The Angler Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation (Angler R3) grant program provides financial assistance to partners who conduct Angler R3 programs and activities in Wisconsin. Funding is provided through the Dingell-Johnson Sportfish…
Counties, cities, villages, townships, other governmental agencies or units, clubs or organizations and educational institutions can apply for assistance in outdoor shooting range construction, including backstops and berms, target holders, shooting…
The system houses information on over 1,000 grant programs. Many additional state and federal agencies and organizations have loan and grant programs that you can explore.
The Learn to Hunt Reimbursement Program helps sponsors of Learn to Hunt events cover the costs of their program, up to $25 per student.Reimbursement requests for fall and spring Learn to Hunt events must be submitted by June 1.
Formerly known as the Hunter Recruitment, Development, Training and Education Grant Program In order to focus hunter training, development and education programs on adults, females and families, DNR has developed this new grant opportunity. There…
When to e-ReportEffective January 2018, all municipalities permitted under the WPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program submitting MS4 permit documents, including the Annual Reports due by March 31 each calendar year, must use the…
Methamphetamine (meth) made in makeshift laboratories, such as rented apartments or hotel rooms, may cause contamination of indoor air and property and pose a risk of fire or explosion. When law enforcement officials seize a meth lab, containers and…
A "certified operator" is an individual who has met the requirements of Chapter NR 114, Wisconsin Administrative Code, and has been issued a certificate by the DNR to operate one or more of the classifications of wastewater treatment plants.
Ch. NR 114, 499 and 524 Wis. Adm. Code require an operator to earn continuing education credits to maintain an active certification. These continuing education requirements are designed to help operators keep current on new requirements and…
Small water system operators work at an "other than municipal" (OTM) community water system or a non–transient non–community (NN) water system. OTM systems serve groups of 25 or more year-round residents; they can include mobile home parks,…