Wetland Restoration Handbook for Wisconsin landowners
This new edition of the Wetland Restoration Handbook for Wisconsin Landowners (Second Edition), published by the Wisconsin DNR, continues to encourage responsible and effective restoration of wetlands.

Cover of the Wetland Restoration Handbook for Wisconsin Landowners. Written by Alice L. Thompson and Charles S. Luthin (Publication #SS–989 2004). Published by the Bureau of Science Services
This publication was created in partnership with Wisconsin Wetlands Association. The second edition of the Wetland Restoration Handbook has been awarded the Distinguished Document Award for 2004 by the Wisconsin Library Association (WLA). Wisconsin Wetlands Association and DNR thank Wisconsin Coastal Management Program for providing funding support for this publication.
- Cover, Foreword, Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Wisconsin Wetlands: Wetland Losses and Hope for the Future
- Chapter 2: Getting to Know Your Wetland
- Chapter 3: Assessing Your Wetland´s Potential for Restoration
- Chapter 4: Planning Your Wetland Restoration
- Chapter 5: Seeding and Planting Considerations
- Chapter 6: Invasive Species and Wetland Management
- Chapter 7: What about Regulations?
- Chapter 8: Who Can Help Facilitate My Restoration Work?
- Chapter 9: Implementing the Restoration
- Chapter 10: Immediate Post–Restoration Management
- Chapter 11: Now What? Monitoring and Conservation Activities
- Chapter 12: Wild Rice Community Restoration
- Chapter 13: Learning from Past Experiences: Case Studies from Wisconsin
- Glossary, Appendices, and Back Cover
- Requesting a hard copy
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- Dreux Watermolen