Enforcement | Recreation | Regulations | Safety | Snowmobile
With winter officially in full swing in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds snowmobilers that safety is key for the best ride.
Events | Recreation | Wildlife Habitat
Wisconsin’s longest-running bald eagle watching extravaganza is going virtual for 2021, with programming available throughout January and February. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Sauk Prairie area’s Bald Eagle Watching Days will be livestreamed. Bald eagle lovers will be able to see their favorite parts of this annual event from the comfort and safety of their own home during its 35th year.
About/General | Environmental Protection | Monitoring | Regulations | Public Input
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to issue a permit for the "incidental taking" of a rare lizard, which may result from the Lido Development and Golf Course construction project. Incidental take refers to the unintentional loss of individual endangered or threatened animals or plants that does not put the species' overall population at risk.
About/General | Recreation | Forest Health
Temporary trail closures to the northern half of Potawatomi State Park's trail system are in immediate effect while logging operations are underway to improve safety for visitors and the health of the ecosystem.
Enforcement | Environmental Protection | Monitoring | Regulations | Hunt
Hunters, farmers, foresters and anyone interested in Wisconsin’s deer herd can help shape deer management in Wisconsin. Now through Jan. 13, 2021, the public is invited to comment on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) herd size objectives and deer management unit boundaries for the next three years.