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Shooting Range Grant Program

Counties, cities, villages, townships, other governmental agencies or units, clubs or organizations, businesses or corporations and educational institutions can apply for assistance in outdoor shooting range construction, including backstops and berms, target holders, shooting benches, baffles, protective fencing, signs, trenches, gun racks, platforms, restrooms and other items considered essential for the project by the department. Indoor ranges may be eligible as well, including classroom, storage and restroom facilities.

This grant program is administered as a reimbursement program. This means you must incur and pay all costs associated with the project before seeking reimbursement from DNR. No grant advances are possible. It is possible for grantees to request partial (quarterly) reimbursements of the DNR during the life of the project. Please see the Shooting Range Grant Program Guidance and Application Instructions.

**Beginning in 2023 the yearly application deadline will be July 15**

NEW: Applicants with telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment in their project budget will need to follow 2 CFR 200.216. See Section V, F of the program guidance for more information on this requirement. A link to the program guidance is found under the Applying tab

Send applications to:

Applicants must have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) number instead of a DUNS number to apply. A UEI number can be obtained by going to

Who can apply

Eligible applicants

Counties, cities, villages, townships, other governmental agencies or units, clubs or organizations, businesses or corporations and educational institutions can apply for these grants.

Eligible items

Eligible items

  • Outdoor range construction, including backstops and berms, target holders, shooting benches, baffles, protective fencing, signs, trenches, gun racks, platforms, restrooms and other items considered essential for the project by the department.
  • Indoor ranges, when it is determined by the department they are needed, including classroom, storage and restroom facilities.

Ineligible items

  • Construction of clubhouses and facilities not essential to the operation of the shooting range.
  • Operation and maintenance of the range.

NOTE: Please see the Program Guidance under Applying tab for more information.



Yearly application deadline: July 15th

You will receive an acknowledgement of your submittal within 3-buisness days of the deadline. Please contact the program manager if you have not received acknowlegement.

Send completed applications to:

Trouble downloading PDF forms? See: Troubleshooting tips

To be an eligible applicant, application and all required supporting documentation must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date.

Submit application packages to

If this application cannot be submitted electronically, please contact Grant Program manager Sarah Brenner.

Before Applying

Complete and submit the following documents:

Trouble downloading PDF forms? See: Troubleshooting tips

Reimbursement Materials

All forms, worksheets, photos, and payment documentation must be complete and submitted with each reimbursement request.

NOTE: All costs incurred must include copies of invoices and proof of payment. Donated Professional Services and materials shall be determined by market value and be established by an invoice.


Federal Regulation and Wisconsin State Statute:


Contact information

For more information on shooting range grants, including application forms and instructions, please contact:

Sarah Brenner
Program Grant Manager

Brett Johanen
Statewide Public Shooting Range Manager