Precipitation data for CMAR reporting
Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR)
eCMAR Section m: Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems, requires that you enter precipitation data in Question #3. You are asked to enter the “Total Actual Amount of Precipitation Last Year,” and the “Annual Average Precipitation (for your location).” Listed below are links to this data.
Total actual amount of precipitation
Total precipitation is the entire amount of precipitation (including snow equated to a water equivalent) that has fallen for the calendar year (Jan. 1 through Dec. 31). Precipitation data you have collected or from other sources such as the Wisconsin State Climatology Office, National Weather Service, local airport or other approved source of precipitation information within close proximity of your facility’s location for the calendar year is acceptable. Enter the Total Actual Amount of Precipitation in Question #3 of the collection system section of your eCMAR.
- 2024 Wisconsin State Climatology Office Data [PDF]. Select your community (if listed) and associated precipitation data.
Normal (historical) precipitation
Use data from your closest weather station to find the annual normal precipitation. Enter the Normal Historical Precipitation data in Question #3 of the collection system section of your eCMAR.
- National Climatic Data Center 1991-2020 Wisconsin station normals [PDF]. Select your community (if listed) and associated precipitation data.