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Development on landfills

The DNR's Remediation and Redevelopment and Waste and Materials Management programs have jointly developed a process and guidance for development on landfills. The process and guidance discuss two general categories of landfills: historic fill sites and licensed landfills.

Historic fill sites are landfills that were built before 1970 and were not licensed by the DNR. In the past, requirements that covered these sites could be confusing and inconsistent, causing interested parties to shy away from building or developing on these properties.

Fact Sheets And Approval Process

The following guidance documents and forms are currently under revision by the DNR.

DNR staff have streamlined and simplified the process to develop on both historic fill sites and licensed landfills. The following fact sheets describe the process:

In addition, the DNR has applications forms for anyone looking to build on a historic fill site or licensed landfill, or to construct a new water supply well near a landfill:

Application submittals and review fees

Facility type Application/Plan submitted to Review fee Code or statutory reference for fees
Historic fill site Remediation and Redevelopment Program $700 Ch. NR 749, Wis. Adm. Code
Licensed landfill without a closure or plan of operation approval Waste and Materials Management Program $700 Ch. NR 749, Wis. Adm. Code
Licensed landfill with a closure or plan of operation approval Waste and Materials Management Program $1,650 Ch. NR 520, Wis. Adm. Code

Information on potential development sites

For information about the locations of landfill sites, visit the Historic Registry of Waste Disposal Sites spreadsheet.

Where to direct questions

For development on historic waste sites, contact the appropriate regional environmental program associate with the Remediation and Redevelopment Program:

For development on closed licensed landfills, contact the appropriate regional landfill engineer with the Waste and Materials Management Program: