Water Recreation
Council Grounds State Park
The 217-foot beach has an expansive sunning area and a picnic area. The best time for swimming is mid-June through mid-August. Lifeguards are not provided.
Boating, canoeing and kayaking
A dam on the Wisconsin River at Council Grounds forms Lake Alexander. Boating and water skiing are popular on the lake. The park has a boat landing near the accessible fishing pier and beach.
Kayak and stand-up paddleboard rentals are available at the park office. There is an adaptive kayak available through the rental program.
A rack for visitors to store their paddle watercraft during their stay is available near the lower portage below the dam. Paddlers traveling the Great Pineries Heritage Waterway and paddlers already camping in the park will find that the family campground is a short 0.25-mile walk from the portage.