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Waste & Materials Management Program announcements and public comment opportunities

Public comment opportunities from the DNR's Waste & Materials Management Program are available on this page. You can also view DNR-wide public hearings, meetings and public comment opportunities.

Current opportunities for public comment

There are no current public comment opportunities.

Waste and Materials Management Program Guidance in public comment

The Waste and Materials Management Program welcomes input on all program guidance. To offer feedback on existing program guidance, email Waste and Materials Management general mailbox. For guidance open for public comment, email the designated contact person.

There are no guidance documents available for public comment.

Landfill feasibility

Solid Waste Landfill Feasibility

Under s. 289.23, Wis. Stats., a landfill owner proposing a new landfill or an expansion of an existing landfill must submit a detailed feasibility report to the DNR. Once the DNR determines the report is complete -- i.e., it contains all the elements required by Wisconsin Administrative Code -- the report and its associated documents are posted on our website for public review and comment. This is also an opportunity for qualified persons to request an informational hearing or a contested case hearing. Section 289.26, Wis. Stats., provides a 30-day deadline for public comments and hearing requests to be submitted.

Chapter NR 512, Wis. Adm. Code, specifies the minimum information that must be included in a feasibility report. This includes:

  • a comprehensive and detailed site-specific geologic and hydrogeologic investigation that includes baseline groundwater quality data;
  • a preliminary engineering design;
  • an environmental analysis is conducted;
  • documentation of the need for the proposed landfill; and
  • an analysis of the alternatives to landfilling, such as waste reduction, reuse, recycling, composting and energy recovery initiatives and services.

After the public comment period has ended, the DNR issues a feasibility determination which, if positive, allows the applicant to proceed with development of a detailed plan of operation for the proposed landfill. The feasibility determination will include a determination of compliance with WEPA and NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code.

Current Opportunities

There are no public comment opportunities related to landfill feasibility at this time.