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    County Conservation Aids

    County conservation grants provide financial assistance to enhance county/tribal fish and wildlife programs.

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    Federal Clean Vessel Act grant program

    The Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Program is a nationwide competitive federal grant program that provides funding to states as part of an effort to clean up the nation's waterways. Nationwide, the program receives about $10 million annually. Funding for…

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    Recycling Consolidation Grant to responsible units

    The Recycling Consolidation Grant is available in addition to the basic Recycling Grant. This grant program was created in the state 2011-13 Budget to offer supplemental assistance for Responsible Units (e.g. cities, towns, villages, counties,…

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    Clean Diesel Grant Programs

    The 2021 Wisconsin Clean Diesel Grant is now available. To be eligible, application packages must be emailed by 5 p.m. on Jan. 7, 2022. Further instructions and application materials are available in the 'Available Grants' section below…

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    Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) Program

    The purpose of BIG is to construct, renovate, and maintain boating infrastructure facilities for transient recreational vessels at least 26 feet long. Applications are due annually by June 1.

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    Grant awards by program

    All Terrain/Utility Terrain VehiclesAngler R3Boating Infrastructure Program GrantClean Vessel Grants

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