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Lakeshore State Park

Lakeshore State Park


In the heart of downtown Milwaukee, Lakeshore State Park provides a unique urban oasis with recreational and educational opportunities geared to the urban population. Lakeshore State Park offers great views of the city and Lake Michigan and has a reservable, overnight boat slip.



  43.031156, -87.894858

County: Milwaukee

  • Event

    History of Lakeshore State Park Hike / Caminata histórica del parque estatal Lakeshore (bilingual)


    Learn about the history and construction of Lakeshore, Wisconsin’s only human-built, urban state park. We will walk a complete loop of the park, stopping to talk about the changing landscape along the way. Meet at the Park’s north entrance, just…

  • Event

    Sunset Hike / Caminata al puesto del sol (bilingual)


    Summer is in full bloom! Join Lakeshore State Park staff on a leisurely walk around the park as you let your senses engage in the sights, sounds and smells of summer and relax as the sunsets. Meet at the Park’s north entrance, just west of Discovery…

  • Event

    Prairie Phenology Hike


    Join us for our monthly prairie walk. Discover what’s currently blooming as the plants and animals of Lakeshore State Park welcome summer. This program is for individuals of all ages and abilities. Meet at the north entrance Casi cada cultura del…

  • Event

    Summer Solstice Sunset Hike / Caminata al puesto del sol para el Solsticio de Verano (bilingual)


    Nearly every culture in the world celebrates the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year when the sun is the highest peak in the sky. As we enjoy a beautiful sunset, come walk and reflect on your own personal zeniths. Set intentions for…

  • Event

    Father's Day Fishing Clinic / Aprender a pescar con Papá para el Día del padre (bilingual)


    Try a classic Father’s Day activity: fishing! Our staff will show you the ropes while you and your father figure spend some quality time together. No fishing license is required for children 15 years old and younger. All supplies will be provided…

  • Event

    Fossil Hike / Caminata de fósiles (bilingual)


    What does Lakeshore State Park have to do with Niagara Falls? Come find out and learn some Wisconsin geological history as you explore the Lannon stone lining the park searching for fossilized coral, trilobites, brachiopods, and cephalopods. Meet at…

  • Event

    Pollinator Hike


    Join our naturalist on a walk through Lakeshore State Park to view the many plants that benefit pollinators and learn what you can do to help our helpful insects. Meet at the north entrance. All ages and abilities are welcome! ¿Qué tiene que ver el…

  • Event

    Wild Edible Plants / Plantas silvestres comestibles (bilingual)


    Learn which of Lakeshore’s plants are edible, and how they can be used in cooking. Learn which plants to avoid eating, and which ones have been used as medicine. Meet at the Park’s north entrance, just west of Discovery World. All ages and abilities…

  • Event

    Beach ‘Bonfire’


    Stop by the pebble beach, make a s’more, warm up by the fire and meet the park staff on your stroll through the park! Donations to the Friends of Lakeshore State Park to support these events are welcomed but not required. These activities are geared…

  • Event

    Rainbow Scavenger Hunt


    Try to find a natural item for every color of the rainbow! Once found, draw and record it as we make our way through the park, and learn about what you found from park staff. Meet at the Park’s north entrance, just west of Discovery World. We will…

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