring trails

The following list includes state trails and trails 2 or more miles long in state parks, forests and wildlife areas. Some additional parks and forests have shorter connecting trails and many have low-traffic roads, which also are good for bicycling. Most have limestone surfaces that pack down to make for good riding for skinny-tired as well as mountain bikes. Ride attentively—burrowing animals sometimes dig holes in the limestone. Click on the park, forest or trail name for more information.

A dollar sign ($) indicates that bikers age 16 and older must have a state trail pass.

Park, Forest or Trail NameMilesFeeSurfaceElectric bicycles
400 State Trail22$Limestone (7.5 miles have parallel horse trail)Yes
Ahnapee State Trail48--LimestoneYes
Badger State Trail40$Asphalt 6 miles, limestone 34 milesYes
Bearskin State Trail21.5$GraniteYes
Capital City State Trail17$AsphaltYes
Chippewa River State Trail30$Asphalt 10 miles, seal coat 10 milesYes
Devil's River State Trail15--LimestoneYes
Elroy-Sparta State Trail32$LimestoneYes
Fox River State Trail25$Asphalt 5.4 miles, limestone 8.6 milesYes
Friendship State Trail4--LimestoneYes
Gandy Dancer State Trail47$LimestoneYes
Glacial Drumlin State Trail52$Asphalt 7.5 miles, limestone 41.5 milesYes
Great River State Trail24$LimestoneYes
Great Sauk State Trail10.5$AsphaltYes
Green Circle State Trail29--Asphalt and graniteYes
Hank Aaron State Trail12--AsphaltYes
Hillsboro State Trail4$LimestoneYes
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit
Lake to Lake Bike Trail
La Crosse River State Trail22$LimestoneYes
Mascoutin Valley State Trail21--VariesYes
Military Ridge State Trail40$Asphalt 3 miles, limestone 38 milesYes
Mound View State Trail7--AsphaltYes
Mountain-Bay State Trail83$LimestoneYes
Newton-Blackmour State Trail22--LimestoneYes
Oconto River State Trail8--LimestoneYes
Old Abe State Trail20$AsphaltYes
Peninsula State Park
Sunset Bike Trail
Point Beach State Forest
Rawley Point Bike Trail
Red Cedar State Trail15$LimestoneYes
Stower Seven Lakes State Trail14$LimestoneYes
Sugar River State Trail24$Asphalt 1 mile, limestone 22.5 milesYes
Tomorrow River State Trail29$LimestoneYes
White River State Trail16$LimestoneYes
Wild Goose State Trail34--Limestone (4.1 miles have parallel horse trail)Yes
Wiouwash State Trail35$LimestoneYes
Wolf River State Trail14--LimestoneYes

Off-road bicycle trails

These trails are often in the woods with a variety of surfacing, from native soil to wood chips and are appropriate for families with more adventurous riders and hybrid or mountain bikes. These trails are typically unsurfaced trails in state parks, forests or recreation areas or are on former rail lines. 

A dollar sign ($) indicates that bikers age 16 and older must have a state trail pass.

Park, Forest or TrailMiles of trailFeeElectric bicycles
Black River State Forest27$No
Brule River State Forest34--No
Buffalo River State Trail36$No
Copper Falls State Park7--No
Devil's Lake State Park4--No
Flambeau River State Forest15--No
Governor Dodge State Park8$No
Harrington Beach State Park1--No
High Cliff State Park10--No
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Lapham Peak5--No
Kohler-Andrae State Park2.5--No
Lake Wissota State Park11--No
Mirror Lake State Park9--No
Newport State Park15--No
Nicolet State Trail28--No
Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest58$No
Pecatonica State Trail10--No
Peninsula State Park12$No
Point Beach State Forest4--No
Potawatomi State Park8--No
Richard Bong State Recreation Area12$No
Saunders State Trail8--No
Tuscobia State Trail65--No
Wild Rivers State Trail104--No
Wyalusing State Park5--No
Yellowstone Lake State Park3--Yes

Constructed mountain bike trails

The Wisconsin State Park System has several miles of constructed mountain bike trails. Trails are mostly singletrack (where riders need to ride single-file), although some are wide enough to be considered double-track.

A dollar sign ($) indicates that bikers age 16 and older must have a state trail pass.

Park, Forest or TrailMiles of trailFeeElectric bicycles
Blue Mound State Park15.5$Yes
Hartman Creek State Park13.5$No
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit14.5$No
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit54$No
Kinnickinnic State Park10.5--Yes
Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest2 (mixed with non-constructed bike trails)$No
Peninsula State Park9$No
Willow River State Park20--Yes

Local bike clubs throughout the state also construct and maintain mountain bike trails in cooperation with land managers. In northern Wisconsin, the Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association [exit DNR] has developed a system of trails in and around the Chequamegon National Forest.

Winter bicycling

Winter bicycling (including fat biking) is allowed on all Wisconsin DNR trails otherwise open to bicycling unless the trail is a groomed cross-country ski trail or if the local unit of government operating the trail has made a decision, reflected in the property's master plan, to not allow winter bicycling (list of county-operated state trails [PDF] - see the "Trail Operator" column). The locations we're currently aware of where this is the case are Marathon County on the Mountain-Bay State Trail and in Portage and Waupaca counties on the Tomorrow River State Trail. With other non-state bicycle trails, winter bicyclists should first check with the landowner or trail manager about access. For example, some snowmobile trails on county lands are not open to winter bicycling and most snowmobile trails on private land (the majority of Wisconsin snowmobile trails are located on private land) are not open to bicycling of any kind. Trespassing onto snowmobile trails on private lands can have negative consequences, such as closing down of legal trails for all trail users.