Learn to Hunt Bear
Bear hunting experience for novice hunters
Beginning in 2005, the Wisconsin DNR began offering Learn to Hunt Bear opportunities for novice hunters. The Learn to Hunt Bear Program (LTHB) is another opportunity to provide a unique, safe and memorable outdoor experience to novice hunters who would not otherwise get the chance to hunt bear. The LTHB Program represents the opportunity of a lifetime for a novice hunter.
Working in partnership with many dedicated bear hunters and local conservation organizations, successful LTHB events have been held across the northern half of Wisconsin annually.
Program Goals
- Provide a unique, safe and memorable outdoor experience to novice hunters who would not otherwise get the chance to hunt bear.
- To teach novice hunters about the habits of a bear, how to read bear signs, check baits, track and handle hounds, use proper shooting techniques and safely handle firearms.
- To provide an opportunity for experienced bear hunters to contribute to overall conservation efforts by giving something back to the hunting heritage by recruiting the next generation of safe, legal, ethical and responsible hunters to carry on the bear hunting tradition.
- Use bear hunting as a gateway to interest participants in other types of hunting.
- Inform and educate the public to generate continued interest and support for bear hunting.
Learn to Hunt Bear Participants
Wisconsin DNR conservation partners and qualified instructors host a limited number of LTHB programs across northern Wisconsin each year. The number of LTHB participants selected each year is based on the number of programs provided. Submitting a LTHB participant application does not guarantee a spot in the program.
If you are interested in being a participant in a LTHB program, please review the guidelines [PDF]. To apply, click the link and fill out the web form completely. Upon hitting submit, it will be automatically routed to the state LTH coordinator. Applications to participate in a LTHB program must be submitted by May 1 each year.
Learn to Hunt Bear Instructors
It takes a hunter to make a hunter. We need experienced instructors to assist in conducting LTHB programs. Experienced instructors are the most important ingredient in the future of bear hunting in Wisconsin. If you have five years of bear hunting experience and want to share your hunting experience with a novice hunter, please review the guidelines [PDF], complete the Form 4100-217 mentor application [PDF] and mail it anytime. If you belong to a club or organization with a mission to support hunting and would like to host a LTHB program, please contact the state LTH Coordinator by May 1 to provide a program in that year.
For more information contact
State Learn to Hunt Coordinator
Learn to Hunt Bear Program
2421 Darwin Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Tel: (608) 445-8168