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Charter participant since 2/5/2016


The Wisconsin Consulting Foresters (WCF) is a non-profit association whose members are professional foresters. They provide forestry consulting services in Wisconsin and pledge to advocate sound, sustainable forestry practices and to advise landowners of the consequences of deviating from these practices. Continuing education, ethics, sound science and sustainability are important pillars for the WCF.

About the charter

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and representatives of Wisconsin's forestry industry negotiated the Green Tier/Wisconsin Consulting Foresters Environmental Results Charter to establish voluntary methods that can be used to improve forest management practices for consistent protection of the State's natural resources. WCF will offer training and a mentoring program that will involve members and college students who are studying forestry. It will also partner with economic development professionals to ensure sound business practices are discussed. Members will benefit by being recognized as a WI Consulting Forester member and charter participant.

This charter will protect the environment by providing for:

  1. Commitment to the protection of water quality, soils and forest productivity
  2. Compliance with government regulations that impact forest management
  3. Conformance with acceptable silvicultural standards
  4. Participation in ongoing training and continuing education
  5. Application of aesthetic management techniques
  6. Development of forest management plans concurrent with existing standards and guidelines
  7. Utilization of sound business management practices
  8. Continuous improvement of alternative regulatory and non-regulatory methods

Join the Charter

It is the Wisconsin Consulting Foresters members that make this organization valuable. This Charter main goals are to share information, mentor and educate not only members but also landowners. They strive to provide a strong voice in State policy as it relates to Consulting Forester profession, and they set the standard for ethics and sustainable forestry practices in Wisconsin.

Join us at the WCF [exit DNR] site.

Charter Participants

Wisconsin Consulting Forester was formed in 2002 to represent consulting foresters in Wisconsin. The group formed on the foundation of promoting high ethical standards of forest management. The key feature of WCF's development was a commitment to provide forestry services to landowners whose objective was to practice sustainable forestry. WCF members developed a Code of Ethics and pledged not to compromise sound forest management principles for personal gain, nor the short-term monetary gain of clients. This Code of Ethics continues as the backbone of WCF today. Interested in learning more or hiring a Wisconsin Consulting Forester? Please contact a WCF forester in your service area. Find a forester at the WCF [exit DNR] site.


Annual report


DNR contact Company contact
Ron Gropp
101 S Webster St - FR/4
PO Box 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921
Kimberly Destree
Vice Chair
Quast Forestry Consulting LLC
PO Box 134
Rosendale WI 54974
WI Consulting Foresters [exit DNR]