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Wetlands benefit people and nature

Wetlands are nurseries for fish and wildlife, purifiers for lakes, rivers and groundwater, and storage for floodwaters. They’re also playgrounds for birders, hikers, hunters and paddlers, and a storehouse for carbon, one of the greenhouse gases fueling climate change. Please help protect, restore and explore Wisconsin’s wetland wonders.

Wetland Identification, Delineation, Permitting, and Mitigation

Apply for a wetland permit in ePermitting

Wetland Restoration and Management

Discover wetland restoration tools and opportunities.

Wetland Mapping

Search the Wisconsin Wetland Inventory and Wetland Indicator maps to identify.

Wetland Functional Values and Ecology

Explore resources for a variety of wetland research, ecology, and assessment topics.

Wetland Monitoring & Assessment

Review research and tools related to monitoring and assessing wetland condition and functional values.

Wetland Permitting Dashboard

Explore data and trends for wetland permitting, restoration, and mitigation.
Wetland Permitting Dashboard

Wisconsin Wetland Study Council

The Wetland Study Council makes policy recommendations for wetland issues.
Wisconsin Wetland Study Council

Drain Tile Activities

Learn whether your proposed drain tile project requires DNR approvals.
Drain Tile Activities

Assured Wetland Delineator Program

Apply to become a DNR assured wetland delineator.
Assured Wetland Delineator Program

Wetland Permits on Public Notice

Search for wetland permit applications that are on public notice.
Wetland Permits on Public Notice

Wisconsin Wetland Conservation Trust

DNR’s wetland mitigation and restoration program has protected over 1,000 acres of wetlands.
Wisconsin Wetland Conservation Trust